Ida-Maja Hassellöv

Professor at Transport, Energy and Environment

Hassellöv’s research interests are broad with respect to impact of human activities, especially shipping, on the marine environment. Beside holistic assessments of the environmental impact of shipping, she is dedicated to inter- and transdisciplinary projects concerning e.g. shipwreck risk assessment or seawater scrubbing, an exhaust gas treatment method.

Hassellöv holds a PhD, specializing in marine chemistry, from University of Gothenburg in 2006. Since 2020 she is chairing the ICES Working Group on Shipping Impacts in the Marine Environment and contributes to the UN World Ocean Assessments.

Image of Ida-Maja Hassellöv

Showing 72 publications


Applying quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models to extend the mixture toxicity prediction of scrubber water

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Mikael Gustavsson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
Environmental Pollution. Vol. 366
Journal article

Projected changes of the emission and transport of organic pollutants and metals from shipping in European seas 2018–2050

Manuel Aghito, E. Majamäki, Risto Hänninen et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 211
Journal article

The contribution of shipping to the emission of water and air pollutants in the northern Adriatic Sea - current and future scenarios

L. Calgaro, Martina Cecchetto, E. Giubilato et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 212
Journal article

Sampling strategy, quantification, characterization and hazard potential assessment of greywater from ships in the Baltic Sea

Jenette Mujingni, Erik Ytreberg, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 208
Journal article

Strong economic incentives of ship scrubbers promoting pollution

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, T. Grönholm et al
Nature Sustainability. Vol. 7 (6), p. 812-822
Journal article

Marine ecosystem-based management: challenges remain, yet solutions exist, and progress is occurring

J. B. Haugen, J. S. Link, K. Cribari et al
NPJ Ocean Sustainability. Vol. 3 (1)
Journal article

Strategic development of environmental impact assessment decision support tool for offshore energy enables decreased costs, increased utilization, and quality

Andreas Olsson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Oskar Frånberg
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. Vol. 60
Journal article

Exposure to closed-loop scrubber washwater alters biodiversity, reproduction, and grazing of marine zooplankton

Christina Jönander, Jenny Egardt, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 10
Journal article

Hydrographical implications of ship-induced turbulence in stratified waters, studied through field observations and CFD modelling

Amanda Nylund, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Anders Tengberg et al
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 10
Journal article

Economic incentives and technological limitations govern environmental impact of LNG feeder vessels

Axel Hörteborn, Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 429
Journal article

EMERGE deliverable 2.4. Multivariate prediction of scrubber water toxicity

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Mikael Gustavsson, Erik Ytreberg et al

EMERGE deliverable 6.1. Baltic and North Sea report

Erik Ytreberg, Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al

Characterization of scrubber water discharges from ships using comprehensive suspect screening strategies based on GC-APCI-HRMS

Elisa García-Gómez, G. Gkotsis, M. C. Nika et al
Chemosphere. Vol. 343
Journal article

Cumulative environmental risk assessment of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from ship activities in ports

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, J. P. Jalkanen et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 189
Journal article

Regulation of ships at anchor: Safety and environmental implications

Gabriela Argüello, Niels Krabbe, D. Langlet et al
Marine Policy. Vol. 140
Journal article

Metal and PAH loads from ships and boats, relative other sources, in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Katarina Hansson, Anna Lunde Hermansson et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 182
Journal article

Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental and Health Impacts of Shipping Emissions

J. Kukkonen, Erik Fridell, J. P. Jalkanen et al
Springer Proceedings in Complexity, p. 329-336
Paper in proceeding

Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping

Jana Moldanova, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Volker Matthias et al
Ambio. Vol. 51 (3), p. 754-769
Journal article

Scrubber Technology: Bad News for the Marine Environment

Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Regulation of Risk: Transport, Trade and Environment in Perspective, p. 353-368
Book chapter

In situ observations of turbulent ship wakes and their spatiotemporal extent

Amanda Nylund, Lars Arneborg, Anders Tengberg et al
Ocean Science. Vol. 17 (5), p. 1285-1302
Journal article

Effects of seawater scrubbing on a microplanktonic community during a summer-bloom in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Maria Karlberg, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
Environmental Pollution. Vol. 291
Journal article

Modelling spatial dispersion of contaminants from shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea

Ilja Maljutenko, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Martin Eriksson et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 173
Journal article

Comparing emissions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and metals from marine fuels and scrubbers

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Jana Moldanova et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 97
Journal article

Deep learning for deep waters: An expert-in-the-loop machine learning framework for marine sciences

Igor Ryazanov, Amanda Nylund, Debabrota Basu et al
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 9 (2), p. 1-18
Journal article

Modelling of discharges from baltic sea shipping

J. P. Jalkanen, L. Johansson, Magda Wilewska-Bien et al
Ocean Science. Vol. 17 (3), p. 699-728
Journal article

Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Martin Eriksson, Ilja Maljutenko et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 152
Journal article

Modellering av omblandning i fartygs kölvatten, för ökad förståelse av belastning på havsmiljön till följd av utsläpp från fartyg

Amanda Nylund, Rickard Bensow, Mattias Liefvendahl et al
Report - The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

ICES Viewpoint background document: Impact from exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) on the marine environment (Ad hoc).

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Marja Koski, Katja Broeg et al
Report - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

Tankrengöring och dess påverkan på havsmiljön

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Report - Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment

Use of port State control inspection data from the Paris MoU to assess pressure from shipping on the marine environment

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Kjell Larsson, Nefeli Simopoulou et al
Report - Lighthouse - Swedish Maritime Competence Centre

Effekter på havsmiljön av att flytta över godstransporter från vägtrafik till sjöfart

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Kjell Larsson, Eva-Lotta Sundblad
Report - Havsmiljöinstitutet

Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

Urmas Raudsepp, Ilja Maljutenko, Mariliis Kouts et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 671, p. 189-207
Journal article

A state-of-the-art model for spatial and stochastic oil spill risk assessment: A case study of oil spill from a shipwreck

Payam Amir Heidari, Lars Arneborg, Fredrik Lindgren et al
Environment International. Vol. 126, p. 309-320
Journal article

Effects of scrubber washwater discharge on microplankton in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Amanda Nylund et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 145, p. 316-324
Journal article

The potential future contribution of shipping to acidification of the Baltic Sea

David R. Turner, Moa Edman, Julian A. Gallego-Urrea et al
Ambio. Vol. 47 (3), p. 368-378
Journal article

Många frågetecken kvarstår kring storskalig skrubberanvändning

Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Åtgärder för att minska sjöfartens påverkan på havsmiljön. Havsmiljöinstitutets rapport 2017:2, p. 12-
Book chapter

Quantification of Oil Spill Risk

D.S Etkin, D French McCay, M Horn et al
Oil spill science and technology, p. 71-183
Book chapter

Induced tolerance in situ to chronically PAH exposed ammonium oxidizers

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Jenny Rattfelt Nyholm et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 120 (1-2), p. 333-339
Journal article

Expert elicitation for deriving input data for probabilistic risk assessment of shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Jenny Norrman, Andreas Lindhe et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 125 (1-2), p. 399-415
Journal article

Shipping and the environment: Smokestack emissions, scrubbers and unregulated oceanic consequences

David R. Turner, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Erik Ytreberg et al
Elementa. Vol. 5
Journal article

Sustainable management of oil polluting wrecks and chemical munitions dump sites

Anders Tengberg, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Hanna Landquist et al
OCEANS 2017 - ABERDEEN. Vol. 2017-October
Paper in proceeding

Bayesian updating in a fault tree model for shipwreck risk assessment

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 590-591, p. 80-91
Journal article

VRAKA—A Probabilistic Risk Assessment Method for Potentially Polluting Shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Frontiers in Environmental Science. Vol. 4
Journal article

Low concentrations of PAHs induce tolerance in nitrifying bacteria

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Hanna Landquist et al
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 2 (35), p. 1-7
Journal article

Miljörisker sjunkna vrak II. Undersökningsmetoder och miljöaspekter

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ulf Olsson, Göran Ekberg et al

A fault tree model to assess probability of contaminant discharge from shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 88 (1-2), p. 239-248
Journal article

Även lite olja kan göra stor skada i havsmiljön

Kjell Larsson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Sjöfarten kring Sverige och dess påverkan på havsmiljön, p. 2-9
Book chapter

PAH effects on meio- and microbial benthic communities strongly depend on bioavailability

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Aquatic Toxicology. Vol. 146, p. 230-238
Journal article

VRAKA - Riskbedömning av potentiellt miljöfarliga fartygsvrak

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Geo Arena - mötesplats geologi. Uppsala 13-15 oktober. 2014
Conference poster

Miljörisker sjunkna vrak

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ulf Olsson, Göran Ekberg et al

Remote sensing for risk analysis of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean

Malin Johansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Leif Eriksson et al
EGU 2014, 27 April - 2 Maj, Wien, Austria
Conference poster

Risk analysis of oil spill in the Arctic Ocean

Malin Johansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Leif Eriksson et al
Arctic Frontiers 2014, 19-24 January, Tromsø, Norway
Conference poster

Shipping contributes to ocean acidification

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, David R. Turner, A. Lauer et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 40 (11), p. 2731-2736
Journal article

Remote sensing for risk analysis of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean

Malin Johansson, Leif Eriksson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, 9 - 13 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK
Other conference contribution

Evaluating the needs of risk assessment methods of potentially polluting shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Lars Rosen et al
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 119, p. 85-92
Journal article

Analyzing changes in sediment meiofauna communities using the image analysis software ZooImage

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 440, p. 74-80
Journal article

Meiofaunal and bacterial community response to diesel additions in a microcosm study

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 64 (3), p. 595-601
Journal article

Environmental Risk Assessment of Shipwrecks: a fault-tree model to assess probability of contaminant release

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting
Conference poster

Verification of a benthic boxcosm system with potential for extrapolating experimental results to the field

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Stefan Agrenius, Sverker Molander et al
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 353 (2), p. 265-278
Journal article

Seawater scrubbing - reduction of SOx emissions from ship exhausts

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, David R. Turner

Insights on geochemical cycling of U, Re and Mo from seasonal sampling in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, USA

Jennifer L. Morford, William R. Martin, Linda H. Kalnejais et al
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 71 (4), p. 895-917
Journal article

Biogeochemical response of an intact coastal sediment to organic matter input: a multivariate approach

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Per Hall, Ingela Dahllöf
Marine Ecology - Progress Series. Vol. 342, p. 15-25
Journal article

Effect on marine sediment nitrogen fluxes caused by organic matter enrichment with varying organic carbon structure and nitrogen content

Ingela Dahllöf, Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Marine Chemistry. Vol. 94 (1-4), p. 17-26
Journal article

Factors influencing organic carbon recycling and burial in Skagerrak sediments

Henrik Ståhl, Anders Tengberg, Jenny Brunnegård et al
Journal of Marine Research. Vol. 62 (6), p. 867-907
Journal article

Sampling marine pore waters for Mn, Fe, U, Re and Mo: Modifications on diffusional equilibration thin film gel probes

Jennifer L. Morford, Linda H. Kalnejais, William R. Martin et al
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 285-286, p. 85-103
Journal article

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Showing 42 research projects


YOLO algorithm for shipping waste discharges detection at Swedish waters based on fused satellite images with ship AIS data

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Leif Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Selpi Selpi Data Science and AI 1
AoA Transport


Förbättrad kunskap om utsläpp av farliga ämnen från sjöfarten i Ospar-regionen (Nordostatlanten)

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Roland Pfeiffer Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

1 publication exists

CLEAR - AI techniques to monitor sailing anomalies and its impact based on AIS & related data

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Leon Boschman E-commons
Chi Zhang Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration


SEAS-Samhällsekonomiska analyser för sjötransporter

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Roland Pfeiffer Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Transport Administration


Samhällsekonomisk analys av sjöfartens samlade belastning på havsmiljön (SHIPCOST)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Roland Pfeiffer Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Transport Administration

1 publication exists

Impact of Scrubbers on Seafarers Health and Safety: A Feasibility Study

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus


Characterization of grey water, external environmental costs and cost-effective measures for reduced environmental impact

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Transport Agency


EXIT - Externa kostnader, styrmedel och kostnadseffektiva åtgärder för att nå en hållbar sjöfart

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rasmus Parsmo Maritime Studies
Selma Brynolf Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Transport Administration

3 publications exist

Review on scrubber discharge water and hybrid fuels, derivation of an indicator for copper in marine sediments and expert support at ICES WG SHIP

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Lagerström Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

1 publication exists

Sustainable shipping

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

4 publications exist

Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (EMERGE)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
European Commission (EC)

20 publications exist

Satellite observations of submesoscale ocean surface dynamics

Leif Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Lars Ulander Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Anis Elyouncha Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish National Space Board

5 publications exist

Quantifying the ecological and evolutionary cost of chemical mixtures

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists

Pre-study: Chemical discharges from tank cleaning operations

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

1 publication exists

Pre-study: Deep Learning for Deep Water

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Alexander Schliep Data Science
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Debabrota Basu Data Science

2 publications exist

Better environmental performance in shipping and improved onboard practices

Fredrik Olindersson Maritime Studies
Kjell Saebbö Nautical Studies
Christopher Anderberg Nautical Studies
Mehran Javadi Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Telestam Nautical Studies
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management


Pre-study: Analysis of Paris MoU in relation to the environmental impact from shipping and its competitive neutrality

Nefeli Simopoulou Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences

1 publication exists

Effects on the marine environment when increasing the share of maritime transport compared to road transport

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
National Environmental Objectives' Committee

1 publication exists

Effects of ship emissions on plankton communities

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
University of California at Irvine (UCI)

1 publication exists

Ships at Anchor Wait

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Unknown organization
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences


Standardization in Subsea Technology

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences


Effects of ship induced vertical mixing in ship lanes

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anders Tengberg Maritime Environmental Sciences

2 publications exist

Oil spill modelling and coupling to the risk assessment model Vraka

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Sharif University of Technology


Pre-study of research and societal needs for a test bed for hydrographic surveying

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Leif Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Vilhelm Verendel Data Science Research Engineers


Pre-studie on the acquisition of a national AUV for use by all Swedish agencies with interest in underwater activities

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management


Decision Aid for Marine Munitions (DAIMON)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Anders Tengberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
European Commission (EC)


Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)

Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Martin Eriksson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Magda Wilewska-Bien Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Baltic Organisations' Network for Funding Science EEIG (BONUS)

4 publications exist

Joint University Project ZERO.8

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Zero Vision Tool


Environmental risks posed by sunken wrecks II

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Anders Tengberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Hanna Landquist Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)


Sunken wreck environmental risk assessment (SWERA)

Hanna Landquist Maritime Environmental Sciences
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
European Commission (EC)
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)


Pre-study on ship propulsion induced pollutant transport in the river Göta Älv

Mia Bondelind Water Environment Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Bengt Liljebladh Unknown organization
Torsten Linders Unknown organization
Lars Arneborg Unknown organization
Olof Bergstedt Water Environment Technology
The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR)


Environmental risks posed by sunken wrecks

Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Hanna Landquist Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)


Ecotoxicological effects of seawater scrubbing and its relation to ocean acidification

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences

3 publications exist

Commercial shipping as a source of acidification in the Baltic Sea (SHipH)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences

2 publications exist

Sustainable Shipping in the Arctic – Assessment of environmental effects of oil spill supported by satellite remote sensing

Leif Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Malin Johansson Maritime Environment
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences


Verification of VRAKA, Part1: Assessment of the probability of leakage of oil from potentially pollution shipwrecks

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Innovationskontor Väst


A scrubber module for studies of seawater scrubbing – an abatement method for ship exhausts

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus


Shipping and ocean acidification

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences


BioFoulControl - Development of innovative and sustainable technology for control of marine biofouling on heat exchangers of vessels with ozone technology

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Bertil Axelsson Maritime Environment
Sven Lyngfelt Division of Maritime Operations
European Commission (EC)


Development of a protocol for risk assessment of potentially polluting shipwrecks in Scandinavian waters

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology


Pre-study on ship wreck assessment and remediation

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Stena Bulk

1 publication exists

Seawater scrubbing – reduction of SOX emissions from ship exhausts

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Stena Shipping AB

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