Mats Karlsson
Showing 18 publications
The influence of parameter variability on subsidence
Permanent Sheet Pile Wall in Soft Sensitive Clay
Modelling pile installation in soft natural clays
Simulation of CPT penetration in sensitive clay
Experience from short-and long-term performance of deep excavations in soft sensitive clays
Modelling the construction and long-term response of Göta Tunnel
Evolution of Undrained Strength Under a Test Embankment
Modelling of undrained shearing of soft natural clays
Risk Mapping of Groundwater-Drawdown-Induced Land Subsidence in Heterogeneous Soils on Large Areas
Modeling Aging of Displacement Piles in Natural Soft Clay
Benchmarking of a contemporary soil model for simulation of deep excavations in soft clay
On the benefits of incorporating anisotropy in stability analyses in sensitive clays
Evaluation of temperature controlled oedometer test apparatus
Consequences of sample disturbance when predicting long-term settlements in soft clay
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Showing 18 research projects
Testområde på lös lera - Karakterisering
Rate-dependent response of excavations and permanent underground structures
Modellering av tidsberoende grundvattensänkning, markdeformationer och dess skaderisker
BIG A2020-09 Simple analyses of slopes in a changing climate
Djupstabilisering i stadsmiljö
Efficient computational modelling for sustainable use of deep mixing in urban environment
BIG Designing test embankments on deep deposits of soft clay
Tidsberoende effekter av schakt i lös lera
Changes in soft soil properties with time (Provbelastning av bank)
Effects of climate change on slope stability in sensitive clays
The environmental impact of deep excavations in soft clays
Effects of climate change on soft clay slopes
Avancerad modellering av djup schakt för tunnel inom Marieholmsförbindelsen
Parameter- och modellval för numeriska beräkningar i lös lera - Best practice (BEST SOIL)
On the fundamental relation between soil creep and cyclic pile-soil response
Nyttan av förbättrade fältundersökningar - blockprovtagare
Geothermal foundations in soft clays