Wolfgang Kropp
Wolfgang Kropp is a professor at the Division of applied acoustics, Department of architecture and civil engineering. His research interests include tyre/roadway interaction, wheel/rail interaction, urban sound planning and building acoustics. He is particularly interested in structure-borne sound and time domain formulations in acoustics.

Showing 159 publications
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a slab track
On the Influence of AVAS Directivity on Electric Vehicle Speed Perception
Transient Modelling of Curve Squeal Considering Varying Contact Conditions
Auralization of electric vehicles for the perceptual evaluation of acoustic vehicle alerting systems
Subjective evaluation of impact sound from footsteps
A time-domain model for railway rolling noise
A model study of low-frequency noise exposure indoors due to road traffic
On the efficient simulation of pass-by noise signals from railway wheels
Model-based estimation of rail roughness from axle box acceleration
Using track-elasticity for noise mitigation on low-vibration track
Measurement, Simulation and Auralization of Indoor Road Traffic Noise
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a railway track
A virtual design studio for low frequency impact sound from walking
The Influence of Track Parameters on the Sound Radiation from Slab Tracks
The low-noise potential of low-vibration track
Investigating Low Frequency Sound from Traffic in a Living Room Lab
The application of dither to mitigate curve squeal
How can we plan for a good urban sound environment, focusing on road traffic noise?
Auralization of simulated tyre noise: Psychoacoustic validation of a combined model
Modelling tyre noise in finite element simulations for pass-by noise predictions
The application of dither for suppressing curve squeal
The influence of tyre cavity resonances on the exterior noise
Person identification from walking sound on wooden floor
Influence of spin creepage and contact angle on curve squeal: A numerical approach
Modeling tyre/road noise in FE simulations for pass-by noise predictions
Auralization model for the perceptual evaluation of tyre–road noise
Contact stiffness considerations when simulating tyre/road noise
Investigating generation mechanisms of tyre/road noise by speed exponent analysis
Identification of Low-Frequency Forces Induced by Footsteps on Lightweight Floors
Simulation des Rollgeräusches von LKW-Reifen für verschiedene Fahrbahn-/Riefenprofilkombinationen
Urban sound planning - The SONORUS project
Background traffic noise synthesis
Active control of impact sound
SONORUS Urban sound planning project and test sites: an example within the planning stage
Application of LMS Algorithm to Measure Low-Frequency Transient Forces from Human Walking
Auralisation methods as tools for urban traffic noise assessment
Traffic dynamics, road design and noise emission: a study case
SONORUS report on Göteborg Test Site including Urban Sound Planning Workshop
Towards an engineering model for curve squeal
The simulation of truck tire rolling noise
Vägdesign och bulleremission – exempel på dynamisk bullerkarta
Modelling of railway curve squeal including effects of wheel rotation
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
Introduction to traffic noise abatement
Optimierung der Auralisierung von Reifengeraeuschen basierend auf dem Modellierungs-Tool SPERoN
Incorporation of the quiet side in noise maps
SONORUS - Training Urban Sound Planners by Education and Research
Importance of tread inertia and damping on the tyre/road contact stiffness
Numerische Simulation von Rollgeräusch und Rollwiderstand von LKW-Antriebsachsenreifen
Extending the scope of urban sound planning by education and research
Sound generation and sound radiation from tyres
The contribution of air-pumping to tyre/road noise
A mixed physical and statistical approach for the prediction of tyre/road noise
Auralization of tyre/road noise based on the SPERoN prediction tool
Predicting rolling resistance as function of road surface and tyre profile
Modelling the interior sound field of a railway vehicle using statistical energy analysis
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
A Simulation-Based Parameter Study of Car Tyre Rolling Losses and Sound Generation
Integrated Solutions for Noise & Vibration Control in Vehicles
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
On the sound radiation of a rolling tyre
Parameter study of car tyre rolling losses based on waveguide-finite-element modelling
Waveguide-Finite-Element basierte Parameterstudie zum Rollwiderstand von PKW-Reifen
Time-domain model of a tapping machine
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
Reduction of Tyre/Road Noise – A complex challenge needing technological development
Ein nichtlineares dreidimensionales Modell zur Berechnung von Rollgeräuschen und Kurvenquietschen
Sound radiation of a rolling tyre
Waveguide-Finite-Element based parameter study of car tyre rolling losses
Typisierung von Reifen und Fahrbahnbelägen
Modellbildung zur Minderung des Rollgeräusches – eine unendliche Geschichte?
Improving efficiency of thermoacoustic refrigerators by a secondary source
On the design of structural junctions for the purpose of hybrid passive-active vibration control
Time-domain modelling: Combining ESM and a finite-difference method for thermoacoustic devices
A Time-Domain Model for High-Frequency Wheel/Rail Interaction Including Tangential Friction
Investigation of stress-distribution in a car tyre with regards to rolling resistance
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa. Beskrivning och sammanfattning av ombyggnadsprojektet i Partille
Investigation of a hybrid passive-active vibration-control configuration
Time-domain modelling of thermoacoustic devices: Combining esm and finite-difference methods
Time-domain modelling: Combining ESM and FDTD methods for acoustic wave propagation
Rapid tyre/road separation: An experimental study of adherence forces and noise generation
Tyre/road noise prediction: A comparison between the SPERoN and HyRoNE models, Part 1
A model to evaluate the importance of tangential contact forces for tyre/road noise generation.
Time-domain modelling of thermoacoustic devices: Reflections from the stack
Influence of bolted items on modal analysis performed on a car body
Tyre/road noise prediction: A comparison between the SPERoN and HyRoNE models, Part 2
The influence of tyre design on tyre/road noise – some fundamental thoughts
An impedance matching technique for active-passive vibration control
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa. Resultat och slutsatser från ett multidisciplinärt forskningsprogram
The influence of material parameters and geometry on an active junction
A study of parameters affecting noise on a heavy duty DI engine
Reduction potential of road traffic noise – A Pilot Study
A time domain model of a resonance tube containing a porous ceramic material
Wave content of the vibrating filed of a rolling tyre
Modeling the vibrational response of truck tyres
Quantification of damping mechanisms of active constrained layer treatments
A scale model study of parallel urban street canyons
A phenomenological model of active constrained layers
A model for the dynamic response of truck tyres based on two elastic layers
A study of forces and noise generation in a contact including adhesive bonds
Soundscape Support to Health: Final Report Phase 1
The failure of traditional traffic noise control for quiet areas
A phenomenological model of active constrained layers
High Frequency Dynamic Behaviour of Smooth and Patterned Passenger Car Tyres
A three-dimensional contact model for tyre/road interaction in rolling conditions
Study of Crossbar Tyres in Rolling Conditions
Tyre/Road Noise Generation — Modelling and Understanding
Experimental Study of High Frequency Response of Tyres
The Generation of the Tyre/Road Noise — Mechanisms and Models
The Modelling of Tyre/Road Noise — A Quasi Three-Dimensional Model
Simulation of the Tyre/Road Noise
A Method for Experimental Collection of Global Material Data for Tyres
Modelling of Dynamical Rolling Contact Forces
Investigation of Driving Point and Transfer Mobilities of Simple Tread Blocks on a Tyre
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Showing 7 research projects
Reduction of Propeller Noise for Future Electrical Aircrafts
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
ACOUTECT – A sound fundament for our future buildings
Active control of curve squeal noise
Improved acoustical properties of launcher fairings
The Urban Sound Planner (SONORUS)