Anders E Boström
Sedan 2019 är Anders professor emeritus och arbetar som sådan fortsatt med forskning inom vågutbredning i solider, speciellt med ultraljud. I maj 2024 publicerades boken "Scattering of elastic waves by obstacles in solids" av Cambridge Scolars Publishing. Boken behandlar mer eller mindre analytiska metoder för att bestämma spridningen av vågor i solider från objekt med enkel form såsom sfärer, cirkulära sprickor, etc, men även problem med mer än ett objekt.
Visar 134 publikationer
Scattering of elastic waves by an orthotropic sphere
Ultrasonic Attenuation in Polycrystalline Materials in 2D
Analytical solution for calculating vibrations from twin circular tunnels
Ultrasonic damping in polycrystalline materials
Modelling of guided wave propagation for detecting delamination in large composite structures
Guided Wave Energy Transfer in Composite Sandwich Structures and Application to Defect Detection
Guided wave–based approach for ice detection on wind turbine blades
Scattering of In-plane Elastic Waves by an Anisotropic Circle
Dynamic equations for an orthotropic cylindrical shell
Modelling of Ultrasonic Bulk Wave Scattering by an Axial Crack in a Pipe
Benchmark solution for vibrations from a moving point source in a tunnel embedded in a half-space
Effects of temperature variations on guided waves propagating in composite structures
Investigating the Application of Guided Wave Propagation for Ice Detection on Composite Materials
Scattering by an anisotropic circle
Dynamic equations for an anisotropic cylindrical shell using a power series method
Dynamic Equations for an Anisotropic Cylindrical Shell
Dynamic response of a poroelastic half-space to accelerating or decelerating trains
Dynamic equations for a spherical shell
Modeling of Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Surface-breaking Cracks
Elastic wave scattering by a rectangular crack near a non-planar back surface
Interface damage modeled by spring boundary conditions for in-plane elastic waves
A model of ultrasonic testing for cracks near a non-planar surface
Dynamic equations for a fully anisotropic elastic plate
A 2D model of ultrasonic testing for cracks near a non-planar surface
Dynamic equations for an orthotropic plate
A 2D model of ultrasonic testing for cracks near a nonplanar surface
Ultrasonic benchmarking with UTdefect
Effective dynamic properties of 3D composite materials containing rigid penny-shaped inclusions
Simulation of the 2008 Ultrasonic Benchmark Problems Using UTDefect
Wave propagation in 2D elastic composites with partially debonded fibres by the null field appraoch
Dynamic equations for a homogenous, fully anisotropic, elastic plate
Modelling of thin piezoelectric layers on plates
Scattering of a SH-wave by an elastic fiber of nonclassical cross section with an interface crack
Efficiency of trenches along railways for trains moving at sub- or supersonic speeds
Benchmarking - a validation of UTDefect
An analytical model for train-induced ground vibrations from railways
An extended analytical model including a layered
Ultrasound in an anisotropic cladding with wavy interface
Ultrasonic wave propagation in an anisotropic cladding with a wavy interface
Ultrasonic benchmarking with UTDefect
Study of SH acoustic radiation field excited by a piezoelectric strip
Modeling of ultrasonic scattering by internal cracks in an anisotropic component
Scattering of elastic waves by a rectangular crack in an anisotropic half-space
Ultrasonic scattering by a side-drilled hole
Scattering of elastic waves by a rectangular crack in a thick-walled anisotropic solid
Energy-optimal control of bipedal locomtion systems
Optimization problems of controlled multibody systems having spring-damper actuators
On wave equations for elastic rods
Modeling an design of robotic systems having spring-damper actuators
Modeling and design of robotic systems having spring-damper actuators
Optimization problems of controlled multibody systems having spring-damper actuators
Modeling of controlled motion of semi-passively actuated bipedal robot
Optimization of control laws of the bipedal locomotion systems
Optimization of control laws of the bipedal locomotion systems
Energy-optimal motion of semi-passively controlled one-link manipulator
A Model of Ultrasonic NDE for Internal and Subsurface Cracks
UTDefect: A simulation tool for ultrasonic NDT
Ultrasonic wave propagation through a cracked solid
A model for ultrasonic NDE on defect detection
A Complete Model of Ultrasonic NDE for Internal and Surface-breaking Cracks
Ultrasonic probe modelling and nondestructive crack detection
Antiplane elastic wave scattering from a curved randomly rough crack
Elastic wave propagation in a radially anisotropic medium
Scattering by two penny-shaped cracks with spring boundary conditions
Elastic wave scattering by a circular crack in a transversely isotropic solid
A Comparison of Exact First Order and Spring Boundary Conditions for Scattering by Thin Layers
Acoustic scattering by a sound-hard rectangle
Scattering of acoustic waves by a circular disc in the interface between two fluids
On the boundary conditions for ultrasonic transmission by partially closed cracks
Wave propagation in the presence of interface layers in composites
Elastodynamic scattering from inclusions surrounded by thin interface layers
Scattering of elastic waves by inclusions surrounded by thin interface layers
Dynamic stress intensity factors for 3D non-planar cracks
Ground motion amplification on alluvial valleys
Elastodynamic scattering from inclusions with thin interface layers
Acoustic waves in a cylindrical duct with infinite, half-infinite, or finite wall corrugations
Scattering of elastic waves by non-planar cracks
Elastic wave scattering from an interface crack: antiplane strain
Broad-band synthetic seismograms for a spherical inhomogeneity in a many-layered elastic half-space
The null-field approach in series form - the direct and inverse problems
Point-force excitation of an elastic plate with n embedded cavity
Exact synthetic seismograms for an inhomogeneity in a layered elastic half-space
Acoustic waves in a cylindrical duct with periodically varying cross section
Passbands and stopbands for an electromagnetic waveguide with a periodically varying cross section
Scattering of a pulsed Rayleigh wave by a spherical cavity in an elastic half space
Acoustics of an obstacle inside a reactive silencer
Time-dependent scattering by a bounded obstacle in three dimensions
Surface waves on the periodic boundary of an elastic half space
Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves by an obstacle inside a waveguide
Scattering of stationary acoustic waves by an elastic obstacle immersed in a fluid
Scattering by a smooth elastic obstacle
Transmission and reflection of acoustic waves by an obstacle in a waveguide
Elastic wave scattering by a three-dimensional inhomogeneity in an elastic half space
Multiple scattering of elastic waves by bounded obstacles
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Spridning av elastiska vågor i anisotropa material