Ergang Wang
Mer information finns på den engelska sidan

Visar 197 publikationer
Photo-sensitive hydrovoltaic energy harvester with fire-sensing functionality
Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers for Supercapacitors
Steric hindrance induced low exciton binding energy enables low-driving-force organic solar cells
Highly crystalline selectively oxidized graphene for supercapacitors
Acidochromic organic photovoltaic integrated device
18.73% efficient and stable inverted organic photovoltaics featuring a hybrid hole-extraction layer
Photostability of Y-type electron acceptor molecules and related copolymer
On the Conformation of Dimeric Acceptors and Their Polymer Solar Cells with Efficiency over 18 %
Recent Advances in Organic Photovoltaic Materials Based on Thiazole-Containing Heterocycles
A porphyrin pentamer as a bright emitter for NIR OLEDs
Over 18% ternary polymer solar cells enabled by a terpolymer as the third component
Using Two Compatible Donor Polymers Boosts the Efficiency of Ternary Organic Solar Cells to 17.7%
Improved charge storage performance of a layered Mo1.33C MXene/MoS2/graphene nanocomposite
Polymer acceptors based on Y6 derivatives for all-polymer solar cells
Reduced Nonradiative Voltage Loss in Terpolymer Solar Cells
Editorial: Polymer Solar Cells: Molecular Design and Microstructure Control
Low-gap zinc porphyrin as an efficient dopant for photomultiplication type photodetectors
Low-bandgap polymers with quinoid unit as π bridge for high-performance solar cells
A Non-Conjugated Polymer Acceptor for Efficient and Thermally Stable All-Polymer Solar Cells
Dimerization of 9,10-anthraquinone-2,7-Disulfonic acid (AQDS)
Recent Advances in n-Type Polymers for All-Polymer Solar Cells
Orange to green switching anthraquinone-based electrochromic material
Conjugated Donor–Acceptor Terpolymers Toward High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells
Impact of P3HT materials properties and layer architecture on OPV device stability
Fluorinated Photovoltaic Materials for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells
Functionalized reduced graphene oxide with tunable band gap and good solubility in organic solvents
Hybrid Super-Nyquist CAP Modulation based VLC with Low Bandwidth Polymer LEDs
Alcohol-Soluble Conjugated Polymers as Cathode Interlayers for All-Polymer Solar Cells
High Seebeck Coefficient and Power Factor in n-Type Organic Thermoelectrics
Energy-effectively printed all-polymer solar cells exceeding 8.61% efficiency
Synthesis and Characterization of Isoindigo-Based Polymers with Thermocleavable Side Chains
Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Minimum Voltage Losses
High-performance ternary polymer solar cells from a structurally similar polymer alloy
A comparative study of the photovoltaic performances of terpolymers and ternary systems
Polymer solar cells spray coated with non-halogenated solvents
9.0% power conversion efficiency from ternary all-polymer solar cells
The trade-off between electrochromic stability and contrast of a thiophene-Quinoxaline copolymer
Defining donor and acceptor strength in conjugated copolymers
Highly Ordered Organic Ferroelectric DIPAB-Patterned Thin Films
Molecular Doping and Trap Filling in Organic Semiconductor Host-Guest Systems
High-photovoltage all-polymer solar cells based on a diketopyrrolopyrrole-isoindigo acceptor polymer
Generation of Photoexcitations and Trap-Assisted Recombination in TQ1:PC71BM Blends
Ternary organic solar cells with enhanced open circuit voltage
Open circuit voltage and efficiency in ternary organic photovoltaic blends
Low Band Gap Polymer Solar Cells With Minimal Voltage Losses
Substrate-dependent resistance decrease of graphene by ultraviolet-ozone charge doping
High Bandgap (1.9 eV) Polymer with Over 8% Efficiency in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells
Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Flexible Donor - Acceptor Polymers
Pore-free bubbling delamination of chemical vapor deposited graphene from copper foils
Predicting thermal stability of organic solar cells through an easy and fast capacitance measurement
Mapping fullerene crystallization in a photovoltaic blend: an electron tomography study
D-A(1)-D-A(2) Copolymers with Extended Donor Segments for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells
Rational design of D-A1-D-A2 conjugated polymers with superior spectral coverage
A dual ternary system for highly efficient ITO-free inverted polymer solar cells
Sub-glass transition annealing enhances polymer solar cell performance
Stability study of quinoxaline and pyrido pyrazine based co-polymers for solar cell applications
Electron microscopy of organic solar cells thermally stabilized with fullerene nucleating agents
Fullerene Nucleating Agents: A Route Towards Thermally Stable Photovoltaic Blends
On the complex refractive index of polymer:fullerene photovoltaic blends
Fullerene mixtures enhance the thermal stability of a non-crystalline polymer solar cell blend
Light-harvesting capabilities of low band gap donor-acceptor polymers
Charge carrier dynamics of polymer: Fullerene blends: From geminate to non-geminate recombination
Facile Monitoring of Fullerene Crystallization in Polymer Solar Cell Blends by UV–vis Spectroscopy
Tracing charge transfer states in polymer:fullerene bulk-heterojunctions
Fluorine substitution enhanced photovoltaic performance of a D-A 1-D-A2 copolymer
Computational modeling of isoindigo-based polymers used in organic solar cells
Nucleation-limited fullerene crystallisation in a polymer–fullerene bulk-heterojunction blend
Pyramid shape of polymer solar cells: a simple solution to triple efficiency
Semi-Transparent Tandem Organic Solar Cells with 90% Internal Quantum Efficiency
Synthesis and characterization of benzodithiophene-isoindigo polymers for solar cells
Blue-to-transmissive electrochromic switching of solution processable donor-acceptor polymers
Efficient infiltration of low molecular weight polymer in nanoporous TiO2
An Easily Accessible Isoindigo-Based Polymer for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells
An isoindigo-based low band gap polymer for efficient polymer solar cells with high photo-voltage
Mixed solvents for reproducible photovoltaic bulk heterojunctions
Low bandgap polymers synthesized by FeCl(3) oxidative polymerization
Small Band Gap Polymers Synthesized via a Modified Nitration of 4,7-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole
An Easily Synthesized Blue Polymer for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells
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Visar 21 forskningsprojekt
Biologiskt nedbrytbara halvledande polymerer för transientelektronik
Grafenfunktionaliserad träfiberkomposit för värmeavledande fodral i personlig elektronik
Material Designing for Photomultiplication Type Organic Photodetectors and Performance Optimization
High-Quality Graphene and Highly Thermal Conductive Graphene Films Produced in Eco-Friendly Ways
Designad emission från ljusemitterande elektrokemiska celler för energieffektiva växthus.
Gröna lösningsmedel bearbetade polymera solceller för inomhusapplikationer
Utveckling av material för gröna lösningsmedel - Bearbetbara polymersolceller
Ge en grundläggande förståelse för ljusemitterande elektrokemiska celler
Konjugerade polymerer med länkade allkylsidkedjor för stabila polymersolceller
Tillverkning av lågmaktskrävande inverterade nära infraröda AMOLED
The Next Generation Organic Photovoltaics with Fullerene Free
Nästa generation organiska solceller (OPV 2.0)
Mastering Morphology for Solution-borne Electronics
Design och syntes av polymerer / oligomerer av n-typ för all-polymer-solceller och fotodetektorer
Muliblockpolymerer för organiska solceller
Grön Bearbetade Polymer: Polymer Solceller på förnybara Biomaterial
Syntes av Grafenliknande Material för Organisk Elektronik
Organic Semiconductors for NIR Optoelectronics (OSNIRO)