Kamyab Zandi
Visar 99 publikationer
Physics-Informed Neural Network for Analyzing Elastic Beam Behavior
Digital tvilling i byggsektorn - kombinerar kraften i data och modeller
Ballastless Track – Minimizing the Climate Impact
Modeling and computational homogenization of chloride diffusion in three-phase meso-scale concrete
Distribution of shear force: A multi-level assessment of a cantilever RC slab
Digitala tvillingmodeller underlättar bedömning av risker
A UAV-based platform for automated inspection of cracked concrete surfaces
Methodology for Testing Rebar-Concrete Bond in Specimens from Decommissioned Structures
A framework for digital twin of civil infrastructure-challenges and opportunities
Incorporation of cracks in finite element modelling of existing concrete structures
Reliability analysis of corroded reinforced concrete beam with regards to anchorage failure
Shear Capacity of a RC Bridge Deck Slab: Comparison between Multilevel Assessment and Field Test
Practical Bond Model for Corroded RC Bridges
FIB model code 2020 - Structural models for existing concrete structures
Anchorage capacity of corroded smooth reinforcement bars in existing reinforced structures.
Bending behaviour of novel Textile Reinforced Concrete-foamed concrete (TRC-FC) sandwich elements
Multi-level Assessment of a Field Tested RC Bridge Deck Slab
Reliable Engineering Assessments of Corroded Concrete Structures
Decision support for maintenance and upgrading of existing bridges
Four levels to assess anchorage capacity of corroded reinforcement in concrete
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs
Replication of Crack Pattern in FE Analysis Based on Discretization of Tension Softening Curves
Investigating correlations between crack width, corrosion level and anchorage capacity
Punching/Shear Strength of a Full-scale Tested Bridge Deck Slab
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum non-linear FE analysis
Shear force distribution in rc slabs subjected to punching: Solid nonlinear fe anlayses
Shear Force Distribution in RC Slabs Subjected To Punching: Solid Nonlinear FE Analyses
Modellering av förankringskapaciteten i betongkonstruktioner med rostande armering
Numerical prediction of punching behavior of RC slabs using 3D non-linear FE analysis
Development of engineering assessment method for anchorage in reinforced concrete
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum nonlinear FE analysis
GFRP connectors in textile reinforced concrete sandwich elements
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for analysis of RC bridge deck slabs
Engineering Assessment Method for Anchorage in Corroded Reinforced Concrete
Corrosion-induced cover spalling and anchorage capacity
A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: Validatlon and application
A Multi-levelStructural Assessment Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs
Tests on Anchorage of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete
Anchorage of corroded reinforcement – from advanced models to practical applications
Numerical 3D Modelling of Anchorage, Corrosion and Spalling
Development of modelling strategies for two-way RC slabs
A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: validation and application
3D Modelling of the bond behavior of naturally corroded reinforced concrete
Structural Assessment of Bridge Deck Slabs
Finite Element Modelling of Two-way RC Slabs with Varying Modelling Choices
Assessment of Structural Performance in Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Elements
Two-way slabs: Experimental investigation of load redistributions in steel fibre reinforced concrete
Modelling the Bond Behaviour of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete
1D and 3D analysis of anchorage in naturally corroded specimens
Anchorage of naturally corroded bars in reinforced concrete structures
Assessment of Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement
Modelling the structural behaviour of frost-damaged reinforced concrete structures
Mechanical behaviour of concrete piles affected by sulphate attack
Severely Corroded RC with Cover Cracking
Three-dimensional modelling of structural effects of corroding steel reinforcement in concrete
Anchorage capacity of naturally corroded reinforcement in an existing bridge
Är förankringskapaciteten tillräcklig i broar med rostande armering?
Effekterna av rostande armering kartlagda
Structural analysis of concrete members with shear failure
Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams
Analytical model for the bond-slip behaviour of corroded ribbed reinforcement
Influence of frost on the bond between steel and concrete
Anchorage in naturally corroded specimens taken from existing structures
LCA+: Moving LCA into the Pavement Design Space
Mechanical behaviour of concrete piles affected by sulphate attack
Bond Strength of Highly Corroded Reinforcement and Cover Delamination
Anchorage of corroded bars: eccentric pull-out tests and numerical analysis
Experimental study of the material and bond properties of frost-damaged concrete
Corroded reinforced concrete structures: effects of high corrosion and corroded stirrups
Bond capacity of severely corroded bars with corroded stirrups
Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures
Severely Corroded Reinforced Concrete with Cover Cracking: Part 2. Anchorage Capacity
Skadade betongkonstruktioners bärförmåga
Fatigue performance evaluation of plain and fiber-reinforced concrete using wedge splitting test
Frost-damaged concrete: Part 2. Bond properties
Frost-damaged concrete: Part 1. Material properties
Structural behavior of corroded reinforced concrete structures
Performance Evaluation of Damaged Concrete Bridges
Evaluation of load-carrying capacity of damaged reinforced concrete structures
Mechanical behaviour of Frost-damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures
Effects on bond of reinforcement corrosion
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
AI-Enhanced Digital Twin for Weld’s Fatigue Cracks
Minska klimatpåverkan av betong i ballastfritt spår
Digital Twin of Transport Infrastructure – combining the power of data & model
Rekommendationer för utvärdering av armerade betongplattor
Bedömning av bärförmåga hos befintliga betongkonstruktioner med korroderade släta armeringsstänger
UNICA-feasibility – Autonomous Non-Intrusive Condition Assessment of Infrastructure
Verktyg för bedömning av korroderade broars tillstånd och livslängd
Befintliga brobaneplattors bärförmåga