Eric Knauss

Visar 92 publikationer
A Data-Flow Oriented Software Architecture for Heterogeneous Marine Data Streams
Requirements Strategy for Managing Human Factors in Automated Vehicle Development
Managing security evidence in safety-critical organizations
Methods for Requirements Engineering, Verification, Security, Safety, and Robustness in AIoT Systems
Requirements and software engineering for automotive perception systems: an interview study
Managing Human Factors in Automated Vehicle Development: Towards Challenges and Practices
Aspects of modelling requirements in very-large agile systems engineering
Requirements Engineering for Automotive Perception Systems: An Interview Study
Human factors in developing automated vehicles: A requirements engineering perspective
Architecture evaluation in continuous development
Marine Data Sharing: Challenges, Technology Drivers and Quality Attributes
Defining Requirements Strategies in Agile: A Design Science Research Study
VEDLIoT: Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT
Agile Beyond Teams and Feedback Beyond Software in Automotive Systems
Requirements engineering challenges and practices in large-scale agile system development
What Makes Agile Software Development Agile
Requirements engineering challenges and practices in large-scale agile system development
Why and How Your Traceability Should Evolve: Insights from an Automotive Supplier
Managing Traceability Information Models: Not Such a Simple Task After All?
Requirement engineering challenges for ai-intense systems development.
Foreword to the Special Issue in Empirical Software Engineering: Best Papers of REFSQ 2019
Agile Islands in a Waterfall Environment: Challenges and Strategies in Automotive
Beyond connected cars: A systems of systems perspective
Why and how to balance alignment and diversity of requirements engineering practices in automotive
Use, potential, and showstoppers of models in automotive requirements engineering
On interfaces to support agile architecting in automotive: An exploratory case study
The Impact of Requirements on Systems Development Speed: A Multiple-Case Study in Automotive
The Missing Requirements Perspective in Large-Scale Agile System Development
Challenges of Scaled Agile for Safety-Critical Systems
A model of estimating the strategic development of a company on the base of expert knowledge
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses
Organisation and Communication Problems in Automotive Requirements Engineering
The Problem of Consolidating RE Practices at Scale: An Ethnographic Study
Safety-Critical Systems and Agile Development: A Mapping Study
Continuous Clarification and Emergent Requirements Flows in Open-Commercial Software Ecosystems
T-Reqs: Tool support for managing requirements in large-scale agile system development
The manager perspective on requirements impact on automotive systems development speed
Modeling support for strategic API planning and analysis
Experiences applying e<sup>3</sup> value modeling in a cross-company study
Quality Requirements in Agile as a Knowledge Management Problem: More than Just-in-Time
Welcome to the sixth international workshop on empirical requirements engineering (EmpiRE 2017)
Hybrid software and systems development in practice: Perspectives from Sweden and Uganda
Adding value every sprint: A case study on large-scale continuous requirements engineering
Herding cats in a FOSS ecosystem: a tale of communication and coordination for release management
How do Practitioners Perceive the Relevance of Requirements Engineering Research? An Ongoing Study
Automotive Architecture Framework: The experience of Volvo Cars
Requirements Engineering Challenges in Large-Scale Agile System Development
Scaling up the Planning Game: Collaboration Challenges in Large Scale Agile Product Development
Verdict Machinery: On the need to automatically make sense of test results
Teaching Agile: Addressing the Conflict Between Project Delivery and Application of Agile Methods
Herding cats: A case study of release management in an open collaboration ecosystem
Collaborative Traceability Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Herding Cats: A Case Study of Release Management in an Open Collaboration Ecosystem
A proposal for an Automotive Architecture Framework for Volvo Cars
Continuous API Design for Software Ecosystems
Challenges of Requirements Engineering in AUTOSAR ecosystems
Supporting Continuous Integration by Code-Churn Based Test Selection
Patterns of Continuous Requirements Clarification
Research Preview: Supporting Requirements Feedback Flows in Iterative System Development
Cross-Organizational Challenges of Requirements Engineering in the AUTOSAR Ecosystem: A Case Study
Teaching scrum – what we did, what we will do and what impedes us
The Driving Forces of API Evolution
Challenges of Requirements Engineering in AUTOSAR Ecosystems
The Role of Secondary Software in Automotive Ecosystems
Continuous API-Design for Software Ecosystems
Openness and Requirements: Opportunities and Tradeoffs in Software Ecosystems
Technical Dependency Challenges in Large-Scale Agile Software Development
Agile Development in Automotive Software Development: Challenges and Opportunities
(Semi-)Automatic Categorization of Natural Language Requirements
EAM: Ecosystemability Assessment Method
Dedicated Support for Experience Sharing in Distributed Software Projects
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
FAMER - Flerparts kravhantering i samarbete för produktutveckling
Very Efficient Deep Learning in IOT (VEDLIoT)