Christian Finnsgård
Visar 90 publikationer
A time-domain model for unsteady upwind sail aerodynamics using the indicial response method
A Customised Finn Dinghy Rudder for Optimal Olympic Performance
An improved procedure for strongly coupled prediction of sailing yacht performance
The Shipper's Perspective on Slow Steaming - Study of Six Swedish Companies
The effects of hydrodynamic forces on maneuvrability coefficients for wind-assisted ships
A Performance Depowering Investigation for Wind Powered Cargo Ships Along a Route
Slow Steaming as Part of SECA Compliance Strategies among RoRo and RoPax Shipping Companies
Space sports – Sailing and equestrian sports in space
A modal shift to inland waterways: Actor perspectives on alternative business concepts
Testing and evaluation of a differential gnss tracking device for alpine- and cross-country skiing
Demonstrating the use of urban waterway transport of goods and waste
Svensk sjöfartstrafik – nuläge och framtida möjligheter
Analyzing animal waste-to-energy supply chains: The case of horse manure
Swedish shippers’ strategies for coping with slow-steaming in deep sea container shipping
Demonstrationer av nya transportlösningar för inlands och urban sjöfart
Comparison of Modern Keel Types for Sailing Yachts
Performance evaluation and ranking of 7 rudders for the Finn dinghy
FM14 Session 2: Communicating Astronomy in our Changing World
Composite design for a foiling Optimist dinghy
Kartläggning av svensk kustsjöfart med hjälp av AIS-data
Mapping Swedish coastal shipping patterns using AIS data
Coastal Shipping – a competitive Alternative for Container Transportation?
Value Stream Mapping of Container Flows at Seaport Terminals
Logistics demonstrations as a participatory research design
Performance Evaluation and Ranking of 7 Rudders for the Finn Dinghy
Costs, not SECAs make RoRo steam slow
AIS in maritime research – Current status and future potential
The Paper Boat: building a composite Optimist dinghy with cellulose fiber and epoxy matrix
Logistics demonstrations as participatory research design
Att kombinera statligt finansierade transportdemonstrationer med rigorös forskning
Slow steaming as part of SECA compliance strategies among RoRo and RoPax shipping companies
Logistics issues in manure-to-energy supply chains
Demonstrating innovative green waterway transport solutions in urban and short-sea shipping contexts
Differential GNSS for Outdoor Sports - Testing of Applicability for Alpine Sports
Numerical prediction of the best heel and trim of a Laser dinghy
Making use of urban waterways for shipping – The logistics perspective
Slow Steaming and Competitiveness of European Short Sea RORO Shipping
Shipper strategies for coping with slow-steaming in deep sea container shipping
Space Sports - Sailing in Space
Gods till Torp - Kartläggning av godsflöden till ett köpcenter
Teamwork as joint activity in sailing
Providing explicit descriptions of studied systems: more than a necessary evil?
Blue Modal Shift – Urban and Regional Waterborne Transport
High Performance Sailing in Olympic Classes - a Research Outlook and Proposed Directions
Slow steaming from shippers' perspective
Slow steaming from the shippers’ perspective
Final report for the Slow Steaming Logistics Project
Slow steaming från varuägarnas perspektiv
High performance rowing – A research outlook using a coaches perspective
How to sail an Olympic Laser class dinghy - towing tank tests
Impact of unit load size on in-plant materials supply efficiency
Modal shift to Short Sea Shipping in the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak
Slow Steaming Logistics - the shippers’ challenges following slower sailing speeds
Factors impacting manual picking on assembly lines: An experiment in the automotive industry
Materials exposure: The interface between materials supply and assembly
Sustainability and cost efficiency in Supply Chains
Swedish Production System (SwePS) – ett kompetenslyft för fordonsindustrin inom Lean Produktion
Impact of materials exposure on assembly workstation performance
An evaluation model for sustainable packaging systems in supply chains - the case of Volvo
Impact of unit load size on in-plant materials supply efficiency
Factors impacting manual picking at assembly lines - an experiment in the automotive industry
Slutrapport för projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA
Requirements in the value stream - Between materials supply- and assembly processes
The impact of materials exposure on the conditions at the workstation
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