Anke Sanz-Velasco

Showing 58 publications


Tailor-made conductive inks from cellulose nanofibrils for 3D printing of neural guidelines

Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Erdem Karabulut, Elin Pernevik et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 189, p. 22-30
Journal article

Operation of a high-T-C SQUID gradiometer with a two-stage MEMS-based Joule-Thomson micro-cooler

Alexei Kalaboukhov, E. J. de Hoon, K. Kuit et al
Superconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 29 (9)
Journal article

Electron microscopy of organic solar cells thermally stabilized with fullerene nucleating agents

Stefan Gustafsson, Olof Bäcke, Samira Mousavi Nik et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 20 (3), p. 398-399
Journal article

Fullerene Nucleating Agents: A Route Towards Thermally Stable Photovoltaic Blends

Camilla Lindqvist, J. Bergqvist, Ching-Chiao Feng et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 4 (9), p. 1301437-
Journal article

Monitoring the osmotic response of single yeast cells through force measurement in the environmental scanning electron microscope

Anna Jansson, Alexandra Nafari, Kristina Hedfalk et al
Measurement Science and Technology. Vol. 25 (2), p. Art. no. 025901-
Journal article

Conductivity-Dependent Strain Response of Carbon Nanotube Treated Bacterial Nanocellulose

Sadia Farjana, Farshad Toomadj, Per Lundgren et al
Journal of Sensors
Journal article

Carbon Nanofibers Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose for Advanced Materials Applications

Olga Naboka, Katia Rodriguez, Farshad Toomadj et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 730-732, p. 903-908
Paper in proceeding

Nucleation-limited fullerene crystallisation in a polymer–fullerene bulk-heterojunction blend

Camilla Lindqvist, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Ergang Wang et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 1 (24), p. 7174-7180
Journal article

Novel Method for Controlled Wetting of Materials in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope

Anna Jansson, Alexandra Nafari, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 19 (1), p. 30-37
Journal article

Ni/C/SiO2 nanostructured composites synthesized by carbonization of carboxymethyl cellulose

Olga Naboka, R. Campesi, F. Dolci et al
ECCM 15 - 15th European Conference On Composite Materials, 24-28 June 2012, Venice, Italy, paper 1052 (1-7).. Vol. 367 (1), p. 485-493
Paper in proceeding

Cobalt (II) Chloride Promoted Formation of Honeycomb Patterned Cellulose Acetate Films

Olga Naboka, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Per Lundgren et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 367 (1), p. 485-493
Journal article

Low-Temperature Direct Wafer Bonding

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Cristina Rusu, Isabelle Ferain et al
Lattice Engineering: Technology and Applications, p. 135-187
Book chapter


Olga Naboka, Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Proceedings of the Annual World Conference on Carbon, June 17-22, 2012, Krakow, Poland, p. 1-4
Paper in proceeding

Strain Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Cellulose

Farshad Toomadj, Sadia Farjana, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Procedia Engineering: 25th Eurosensors Conference; Athens; Greece; 4 September 2011 through 7 September 2011. Vol. 25, p. 1353-1356
Paper in proceeding

Sensing application of nanocellulose modified with double-walled carbon nanotube and graphitized carbon nanopowder

Farshad Toomadj, Sadia Farjana, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Proceedings of the 22n Micromechanics and Microsystems Technology Europe Workshop, 19-22 June 2011, Tönsberg, Norway, p. B33-
Paper in proceeding

InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Silicon Substrate

Mohammad Hadi Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Josip Vukusic et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 32 (2), p. 140-142
Journal article

Nanofibrous Carbon Materials with Controlled Properties Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose

Olga Naboka, Katia Rodriguez, Farshad Toomadj et al
Novel materials from wood or cellulose, Annual meeting of IAWS, August 31 to September 2, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 28-29
Paper in proceeding

Combining Scanning Probe Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy

Alexandra Nafari, Johan Angenete, Krister Svensson et al
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, p. 59-134
Book chapter

Determination of nanocrystal size distribution in magnetic multicore particles including dipole-dipole interactions and magnetic anisotropy: A Monte Carlo study

Vincent Schaller, Göran Wahnström, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1311, p. 42-50
Paper in proceeding

MEMS sensor for in situ TEM-nanoindentation with simultaneous force and current measurements

Alexandra Nafari, J. Angenete, Krister Svensson et al
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 20 (6)
Journal article

Transfer of InP-based HBV epitaxy onto borosilicate glass substrate by anodic bonding

Mohammad Hadi Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Josip Vukusic et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 46 (14), p. 1013-1014
Journal article

The Role of Mobile Charge in Oxygen Plasma-Enhanced Silicon-to-Silicon Wafer Bonding

Bahman Raeissi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Olof Engström
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. Vol. 13 (6), p. H179-H181
Journal article

An electrowetting-based microfluidic platform for magnetic bioassays

S Chang, Vincent Schaller, Bahman Raeissi et al
The 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2010, 3-7 Oktober, Groningen, Neterlands. Vol. 2, p. 1331-1333
Paper in proceeding

Fabrication of nanoscale electrostatic lenses

Ihab Sinno, Anke Sanz-Velasco, S. Kang et al
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 20 (9)
Journal article

Conductive in situ TEM nanoindentation with a new MEMS sensor

Alexandra Nafari, J. Angenete, Krister Svensson et al
MicroStructureWorkshop (MSW), Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of Various Epitaxial Lift-off Methods for Heterostructure Barrier Varactor

Mohammad Hadi Tavakoli Dastjerdi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Josip Vukusic et al
GigaHertz Symposium 2010, p. 72-
Paper in proceeding

The effect of dipolar interactions in clusters of magnetic nanocrystals

Vincent Schaller, Göran Wahnström, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 200 (SECTION 7)
Paper in proceeding

Towards an electrowetting-based digital microfluidic platform for magnetic immunoassays

Vincent Schaller, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Alexei Kalaboukhov et al
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. Vol. 9 (23), p. 3433-3436
Journal article

Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic multi-core nanoparticles

Vincent Schaller, Göran Wahnström, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 321 (10), p. 1400-1403
Journal article

Effective magnetic moment of magnetic multicore nanoparticles

Vincent Schaller, Göran Wahnström, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 80 (9), p. 092406-
Journal article

Towards a droplet-based microfluidic platform with SQUID readout for magnetic immunoassays

Vincent Schaller, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Alexei Kalaboukhov et al
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2009), p. 120-121
Paper in proceeding

Development of an electrowetting-based microfluidic platform for magnetic immunoassays

Vincent Schaller, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Alexei Kalaboukhov et al
13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2009; Jeju; South Korea; 1 November 2009 through 5 November 2009, p. 85-87
Paper in proceeding

MEMS sensor for in situ TEM-nanoindentation with simultaneous force and current measurements

Alexandra Nafari, Krister Svensson, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
MicroMechanics Europe 2009, p. 4-
Paper in proceeding

Wafer bonding strength increased by mobile ions

Bahman Raeissi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Olof Engström
Proceeding of EUROSOI 2009, p. 99-100
Paper in proceeding

Micro- and Nanosystems for Sensing in Medicine

Peter Enoksson, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Karin Hedsten et al
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2008, 14-15 October, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 117-
Other conference contribution

Digital microfluidics for magnetic immunoassays

Vincent Schaller, Jing Liu, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 September 2008, p. 181-
Paper in proceeding

Monte Carlo Simulation of Multi-Core Magnetic Nanoparticles

Vincent Schaller, Göran Wahnström, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
7th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Vancouver, Canada, May 20-24, 2008, p. 27-
Paper in proceeding

Motion of nanometer sized magnetic particles in a magnetic field gradient

Vincent Schaller, Ulli Kräling, Cristina Rusu et al
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. Vol. 18 (22)
Journal article

Micro cooling of squid sensor

Yassine Youahri, Vincent Schaller, Hashem Rahimi et al
Proceedings of Micro System Workshop 2008 (MSW08) 6-7 May, Göteborg, Sweden, p. S1-12
Conference poster

Motion of nanometer sized magnetic particles in a magnetic field gradient

Vincent Schaller, Ulli Kraeling, Cristina Rusu et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 104 (9), p. no:093918-
Journal article

Method for measuring fracture toughness of wafer-bonded interfaces with high spatial resolution

Martin Bring, Peter Enoksson, Anke Sanz-Velasco
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 16 (6), p. 68-74
Journal article

Relation between Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Low-Temperature Bonded Si/Si Interfaces

Bahman Raeissi, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Olof Engström
Proceeding of 210th ECS Meeting, Semiconductor Wafer Bonding 9: Science, Technology, and Applications, Vol. 3, No .6,. Vol. 3 (6), p. 217-226
Journal article

Sensors and actuators based on SOI materials

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Alexandra Nafari, Henrik Rödjegård et al
Solid-State Electronics. Vol. 50, p. 865-876
Journal article

Method for measuring fracture toughness of wafer-bonded interfaces with high spatial resolution

Martin Bring, Peter Enoksson, Anke Sanz-Velasco
proceeding of Eurosensors XX
Paper in proceeding

Applications of SOI materials to quantum devices and Microsystems

Johan Piscator, Alexandra Nafari, Martin Bring et al
Paper in proceeding

Wafer bonding for MEMS

Peter Enoksson, Cristina Rusu, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Proceeding of the 9th International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applic, Canadaations, Quebec City
Paper in proceeding

A microdirect methanol fuel cell demonstrator

Konrad Wozniak, David Johansson, Martin Bring et al
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. v14, p. S59-S63
Journal article

Hydrophobic low temperature wafer bonding; void formation in the oxide free interface

Petra Amirfeiz, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Stefan Bengtsson
Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding. Vol. 19, p. 267-
Paper in proceeding

A micro direct methanol fuel cell demonstrator

Konrad Wozniak, David Johansson, Martin Bring et al
Proceedings of the 14th Micromechanics Europe Workshop 2003, MME´03, Delft
Paper in proceeding

Room temperature wafer bonding using oxygen plasma treatment in reactive ion etchers with and without inductively coupled plasma

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Petra Amirfeiz, Stefan Bengtsson et al
Journal Of The Electrochemical Society. Vol. 150 (2), p. G155-G162
Journal article

Plasma assisted low temperature wafer bonding: void formation in the oxide free interface

Petra Amirfeiz, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Stefan Bengtsson
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications, Paris, France (2003)
Paper in proceeding


Martin Bring, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Peter Enoksson et al
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 13 (4), p. 51-56
Journal article

Applications of plasma assisted wafer bonding

Petra Amirfeiz, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Martin Bring et al
Proceedings of the Workshop on wafer bonding, Barcelona, Spain
Paper in proceeding

Double-sided bulk micromachining of silicon-on-insulator films using room-temperature oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Henrik Rödjegård, Gert Andersson
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. v12 (n6), p. 786-7-94-
Journal article

Analysis of CV characterisitcs of plasma bonded wafers

Cindy Colinge, Stefan Bengtsson, Petra Amirfeiz et al
Presented at TMS, Electronics Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, USA
Paper in proceeding

Micro pinball game demonstrating an easy MEMS transfer process using room temperature plasma bonding

Martin Bring, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Henrik Rödjegård et al
Proceedings of the 13th Micromechanics Europe workshop 2002, MME´02 Sinaia, Romania
Paper in proceeding

Wafer bonding using oxygen plasma treatment in RIE and ICP RIE

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Petra Amirfeiz, Stefan Bengtsson
Proc. 6th International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding. The Electrochemical Society.. Vol. 2001 (27), p. 31-40
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Droplet Based Microfluidic Platform for Magnetic Bioassays

Peter Enoksson Electronics Material and Systems
Anke Sanz-Velasco Electronics Material and Systems
Dag Winkler Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2)
Carl Tryggers Stiftelse för Vetenskaplig Forskning

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