Jens Nielsen
Showing 161 publications
Assessment of Structural Requirements for Crossing Panel Design using Dynamic Load Case Scenarios
Innovative requirements and evaluation methods for slab track design
A time-domain approach to predict sound radiation from track vibrations
Machine Learning Models for Predicting Permanent Deformation in Railway Tracks
Model-Based Remote Health Monitoring of Ballast Conditions in Railway Crossing Panels
Out-of-round railway wheels and polygonisation
Probability of rail break caused by out-of-round wheel loads
Influence of railway wheel tread damage on wheel–rail impact loads and the durability of wheelsets
Probability of instant rail break induced by wheel–rail impact loading using field test data
Long-term monitoring of settlements below a transition zone in a railway structure
Condition Monitoring of Railway Crossing Geometry via Measured and Simulated Track Responses
Rail Acceleration Induced by Train Pass-by—Field Measurements and Validation of a Simulation Model
Prediction of Differential Track Settlement in Transition Zones Using a Non-Linear Track Model
On the influence of crossing angle on long-term rail damage evolution in railway crossings
Long-term rail profile damage in a railway crossing: Field measurements and numerical simulations
Simulation of vertical dynamic vehicle–track interaction using a three-dimensional slab track model
Digitalisation of condition monitoring data as input for fatigue evaluation of wheelsets
Simulation of damage in railway crossings - a comparison of rail steel grades R350HT and rolled Mn13
Simulation of vertical dynamic vehicle–track interaction using a two-dimensional slab track model
Hybrid model for prediction of impact noise generated at railway crossings
Dynamic interaction between vehicle and slab track – Influence of track design parameters
Reproducibility of railway noise measurements—influence of weather and test site conditions
Metamodel for elasto-plastic wheel–rail contact with application to damage in a railway crossing
Multi-objective design optimisation of transition zones between different railway track forms
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
The influence of corrugation on frictional stress at the rail-wheel interface
Hybrid model for prediction of impact noise generated at railway crossings
Numerical prediction of rail corrugation growth on curves
Allowable wheel loads, crack sizes and inspection intervals to prevent rail breaks
Rail corrugation growth on curves - measurements, modelling and mitigation
Reducing train-induced ground-borne vibration by vehicle design and maintenance
A hybrid model for prediction of ground-borne vibration due to discrete wheel/rail irregularities
Simulation of material degradation in track switches
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
Reduction of Train Induced Ground Vibration by Vehicle Design
Ground-Borne Vibration Mitigation Measures for Turnouts: State-of-the-Art and Field Tests
Simulation of track settlement in railway turnouts
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
Rail corrugation growth on curves - measurements, modelling and mitigation
Design Optimization of Switch Rails in Railway Turnouts
Track gauge optimisation of railway switches using a genetic algorithm
Ground vibration induced by railway traffic - The influence of vehicle parameters
Wheel-rail interaction and damage in switches and crossings
The influence of contact modelling on simulated wheel/rail interaction due to wheel flats
Kinematic Gauge Optimization of Switches Using Genetic Algorithms
In situ performance of a ballasted railway track with under sleeper pads
Simulering av dynamisk tåg-spår interaktion i snäva kurvor
Track model validation for simulation of train–turnout dynamics
Simulation of dynamic vehicle-track interaction on small radius curves
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Alarm limits for wheel–rail impact loads – part 1: rail bending moments generated by wheel flats
Analysis of static fractures of rails due to wheel flats
Simulation of wheel–rail contact and subsequent material degradation in switches & crossings
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
Alarm limits for wheel–rail impact loads – part 2: analysis of crack growth and fracture
Assessment of methods for calculating contact pressure in wheel-rail/switch contact
Stochastic analysis of dynamic interaction between train and turnout
Rail roughness level assessment based on high-frequency wheel-rail contact force measurements
Under Sleeper Pads - Influence on Dynamic Train-Track Interaction
Subsurface initiated rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels as generated by rail corrugation
Rail Corrugation Growth - Influence of Powered Wheelsets with Wheel Tread Irregularities
Rail roughness level assessment based on high-frequency wheel–rail contact force measurements
Larmgräns för hjulskadedetektorer – En utredning av risk för rälbrott på Malmbanan
Railway vehicle/track interaction analysis using a modal substructuring approach
Assessment of methods for calculating contact pressure in wheel–rail/switch contact
Under sleeper pads – influence on dynamic train–track interaction
Simulation of dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout
Multi-disciplinary optimization of railway wheels
Influence of railway wheel flat impact on crack growth in rails
Influence of short-pitch wheel/rail corrugation on rolling contact fatigue of railway wheels
Simulation of dynamic train-track interaction with state-dependent track properties
Multi-disciplinary optimization of railway wheels
Integrated analysis of dynamic traintrack interaction and rolling contact fatigue
Integrating rolling contact fatigue analysis with simulation of dynamic train–track interaction
Two-material rail for RCF and noise control
Researchers on the track of wheel-rail interaction
Prevention of RCF damage in curved track through development of the INFRA-STAR two-material rail
Train-Track Interaction and Mechanisms of Irregular Wear on Wheel and Rail Surfaces
Railway Wheel Out-of-Roundness - Influence on Wheel/Rail Contact Forces and Track Response
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels - a Literature Survey
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Showing 8 research projects
Integrated track design for reduced noise effects
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Model based condition monitoring of switches and crossings (CHARMEC TS21)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
Wheel tread damage – identification and effects (CHARMEC TS20)
Design criteria for slab track structures (CHARMEC TS19)
Optimization of materials in track switches (CHARMEC TS17)
Integrated track dynamics (CHARMEC TS8)