Bo Galle
Bo Galle leder forskargruppen Optisk Fjärranalys. Han har under 35 år arbetet med utveckling och tillämpning av optiska fjärranalysmetoder för atmosfärsstudier. Under de senaste 10 åren har fokus varit på studier av gasemissioner från vulkaner, bland annat som koordinator för EU-projekten DORSIVA och NOVAC.

Visar 99 publikationer
Aerial strategies advance volcanic gas measurements at inaccessible, strongly degassing volcanoes
The emissions of CO2 and other volatiles from the world's subaerial volcanoes
Ground-Based measurements of the 2014-2015 holuhraun volcanic cloud (Iceland)
Tracking formation of a lava lake from ground and space: Masaya volcano (Nicaragua), 2015-2017
Report on volcanic plume measurements on volcanoes in Papua New Guinea
Extended SO2 outgassing from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun lava flow field, Iceland
Effusive crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014–2015: a review of a multi-national response model
Multi-component gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo
Long-term monitoring of SO2 quiescent degassing from Nyiragongo’s lava lake
Magma degassing at piton de la fournaise volcano
Seasonal and diurnal patterns in the dispersion of SO2 from Mt. Nyiragongo
Balloon-borne measurement of the aerosol size distribution from an Icelandic flood basalt eruption
Environmental pressure from the 2014–15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
Environmental pressure from the 2014-15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
Monitoring gas emissions can help forecast volcanic eruptions
High emission rate of sulfuric acid from Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka
SO2 degassing from Turrialba Volcano linked to seismic signatures during the period 2008-2012
BrO/SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network
NO2 fluxes from Tijuana using a mobile mini-DOAS during Cal-Mex 2010
Bromine monoxide evolution in early plumes of Mutnovsky and Gorely (Kamchatka, Russia)
Continuous SO2 flux measurements for Vulcano Island, Italy
Spectroscopic Observation of Volcanic Emissions – Status and Future Trends
NOVAC - Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change
New developments on remote sensing studies of volcanic gas emissions by solar infrared spectroscopy
Gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo
On quantum leaps, Michelson and eruptions: Solar FTS detection of volcanic gas emissions
Halogen/sulphur variations over the active lava lake of Nyiragongo
Presentations about data analysis related with the NOVAC project
Long-term observations of SO2 gas emission rates from Nyiragongo volcano (RD Congo) during 2004-2009
Long-term observations of SO2 gas emission rates from Nyiragongo volcano (RD Congo) during 2004-2009
Prospects of a global network for studies of volcanic plumes
Mobile mini-DOAS measurement of the outflow of NO2 and HCHO from Mexico City
Tomographic reconstruction of gas plumes using scanning DOAS
Validation of optical remote sensing measurement strategies applied to industrial gas emissions
Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Kathmandu during the winter season
Quantification of total emission of air pollutants from Beijing using mobile mini-DOAS
SO2 emissions from active volcanoes measured simultaneously by COSPEC and mini-DOAS
Photochemical modelling in the Po basin with focus on formaldehyde and ozone
Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Kathmandu during the winter season?
Development of Optical Remote Sensing Instruments for Volcanological Applications
Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change
Photochemical modeling in the Po basin with focus on formaldehyde and ozone
Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change, Description of Work
Remote Sensing at the Department of Radio and Space Science, Chalmers University of Technology
Observation of Carbon Disulfide by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy in Shanghai
Mobile column measurements of CO in megacities
Emission of Hexanal and Carbon Monoxide from Storage of Wood Pellets
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Implementation of NOVAC instruments in the DECADE project (DECADE)
Kvantitativ bestämning av den gasformiga kolemissionen från vulkaner
Studier av gasemissionen från vulkanutbrottet vid Holuhraun på Island