Petter Falkman
Petter Falkman är docent i forskargruppen Automation.

Visar 68 publikationer
Intended Human Arm Movement Direction Prediction using Eye Tracking
Sequence Planner: A Framework for Control of Intelligent Automation Systems
Interactive formal specification for efficient preparation of intelligent automation systems
Human Movement Direction Prediction using Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking
Evaluation of high level methods for efficient planning as satisfiability
Development of an Industry 4.0 Demonstrator Using Sequence Planner and ROS2
Modular Virtual Preparation method of production systems using a Digital Twin architecture
A standardization approach to Virtual Commissioning strategies in complex production environments
Guard extraction for modeling and control of a collaborative assembly station
Human Movement Direction Classification using Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking
Towards compositional automated planning
Towards data-driven approaches in manufacturing: an architecture to collect sequences of operations
Control components for Collaborative and Intelligent Automation Systems
Event-driven industrial robot control architecture for the Adept V+ platform
A framework concept for data visualization and structuring in a complex production process
Scheduling and routing of agvs for large-scale flexible manufacturing systems
Integrated virtual commissioning of a ROS2-based collaborative and intelligent automation system
EPypes: a framework for building event-driven data processing pipelines
Testing and validation of safety logic in the virtual environment
Flexible image acquisition service for distributed robotic systems
Towards Automatic Learning of Discrete-Event Models from Simulations
On the Equivalence of Controllability and the Input Output Conformance Testing Relation
Cognitive Ability Evaluation using Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking
Digital Twin for Legacy Systems: Simulation Model Testing and Validation
Towards increased intelligence and automatic improvement in industrial vision systems
Real-time Visualization of Robot Operation Sequences
Virtual Engineering Framework forAutomatic Generation of Control Logic including Safety
Virtual Reality Commissioning in Production Systems Preparation
Sequence Planner: Supporting Integrated Virtual Preparation and Commissioning
Error handling within highly automated automotive industry: Current practice and research needs
Vision-based robotic system for picking and inspection of small automotive components
Discrete event dataflow as a formal approach to specification of industrial vision systems
Modeling and automatic calculation of restart states for an industrial windscreen mounting station
Interface between SysML and Sequence Planner Language for Formal Verification
Optimization of operation sequences using constraint programming
Sequence Planning Using Multiple and Coordinated Sequences of Operations
Modeling and Optimization of Energy Consumption in Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems
System Modeling Specification in SysML and Sequence Planner Language - Comparison Study
Vendor independent control database for virtual preparation and formal verification
Generation of restart states for manufacturing cell controllers
Planning transport sequences for flexible manufacturing systems
Automatic generation: A way of ensuring PLC and HMI standards
Sequence Planning for Integrated Product, Process and Automation Design
Relations Identification and Visualization for Sequence Planning and Automation Design
Embedding detailed robot energy optimization into high-level scheduling
Operation-Oriented Specification for Integrated Control Logic Development
Specification of a Batch Plant using Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Verification of Operation Sequences in Process Simulate by Connecting a Formal Verification Tool
Generation of restart states for manufacturing systems with discarded workpieces
Generation of STEP AP214 models from discrete event systems for process planning and control
Specification of Production Systems Using PPN and Sequential Operation Charts
Specification of a Batch Plant using Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Control architecture for flexible production systems
Specification of Resource Allocation Systems; a STEP towards a unified framework
Multi.Viewpoint Modeling of the Innovation System - Using a Hermeneutic Method.
Modeling and Controller Synthesis for Resource Booking Problems using BDDs
Modeling and Specification of Discrete Event Systems using Combined Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Combined Process Algebra and Petri Nets for Specification of Resource Booking Problems
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Visar 10 forskningsprojekt
Intelligenta algoritmer för att stödja cirkulära lösningar för hållbara produktionssystem (CLOUDS)
UNICORN - Sustainable, Peaceful and Efficient Robotic Refuse Handling
ITEA3, Smart Prognos av Energianvändning med resursfördelning, SPEAR
Virtuell beredning av operationer för fordonsunderhåll, UNIFICATION
RObot based Autonomous Refuse handling (ROAR)
Virtuell beredning och idrifttagning av produktionssystem inklusive PLC-logik
AProC - Automatiserad Processkontroll BIW
An Internet-based Collaborative Platform for Managing Manufacturing Knowledge (Know4Car)