Serguei Cherednichenko

Visar 93 publikationer
Quantum detector tomography of MgB<inf>2</inf> nanowire
Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB<inf>2</inf> sensors at 20 K
Heterodyne performance and characteristics of terahertz MgB2hot electron bolometers
5.3 THz MgB<inf>2</inf>hot electron bolometer mixer operated at 20 K
Low noise, wide band MgB<inf>2</inf> hot electron bolometer mixer at 5.3 THz and 20 K
Low noise MgB2 hot electron bolometer mixer operated at 5.3 THz and at 20 K
Terahertz MgB2 HEB mixers with a 13GHz gain bandwidth
Technology roadmap for the heterodyne receiver for origins (HERO)
Towards quantum-limited coherent detection of terahertz waves in charge-neutral graphene
Analysis of the broad IF-band performance of MgB2 HEB mixers
Quantum transport at Dirac point enables graphene for terahertz heterodyne astronomy
MgB<inf>2</inf> HEB terahertz mixers: Diffusion- or phonon- cooled?
Broadband MgB2 Hot-Electron Bolometer THz Mixers operating up to 20K
Low noise terahertz MgB2 hot-electron bolometer mixers with an 11GHz bandwidth
Gain and Noise in THz MgB2 Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers With a 30-K Critical Temperature
Study of MgB2 ultra-thin films in submicron size bridges
MgB2 hot electron bolometer mixers for THz heterodyne instruments
THz Low Noise Mixers for Sub-mm Astronomy
Wideband MgB2 Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers: IF Impedance Characterisation and Modeling
MgB2 HEB Mixers at Operation Temperatures above Liquid Helium Temperature
Wideband THz HEB mixers using HPCVD MgB2 thin films
Terahertz Spectroscopy Instrumentation for Thermal Bio-Mass Conversion
MgB2 thin film by HPCVD for THz HEB mixers fabrication
Characterisation and Modeling of MgB2 HEBs IF impedance
Effect of the Critical and Operational Temperatures on the Sensitivity of MgB2 HEB Mixers
MgB2 Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at Terahertz Frequencies
Study of MgB2 HEB mixers vs the LO frequency and the bath temperature
Noise measurements of the low Tc MgB2 HEB mixer at 1.6THz and 2.6THz
Low Noise Nanometer Scale Room-Temperature YBa2Cu3O7-x Bolometers for THz Direct Detection
Room Temperature THz Detectors with Fast Response Rate.
High Sensitivity Terahertz Bolometers as Room Temperature Detectors
YBCO Terahertz Detectors at Room Temperature and at 77K.
THz Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers
HEB mixers for THz radio astronomy
Fast room temperature THz bolometers
Online water vapor detection in the product gas from indirect gasification
Submicrometer MgB2 hot electron bolometer mixers
Study of IF bandwidth of MgB2 phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixers
Online Detection of H2O and CO in the Humid Raw Gas from the Gasifier Using Terahertz Spectroscopy
Fast room temperature THz microbolometers
Low noise MgB2 terahertz hot-electron bolometer mixers
MgB2 Hot Electron Bolometers for THz radio astronomy
A subharmonic graphene FET mixer
Terahertz response of YBCO HEB homodyne detectors
Graphene Millimeter Wave Electronics
Single-Chip 220-GHz Active Heterodyne Receiver and Transmitter MMICs With On-Chip Integrated Antenna
Wideband THz detectors based on YBCO thin films at 77K and at room temperature
A room temperature bolometer for terahertz coherent and incoherent detection
Investigation of MgB2 HEB mixer gain bandwidth
Terahertz Direct Detection in YBa2Cu3O7 Microbolometers
Investigation of harmonic generation in a suspended graphene
Water vapor radiometer for ALMA: Optical design and verification
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
On the status of Low Noise Millimeterwave MMIC Receivers
Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-Ends
Water Vapor Radiometer for ALMA
Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory
Development of a Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-End
Integrated receivers up to 220 GHz utilizing GaAs-mHEMT technology
A 220 GHz Single-Chip Receiver MMIC with Integrated Antenna
Hot-electron bolometer terahertz mixers for the Herschel Space Observatory
Terahertz technology and applications
Properties of ultra-thin NbN films for membrane-type THz HEB
Terahertz mixing in MgB2 microbolometers
Gain bandwidth of NbN hot-electron bolometer terahertz mixers on 1.5 um Si3N4 /SiO2 membranes
The Direct Detection Effect in the Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer Sensitivity Calibration
Low noise hot-electron bolometer mixers for terahertz frequencies
16 Pixel HEB Heterodyne Receiver for 2.5 THz
Balanced Waveguide HEB Mixer for APEX 1.3 THz Receiver
MgB2 thin film terahertz mixers
2.5THz multipixel heterodyne receiver based on NbN HEB mixers
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
Development of a 1.8THz receiver for the TELIS instrument
IF Impedance Optimization of HEB's for Band 6 at the Herschel Space Observatory
IF Gain Bandwidth of membrane-based NbN Hot Electron Bolometers for SHAHIRA
Superconducting HEB for large direct detector arrays
Aging Investigation of NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer
Effect of the direct detection effect on the HEB receiver sensitivity calibration
Picosecond hot-electron energy relaxation in NbN superconducting photodetectors
Spiral antenna nbn hot-electron bolometer mixer at submm requencies
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Fiberintegrerad MgB2 singlefoton detektorer
TeraHertz quasiOptical Receiver
Photon counting superconducting detectors for deep space laser communication
Ultrasnabba singel-foton detektorer
Study of Novel Low Noise Superconducting Mixers for Terahertz Radio Astronomy (TERAMIX)
Hög känslighet terahertz detektor