Dan Kuylenstierna
Dan Kuylenstierna is working as project leader for the GHz centre project Integrated Oscillators. His main research interests are circuits for frequency generation (Voltage controlled oscillators and frequency multipliers) and reconfigurable microwave circuits.
Showing 104 publications
Electro-Thermal Modeling of AM-SLM Based Cavity Resonators
Modeling of intermodulation in a loaded-line phase shifter based on a polynomial varactor model
Analysis of Q-factor for AM-SLM Cavity based Resonators using Surface Roughness Models
A W-band Frequency Tripler in a 60 nm GaN HEMT Technology
Machine Learning Techniques for Gait Analysis in Skiing
Multi-source Intermodulation in a Loaded-line Phase Shifter
A Static Frequency Divider in GaN HEMT Technology
Photoluminescence Properties and Fabrication of Red-Emitting LEDs based on Ca9Eu(VO4)(7) Phosphor
A 24 GHz Sub-Harmonically Pumped Resistive Mixer in GaN HEMT Technology
A low phase noise W-band MMIC GaN HEMT oscillator
A 135–183GHz Frequency Sixtupler in 250nm InP HBT
A Generalized 3-dB Wilkinson Power Divider/Combiner With Complex Terminations
Influence of White LO Noise on Wideband Communication
Towards Machine Learning on Data from Professional Cyclists
Design and Large-Signal Characterization of High-Power Varactor-Based Impedance Tuners
7-13 GHz MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillators (VCOs) for Satellite Applications
Analysis of a MEMS Tuned Cavity Oscillator on X-Band
Does LO Noise Floor Limit Performance in Multi-Gigabit Millimeter-Wave Communication?
RF-MEMS Tuned GaN HEMT based Cavity Oscillator for X-band
An X-band varactor-tuned cavity oscillator
A GaN HEMT X-band cavity oscillator with electronic gain control
A class-J power amplifier with varactor-based dynamic load modulation across a large bandwidth
A 12 Gbps Analog QPSK baseband receiver based on Injection-locked VCO
A MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator with high tuning linearity and low phase noise
Optimized Design of a Dual-Band Power Amplifier With SiC Varactor-Based Dynamic Load Modulation
Phase-Noise Analysis of an X-Band Ultra-Low Phase-Noise GaN HEMT Based Cavity Oscillator
Efficient and Wideband Power Amplifiers for Wireless Infrastructure Applications
Transformer-Based Broadband High-Linearity HBT Gm-Boosted Transconductance Mixers
Calculation of the Performance of Communication Systems from Measured Oscillator Phase Noise
Phase noise analysis of a tuned-input/tuned-output oscillator based on a GaN HEMT device
A GaN MMIC Modified Doherty PA With Large Bandwidth and Reconfigurable Efficiency
Low frequency noise measurements-A technology benchmark with target on oscillator applications
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
Low frequency noise measurements: A technology benchmark with target on oscillator applications
Oscillator Phase Noise and Small-Scale Channel Fading in Higher Frequency Bands
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
Hybrid measurement-based extraction of consistent large-signal models for microwave FETs
An LC VCO for High Power Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
A Wideband and Compact GaN MMIC Doherty Amplifier for Microwave Link Applications
A method to lower VCO phase noise by using HBT darlington pair
Design of Low Phase-Noise Oscillators and Wideband VCOs in InGaP HBT Technology
A 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Signal Source Using VCO and Mixer in InGaP/GaAs HBT
A model-based analysis of phase jitter in RF oscillators
Design and characterization of SiC varactor-based phase shifters
On Models, Bounds, and Estimation Algorithms for Time-Varying Phase Noise
Broadband Gm-Boosted Differential HBT Doublers With Transformer Balun
A varactor model including valanche noise source for VCOs phase noise simulation
An X-band low phase noise AlGaN-GaN-HEMT MMIC push-push oscillator
A novel model for simulation of RF oscillator phase noise
Flip-Chip-Based Multichip Module for Low Phase-Noise V -Band Frequency Generation
Tuneable ferroelectric delay line having mirror image conductors
A large-signal GaAs HBT model optimized for design of low phase-noise VCOs
Flip-chip assembled 7 GHz ultra-low phase-noise InGaP HBT oscillator
Low-phase noise InGaP HBT VCO design
Single and Dual Fundamental Wideband Surface Mount VCO’s covering 2-25 GHz
Layout Optimization of Small-Size Ferroelectric Parallel-Plate Varactors
24 GHz InGaP-GaAs HBT push-push VCO with broadband tuning range
Design of 50-70 GHz Planar Wideband Bandpass Filter on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate
Low phase noise MMIC oscillators in InGaP HBT technology
A Compact V-band Planar Wideband Bandpass Filter Based on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrates
60 GHz Single-Chip Front-End MMICs and Systems for Multi-Gbps Wireless Communication
Tunable Microwave Arrangements
Integrated Lumped Element and Ferroelectrically Tunable Microwave Components
Comparison of high-resistivity silicon surface passivation methods
Analysis and Design of Millimeter-Wave FET-Based Image Reject Mixers
X-band left handed phase shifter using thin film Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 ferroelectric varactors
Broadband microprobe characterization of the ferroelectric films and varactors
Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line Phase Shifter Using Ferroelectric Varactors
Single-Chip 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs mHEMT Technology
The Potential of Thin Film Ferroelectric Varactors for Applications in Large Microwave Arrays
Multifunctional MMIC design and antenna integration
Lumped-element quadrature power splitters using mixed right/left-handed transmission lines
A Comparisons between Different Lumped Elementand Active Baluns in Commercial MMICs
Highly Integrated 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs pHEMT Technology
Ultrawide-band tunable true-time delay lines using ferroelectric varactors
Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission LinePhase Shifter using Ferroelectric Varactors
Design of broadband lumped element baluns
Silicon substrate integrated ferroelectric microwave components
Design of broad-band lumped-element baluns with inherent impedance transformation
Integration of parallel-plate ferroelectric varactors with BCB-on-silicon microstrip circuits
Ferroelectrically tuneable delay lines
Periodic structures and lumped elements in microwave passives
Tunable electromagnetic bandgap structures based on ferroelectric films
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Showing 4 research projects
Characterization of Passive Intermodulation (PIM) in Space Communication Antennas
GaN mm-wave Radar Components Embedded (GRACE)
Energy efficient millimeter wave transmitters