Jan Bröchner
Professor emeritus, Chair of Organization of Construction, specializing in Facilities Management.
Jan Bröchner studies construction primarily as a service activity, analysing innovations and productivity effects. Relations between organizations as well as procurement are important aspects. He is a member of the editorial boards of several international journals.

Showing 132 publications
Why and who? Complaints against infill plans for 30 Gothenburg projects
Effects of generative AI on service occupations with social interaction
The service sector in the classical world: focus on entertainment and well-being
Municipal facilities managers as strategists
Service innovation in construction
Services in ancient Greek and Roman cities: current perspectives
”Planera och bygga bostäder snabbare?” Insikter och lärdomar från satsningen BoStad2021 i Göteborg
Bygga bort utsatthet? En kunskapsöversikt
Snabbare och minst lika bra? Bedömning av kvaliteter inom BoStad2021
Construction economics in antiquity
Arbetet från plan till hus. Åsikter om genomförandet av BoStad2021
Accelerated planning for urban housing infills: coordination strategies
Construction project management fiction: Individual values
Smart kravställande i markanvisningar: Bostadsmark i Göteborg
Site managers’ ICT tools for monitoring resources in refurbishment
Effects of construction industry support for PhD projects: The case of a Swedish scheme
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 4
Shaping tomorrow’s facilities management
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 3. Kortrapport om forskning.
Smart kravställande i bygglovsprocessen: Sex bostadsprojekt i Göteborg
Performance-based requirements in design-build contracting for highway construction and maintenance
Varför tog det så lång tid? Åsikter om arbetet med bygglov inom BoStad2021
Performance of performance specifications in design-build highway projects
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 3
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 2
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 2. Kortrapport om forskning.
Hur det gick för SBUF-stödda doktorander: En enkätundersökning
Comparing performance measurement for industrial maintenance and facility management
Servitization effects on customer productivity
Construction economics and economics journals
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 1
Integrating contractor and property developer for product system innovations
Följeforskning BoStad2021: Delrapport 1. Kortrapport om forskning.
Från idé till affär: Framgångsrika innovationsprocesser inom samhällsbyggandet
Utveckling av funktionskrav för totalentreprenader
Design-Build, innovation, and competition: The role of smaller contractors
Ombyggnadsplatschefers syn på IT och avfallsfrågor
IT support for contractor monitoring of refurbishment projects
Så kan vi få högre kvalitet i välfärden
Measuring the productivity of facilities management
Quality and legal aspects in public care procurement
From ideas to construction innovations: firms and universities collaborating
Coordination in slowly emerging service ecosystems: Construction history
Fler totalentreprenader på anläggningsmarknaden - följder för små och medelstora företag
Intention in Hybrid Organizations: The Diffusion of the Business Metaphor in Swedish Laws
Review: Measuring Construction: Prices, Output and Productivity
ICT use in delivery of uncertain and complex project services: the case of building refurbishment
Organisering och kontrakt i bergtunnelprojekt - kunskap i samverkan
The construction productivity debate and the measurement of service qualities
Exploring alternatives in early design of large infrastructure projects
Ställ tekniska egenskapskrav och använd deklarationerna
Sweden - collaboration for competitiveness
Ägarlägenheter - En internationell jämförelse
Construction patents and university-industry research interaction: An analysis of Nordic region data
Construction productivity growth and business services
Swedish Building Innovation Program (Bygginnovationen)
FM Research for Practice: Swedish developments
Kommer det byggpatent ur samverkan mellan högskolor och företag?
Construction productivity measures for innovation projects
Changes and change management in construction and IT projects
Statlig utredarkritik av svensk byggbransch - det långa perspektivet
Developing construction economics as industry economics
Services, goods and business client productivity: Learning from construction
Book review - Constructing Futures: Industry Leaders and Futures Thinking in Construction
Does construction partnering research reflect changes in society?
New output quality indicators in construction productivity measurement
Effektivitetsmått för byggsektorn - mätfrågor
Construction contractors as service innovators
Innovation and ancient Roman facilities management
Editorial: service-led construction projects
Public procurement of architectural and engineering services: fee and quality
The changing nature of the built environment: An economic perspective
Public procurement incentives for sustainable design services: Swedish experiences
Public procurement of architecttural and engineering services: Fee and quality
Construction metaphors in Aristotle: knowledge, purpose, process
Client-oriented contractor innovation
Where to submit? Journal choice by construction management authors
Construction contractors integrating into facilities management
[Review of] Buitelaar, E.: The Cost of Land Use Decisions
Imitating private business in public procurement: Swedish 'affärsmässigt'
Konsultupphandling - svår balansgång mellan pris och kompetens
Price and nonprice criteria for contractor selection
Byggentreprenörer som utvecklar och innoverar
Construction contractors as service innovators: A Swedish survey
Service management inte bara fråga om nöjdhet
Contractors and Design Risk in Major Civil Works Design/Build Projects
Bygginnovationer görs men upphandling bör stärkas
Achieving employee satisfaction in FM outsourcing processes
Identifying management research prioirities
Management i byggsektorn teman som branschverksamma prioriterar
Multicriteria contractor selection in practice
Managing information flow in construction supply chains
Anbudsvärdering vid offentlig upphandling av arkitekt- och byggkonsulttjänster - förstudie
Serviced offices: owner capabilities for FM coordination
Space use among growth companies: linking the theories
Outsourcing facilities services: needs and practices of Swedish owners of commercial property
Building users, owners and service providers: New relations and their effects
Building users, owners and service providers: new relations and their effects
Byggsektorns utvecklingsbehov inom managementområdet
Facilities Management: Innovation and Performance
Cross-border post-acquisition knowledge transfer among construction consultants
Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practices
Construction Economics and Organization
Strategies for error reduction in building: attitudes to continuity and control in seven projects
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Showing 10 research projects
Attraktiv nyproduktion och renovering - kunskapsöversikt
Smart requirements in the building permits process
Från idé till affär - framgångsrika innovationsprocesser inom samhällsbyggandet
Mätning av produktivitet i ombyggnad och renovering
Procurement for Sustainable Innovation in the Built Environment
National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)
Operationalization, evaluation and control of quality when procuring care
Methods for measuring productivity change and programme impact
Productivity and sustainable refurbishment