Jenny Norrman
Jenny is a Professor in the Division of Geology and Geotechnics, she works in the research group Engineering Geology.

Showing 69 publications
Transforming brownfields into urban greenspaces: A working process for stakeholder analysis
Comparison of PFAS soil remediation alternatives at a civilian airport using cost-benefit analysis
A meta-evaluation of climate policy evaluations: findings from the freight transport sector
Integrating Ecosystem Services into Risk Assessments for Drinking Water Protection
A risk management framework for Gentle Remediation Options (GRO)
The geosystem services concept – What is it and can it support subsurface planning?
Mapping subsurface qualities for planning purposes: a pilot study
Att integrera undermarkens tjänster i planeringen. Pilotstudie Flatåsmotet
Subsurface planning: Towards a common understanding of the subsurface as a multifunctional resource
Cirkulär hantering av förorenade massor. Utveckling av metod för ökad återvinning
New dimensions in Swedish planning - an investigation of subsurface planning and geosystem services
Evaluating contamination exposure rates in different Urban Agriculture (UA) practices
The significance of planning and management of the subsurface to achieve sustainable cities
Hållbarhetsanalys med SCORE-metoden av in situ-lösningar inom Södra området, BT Kemi, PM 190115.
What's the point? The contribution of a sustainability view in contaminated site remediation
Contaminated landslide runout deposits in rivers – Method for estimating long-term ecological risks
Expert elicitation for deriving input data for probabilistic risk assessment of shipwrecks
Utvärdering av traditionell och innovativ sanering av glasbruksområden i Glasriket
Cost-benefit analysis of copper recovery in remediation projects: A case study from Sweden
Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the North Sea
Methodology for Integrated Socio-economic Assessment of Multi-use Offshore Platforms.
Participatory Design of Multi-Use Platforms at Sea
Riskvärdering med SCORE-metoden för Järpens industriområde i Åre kommun - Fallstudierapport
Riskvärdering med SCORE-metoden för BT Kemi Södra området i Svalövs kommun - Fallstudierapport
A methodology for estimating risks associated with landslides of contaminated soil into rivers
SF Box - A tool for evaluating the effects on soil functions in remediation projects
A minimum data set for evaluating the ecological soil functions in remediation projects
SCORE: Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) for Sustainability Appraisal of Remedial Alternatives
I fokus: Hållbar sanering av förorenade områden. Tankar hos myndighetspersoner och allmänheten
Incorporating the soil function concept into sustainability appraisal of remediation alternatives
Kurs i statistisk dataanalys och tolkning av resultat. Tillämpningar inom förorenad mark
Inventering av provtagningsstrategier för jord, grundvatten och porgas
Metodik för statistisk utvärdering av miljötekniska undersökningar i jord
Provtagningsstrategier för förorenad jord
Hydrogeological Decision Analysis for Designing Temporary Storage for Reclaimed Asphalt
LCA for Site Remediation: A Literature Review
On Bayesian Decision Analysis for Evaluating Alternative Actions at Contaminated Sites
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Showing 21 research projects
Spatial Planning and Design with Soil (SPADES)
Information-based Strategies for LAND Remediation (ISLANDR)
Managing risks and improving soil functions by Gentle Remediation Options (GRO)
Novel subsurface thematic representations to support planning and valuation
Societal values and consequences of integrating geosystem services into subsurface planning
Enhancing ecosystem services by innovative remediation using gentle remediation options (ECO-GRO)
Opportunities for preparing urban contaminated land for bio-based production
Risk-based prioritization of water protection in sustainable spatial planning (WaterPlan)
Circular management of contaminated soil
SUB Sustainable use of underground space
Tillförlitliga uppskattningar av åtgärdskostnader inom förorenade områden (REMCOST)
Projekt Järpen, riskvärdering enligt SCORE
SAFIRE- Sustainability Asessment For Improved Remediation Efficiency
Integrated Water Resource Management (IRWM) – Water Quality, Pollution and Treatment
Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, Design and operation (MERMAID)