Magnus Ekh
Main research topic is modelling of mechanical behaviour of materials on different scales. Most of the research is devoted to modelling of the cyclic behaviour of metals. A focus area of the research is the development of macroscopic models that should capture phenomena such as cyclic ratcheting behaviour, temperature dependence, creep deformations and, for large strains, the evolution of anisotropy. Another focus area of the research is the development of crystal plasticity models together with multi-scale modelling for polycrystals.

Showing 155 publications
Simulation-based assessment of railhead repair welding process parameters
Fatigue Crack Characteristics in Gradient Predeformed Pearlitic Steel under Multiaxial Loading
A thermodynamic framework for ductile phase-field fracture and gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity
Cyclic behaviour of 3D-woven composites in tension: Experimental testing and macroscale modelling
Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024
Modeling of environmentally assisted intergranular crack propagation in polycrystals
Long-term monitoring of settlements below a transition zone in a railway structure
An FE-based orientation averaging model for elasto-plastic behavior of short fiber composites
Macroscale modelling of 3D-woven composites: Elasto-plasticity and progressive damage
A computationally efficient coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites
Prediction of Differential Track Settlement in Transition Zones Using a Non-Linear Track Model
On the influence of crossing angle on long-term rail damage evolution in railway crossings
A framework for macroscale modelling of inelastic deformations in 3D-woven composites
Elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent modeling for finite deformation of polycrystalline materials
Long-term rail profile damage in a railway crossing: Field measurements and numerical simulations
Grain boundary interaction based on gradient crystal inelasticity and decohesion
Anisotropic yield surfaces after large shear deformations in pearlitic steel
CCBuilder: a software that produces synthetic microstructures of WC-Co cemented carbides
Finite element simulations of thermal residual stresses in realistic 3D WC-Co microstructures
Predicting non-linear shear deformation in 3D-fibre reinforced composites
Evaluation of damage initiation models for 3D-woven fibre composites
Predicting damage initiation in 3D fibre-reinforced composites – The case for strain-based criteria
Simulation of damage in railway crossings - a comparison of rail steel grades R350HT and rolled Mn13
Metamodel for elasto-plastic wheel–rail contact with application to damage in a railway crossing
Modeling of kinematic hardening at large biaxial deformations in pearlitic rail steel
Computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity
A comparison of two frameworks for kinematic hardening in hyperelasto-plasticity
Modelling of grey cast iron for application to brake discs for heavy vehicles
3D grain structure modelling of intergranular fracture in forged Haynes 282
Thermomechanical cracking of railway wheel treads: a combined experimental and numerical approach
Computational modeling issues of gradient-extended viscoplasticity
High Temperature Tread Braking Simulations Employing Advanced Modelling of Wheel Materials
Simulation of high pressure torsion tests of pearlitic steel
Correlation between crack length and load drop for low-cycle fatigue crack growth in Ti-6242
Simulation of material degradation in track switches
Using DIC to Identify Microscale Strain Fields from in-situ SEM Images of a Pearlitic Steel
A comparison of homogenization approaches for modelling the mechanical behaviour of pearlitic steel
Low-Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-6242 at Elevated Temperature
A comparison of approaches to model anisotropy evolution in pearlitic steel
Modelling of cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282 at elevated temperatures
The effect of anisotropy on crack propagation in pearlitic rail steel
Simulation of high pressure torsion tests of pearlitic steel
Modeling of Anisotropy Evolution in Pearlitic Steel
Hybrid micro-macromechanical modelling of anisotropy evolution in pearlitic steel
On the Prediction of Macroscopic Yield Surfaces of a Pearlitic Steel using Multiscale Modeling
The effect of anisotropy on crack propagation in pearlitic rail steel
Experiments and Modelling of the Cyclic Behaviour of Haynes 282
Modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282, including cyclic softening
Multiscale modeling of the mechanical behaviour of pearlitic steel
On the computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity
On the Prediction of Anisotropy Evolution in Polycrystalline Multiphase Materials
Crack propagation in rails under rolling contact fatigue loading conditions based on material forces
Crack propagation in rails based on the concept of material forces
Modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282
Multiscale modeling of pearlitic steel
Crack propagation in rails based on the concept of material forces
Influence of grain boundary conditions on modeling of size-dependence in polycrystals
Multiscale modeling of the mechanical behaviour of pearlitic steel
An extended crystal plasticity model for latent hardening in polycrystals
Modeling of anisotropy evolution and cyclic behavior of pearlitic steel
Experiments and modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282
Computational mechanics-based modeling of size-dependent hardening
Crack propagation in rails under RCF loading conditions based on material forces
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Modeling of polycrystals with gradient crystal plasticity: A comparison of strategies
Computational modeling of the influence of the interlamellar spacing in pearlitic steel
Computational modeling of gradient hardening in polycrystals
On the modeling of deformation induced anisotropy of pearlitic steel
Computational modeling of the interlamellar spacing in pearlitic steel
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Aspects of viscoplasticty on manufacturing induced out-of-roundness in engine cylinder liners
On the modeling of deformation induced anisotropy of pearlitic steel
Gradient crystal plasticity – theoretical and computational aspects
Simulation of wheel–rail contact and subsequent material degradation in switches & crossings
Computational modelling of inelastic polycrystals with internal lengthscales
gradient theories of large deformation anisotropic plasticity
Gradient crystal plasticity approaches for computational modeling of
On the modelling of gradient hardening in crystal (visco)plasticity
Towards computational modeling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
Towards computational modelling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
On the modeling of large ratcheting strains with large time increments
Gradient crystal plasticity as part of the computational modelling of polycrystals
On the modeling of grain size dependent behavior of polycrystals
A model for short crack propagation in polycrystalline materials
On the modeling of evolving anisotropy and large strains in pearlitic steel
Computational aspects on multiscale modeling of polycrystallines with gradient crystal plasticity
Parameter identification and modeling of large ratcheting strains in carbon steel
Efficient iteration schemes for anisotropic hyperelasto-plasticity
Modeling the Grain Size Effect using Gradient Hardening and Damage in Crystal (Visco) Plasticity
Modeling the Grain Size Effect using Gradient Hardening and Damage in Crystal (Visco) Plasticity
On the modeling of evolving anisotropy and large strains in pearlitic steel
Modeling of large ratcheting strains with large time increments
Calibration of a multiscale material model based on macroscale test data
Computational modeling of inelastic large ratcheting strains
Gradient hardening and damage in crystal (visco)plasticity
A model framework for anisotropic damage coupled to crystal (visco)plasticity
Modeling growth of small cracks in a polycrystal
Gradient hardening and damage in crystal (visco)plasticity
Aspects on Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Constitutive Modeling
Computational modeling of large inelastic ratchetting strains
Anisotropic damage with the MCR-effect coupled to plasticity
A mixed variational formulation for rve-computations
A framework for hyperelasto-plasticity with kinematic hardening and anisotropic damage
Fatigue crack initiation based on simulations on the mesoscopic scale
Anisotropic damage modeling based on mesomechanical simulations
Anisotropic damage coupled to plasticity: modelling based on the effective configuration concept
A framework for hyperelasto-plasticity with kinematic hardening and anisotropic damage
A Class of Thermo-Hyperelastic-Viscoplastic Models for Porous Materials: Theory and Numerics
Modeling and Numerical Issues in Hyperelasto-plasticity with Anisotropy
Thermo-Elastic-Viscoplastic Modeling of IN792
Large strain plasticity coupled to anisotropic damage based on the fictitious configuration concept
Bifurcation results for plasticity coupled to damage with MCR-effect
Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Integration and Calibration
Modeling of Inelastic Response of Metals with Emphasis on Cyclic Viscoplasticity
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Showing 16 research projects
Sprickinitiering i anisotropa hjul- och rälmaterial
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Numerical model reduction for computational homogenization of polycrystals
Material characteristics in welding and other local heating events (CHARMEC MU36)
Characterization of crack initiation and propagation in anisotropic material (CHARMEC MU35)
Numerical simulations of welding and other high temperature processes (CHARMEC MU37)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
Analysis and Modelling Service for Engineering Materials Studied with Neutrons
Self-consistent modelling for neutron scattering applications
Ductile fiber reinforced composites
Optimization of materials in track switches (CHARMEC TS17)
Influence of anisotropy on deterioration of rail materials (CHARMEC MU34)
Modelling of thermomechanically loaded rail and wheel steels
Multiscale modeling of pearlitic steel