Patrik Jonsson
Patrik Jonsson is professor in Operations & Supply Chain Management and Head of Division at Supply and Operations Management.
His research, teaching and outreach activities are in the field of operations and supply chain planning, with a specific interest in managing supply chain complexity by the generation of demand and supply coordination in firms and supply chains through data- and technology-enabled operations and planning processes. This, for example, includes demand management, sales and operations planning (S&OP), visualization and event-driven planning and execution.
Patrik has a PhD in production management from Lund University and held a position as assistant professor at Växjö/Linneus University prior to joining Chalmers in 2001. He currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Business Logistics, the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and is an area editor of Operations Management Research, and in the EAB/ERBs of other journals (e.g. the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management).
Showing 197 publications
An analysis of automakers navigating an evolving semiconductor landscape
Misalignments in complex Multi-tier Supply Chains planning
Implications of circularity for supply chain management a multi-tier supply chain perspective
Impact pathways: technology-aided supply chain planning for resilience
Additive Manufacturing of Slow-Moving Automotive Spare Parts: A Supply Chain Cost Assessment
What are the root causes of material delivery schedule inaccuracy in supply chains?
The Ideal Review Process Is a Three-Way Street
Manufacturing firms’ efforts and challenges in digitalization: searching for circularity
Guest editorial: The future of S&OP: dynamic complexity, ecosystems and resilience
A knowledge-based view of analytics capability in purchasing and supply management
Towards Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Integration
Big data in purchasing and supply management: A research agenda
Reducing retail supply chain costs of product returns using digital product fitting
Supplier flexibility in the order-to-delivery process – a customer perspective
Exploring the impact from digitalization on business relationships in welding manufacturing
Retail supply chain effects of digital product fitting on product returns
Sales and operations execution: An explorative study on potential effects
Future changes in sourcing patterns: 2025 outlook for the Swedish textile industry
Digital varuutprovning - Effektivare processer i detaljhandelns försörjningskedjor
Determinants of information quality in dyadic supply chain relationships
Supplier flexibility in the order-to-delivery process: An empirical gap analysis
Data analytics in purchasing and supply management - insights from a survey
Using data analytics for purchasing and supply management problems
The impact of knowledge properties on international manufacturing transfer performance
Managing the dynamic needs of engineering resources through sales and operations planning
Digital Product Fitting in Retail Supply Chains: Maturity Levels and Potential Outcomes
Measuring and visualizing delivery schedule variations in automotive supply chains
Digital varuutprovning – Ny teknik möjliggör retail excellence och kräver nya sätt att samarbeta
BigData in procurement - literaturereview and a research agenda
Context-based Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) research: A literature review and future agenda
The enabling role of IT for S&OP maturities
Big data analytics challenges in aftermarket supply chains
Big data for improved delivery schedule quality in supply chains
Digital product fitting in retail supply chains: Contextual fit and potential outcomes
Visualizing and mitigating delivery schedule deficiencies and inaccuracies using big data analytics
Future changes of sourcing patterns: A 2025 outlook for the Swedish textile industry
Towards a balanced supply and demand within construction contracting
Implementing S&OP in a complex environment: 10 years of experience at SKF
Connected vehicle data in demand planning: A proposal of interventions in an aftermarket context
Advanced material planning performance: A contextual examination and research agenda
Supply chain information utilisation: conceptualisation and antecedents
Future of supply chain planning: Closing the gaps between practice and promise
Improving performance with sophisticated master production scheduling
Determinants of information quality in supply chains
Inventory management practices and research needs
Manufacturing in Sweden: How competitive is Sweden as a manufacturing location?
CASE 1 Consequences and Opportunities of a Global Two-Factory Production Network
Supply chain information utilization – conceptualization and antecedents
When should advanced planning and scheduling systems be used in sales and operations planning?
Lagerstyrning i svensk industri: 2013 års användning, användningssätt och trender
Advanced planning and scheduling systems: effects on supply chain planning
The value of sharing planning information in supply chains
Så optimerar svenska företag sina lager
Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA
The value of sharing different planning information types in supply chains
Delivery plan quality deficiencies and the efficiency of manufacturing planning and control
A sales and operations planning configuration framework
Themes, research methods and papers at the EurOMA 2009 conference
Linking master production scheduling performance to planning methods
Problems in the onward and upward phase of APS system implementation: Why do they occur?
Effects from implementing advanced planning & scheduling systems for supply chain planning
Supply chain management research at the EurOMA 2009 conference
Problems in the onward and upward phase of APS implementation: Why do they occur?
Operations capabilities in global apparel value chains
Global sourcing strategies in transition: An outsourcing study in the apparel industry
Integrating the performance management process of on-time delivery with suppliers
Utilising the potential of combining local and global supply chains
The potential benefits of advanced planning and scheduling systems in sales and operations planning
Selection, implementation and use of ERP systems for supply chain performance management
Assessing consequences of low cost sourcing in China
Selection, implementation and use of ERP solutions for supply chain performance management
Order-to-delivery process performance in delivery scheduling environments
Nordic research in logistics and supply chain management: an empirical analysis
Global supply chain planning at IKEA
Prerequisites for using APS in S&OP and MPS processes
An order to delivery performance model for delivery scheduling environments
Explaining the perceived importance of dyadically integrating the performance management process
Inventory management practices and their implications on perceived planning performance
Exploring problems related to the materials planning user environment
Perceived quality deficiencies of demand information and their consequences
The impact of forecast information quality on supply chain performance
Tre koncept för samverkan i försörjningskedjan
Supply chain relationships, communication strategies and forecast information quality perceptions
Integrating the supply chain employing advanced planning systems: Three case studies
Dyadic integration of the performance management process: A delivery service case study
Applying advanced planning systems for supply chain planning: Three case studies
Information quality deficiencies and consequences in supply chain information exchange
Informationskvalitetens brister och konsekvenser
An assessment of sourcing strategies in the apparel industry
Perceived planning environmental problems in MPC
Materialplaneringsmetoder i svensk industri:användarerfarenheter
Användarstödets betydelse för att lyckas med materialstyrning
Återrapportering av tillverkningsorder
Logistics performance management challenges in dyadic relationships
Användning av avancerade planeringssystem
The impact of engineering change on materials planning
Viktigt att kunna mäta logistikprestation
The impact of user environment on MPC performance
Some reflections on Nordic research in logistics and supply chain management
A longitudinal study of material planning applications in manufacturing companies
The impact of forecast information quality on logistics performance
Materialplaneringsmetoder i svensk industri: användning och användningssätt
Operational strategies for achieving material planning performance
A longitudinal study of material planning applications in Sweden
Att bestämma lagerhållningssärkostnad och lagerränta
Att använda "simulering" vid prognostisering
CPFR: Gemensam prognosframtagning och prognosutbyte i försörjningskedjor
Hur används och bör man använda materialstyrningsmetoder?
Hur effektivt genomför vi materialstyrning?
Att minska försörjningsrisker med leveransbevakning
Dimensionering av säkerhetslager
Prognosuppföljning - en central del av prognosprocessen
Användning av olika partiformningsmetoder
Att diffrentiera sina kundserviceåtaganden
Kapacitetsplanering med olika kapacitetsplaneringsmetoder
Materialstyrning i distributionsledet - kan DRP vara en metod att använda?
Vad menas egentligen med logistik?
A Simulation Study of the Demand Impact on the Phase-out Performances
Kundorderpunkten som utgångspunkt för logistikstrategin
Adjusting the Materials Planning Strategy to the Phase-in and Phase-out situation
Anpassning av materialplaneringsstrategin till in- och utfasningssituationen
Vad innebär egentligen sälj- och verksamhetsplanering?
Information Quality influences on the sales and operations planning
Varför centralisera lagerhållningen?
Osäkerhetsgardering vid materialstyrning
The influence of demand-information quality on supply chain planning
PLAN - mötesplats och nätverk för logistikkompetens
Forskningsfronten inom produktionslogistik
The Implication of Fit Between Planning Environments and Manufacturing Planning and Control Methods
Achieving High Satisfaction in Supplier-Dealer Relationships
Effektivisera planeringen i en "Planeringstudio"
The relationship between organisation structure, function and profitability
Prognosmetodiken Focus forecasting
Ny forskning om logistik i försörjningskedjor
Modeller för effektiv produktionslogistik
The selection and application of material planning methods
The Selection and Application of Material Planning Methods
The Use and Applicability of Capacity Planning Methods
The Implication of Planning Environments on the Success of Manufacturing
A comparative study of advanced manufacturing technologies in Singapore and Sweden
Hur används egentligen materialplaneringsmetoder i svensk industri?
The Role of Equipment Maintenance in the Manufacturing Strategy
Towards an Holistic Understanding of Disruptions in Operations Management
Planeringsmetoder i tillverkande företag (Rapport för Föreningen för Produktionslogistik (PLAN))
A Model of Supplier-Dealer Working Relationships Achieving High Satisfaction Relationship
An Empirical Taxonomy of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Evaluation and improvement of manufacturing performance measurement systems
Company-wide integrated strategic maintenance - an empirical analysis
The status of maintenance management in Swedish manufacturing firms
TQM, maintenance and plant availability
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Showing 25 research projects
Batt:RE: Battery Supply Chain Information Management for Optimized Tracking and Circularity
Sustainable circular supply of technology to the automotive (SusTeq)
Visibility of value networks for circularity and eco-efficiency (VIVACE)
Construction logistics for increased resource utilization and transport efficiency
Logistic Visibility for Circularity (LOVIS4C)
RESPIRE: Rethinking the management of unexpected events for resilient and sustainable production
REAL: Building resilience: Aligning supply chain reconfiguration and dynamic planning
Transitioning to IoT enabled circular production systems and value chains (IoTCirProd)
Development of a supply risk management framework based on casual relations of risk factors
Exploring new business models as a result from digital supply chain planning innovations
Sensible value chain: material flow, roles and circular economy (SCARCE)
LOVIS - Production Logistics Visibility
New technology and digitalization as enablers of supply chain visibility innovations
Platform-based digital shoe retail (DigitalRetail)
Structures for digitalized information handling and planning in construction (DigiPlan)
The potential of BigData in material supply and information sharing in supply chains
Development of a Procurement Big Data software and method.
Digital model-driven physical retail and supply chain management (DM-Retail)
Utilizing connected vehicle data in future aftermarket supply chain planning
Resource efficient planning for competitive production networks - Phase B
Sustainable supply chain planning strategies
Managing turbulence in production and supply networks
LogiNord - Logistics in Nordic Fresh Food Supply Chains