Patrick Eriksson

Full Professor at Geoscience and Remote Sensing

The goal of our division is to provide and interpret global dataset relevant for climate, weather and environmental problems. Practically, the work ranges from studies around future satellite sensors, to apply in-house and external data for validating climate models. My research is presently focused on water vapour and clouds consisting of ice particles, mainly using different microwave satellite instruments. Of special concern is to support the upcoming ICI (Ice Cloud Imager) and AWS (Arctic Weather Satellite) missions. My main expertise areas are atmospheric radiative transfer and retrieval methodologies, where I have a leading role in some public available softwares (ARTS and Qpack).

Image of Patrick Eriksson

Showing 141 publications


The Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology: A Novel Robust Climate Record of Frozen Cloud Hydrometeor Concentrations

Simon Pfreundschuh, Julia Kukulies, Adrià Amell Tosas et al
Journal article

The Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology: Retrieval implementation and validation

Adrià Amell Tosas, Simon Pfreundschuh, Patrick Eriksson
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 17 (14), p. 4337-4368
Journal article

The first microwave and submillimetre closure study using particle models of oriented ice hydrometeors to simulate polarimetric measurements of ice clouds

Karina McCusker, Anthony J. Baran, Christopher D. Westbrook et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 17 (11), p. 3533-3552
Journal article

The Ice Cloud Imager: retrieval of frozen water column properties

Eleanor May, Bengt Rydberg, Inderpreet Kaur et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 17 (19), p. 5957-5987
Journal article

Remote Sensing of Ice Cloud Properties With Millimeter and Submillimeter-Wave Polarimetry

D. L. Wu, J. Gong, William R. Deal et al
IEEE Journal of Microwaves. Vol. 4 (4), p. 847-857
Journal article

Development of a cloud radiation database for EPS-SG ICI

Bengt Rydberg, Eleanor May, Hanna Hallborn et al

The SPARC water vapour assessment II: biases and drifts of water vapour satellite data records with respect to frost point hygrometer records

M. Kiefer, D. Hurst, G. P. Stiller et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 16 (19), p. 4589-4642
Journal article

Non-linear inversion of Odin sub-mm observations in the lower stratosphere by neural networks

Carlos Jimenez Sanchez, Patrick Eriksson, Jan Askne
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface and Atmosphere, p. 503-511
Book chapter

A New Halocarbon Absorption Model Based on HITRAN Cross-Section Data and New Estimates of Halocarbon Instantaneous Clear-Sky Radiative Forcing

S.A. Buehler, M. Brath, O Lemke et al
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. Vol. 14 (11)
Journal article

On the accuracy of RTTOV-SCATT for radiative transfer at all-sky microwave and submillimeter frequencies

Vasileios Barlakas, V. S. Galligani, Alan J. Geer et al
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 283
Journal article

Ice water path retrievals from Meteosat-9 using quantile regression neural networks

Adrià Amell Tosas, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 15 (19), p. 5701-5717
Journal article

An improved near-real-Time precipitation retrieval for Brazil

Simon Pfreundschuh, Ingrid Ingemarsson, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 15 (23), p. 6907-6933
Journal article

Fast Radiative Transfer Approximating Ice Hydrometeor Orientation and its Implication on IWP Retrievals

Inderpreet Kaur, Patrick Eriksson, Vasileios Barlakas et al
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14 (7)
Journal article

Cautious note on using the discrete dipole approximation for inhomogeneous, spherical scatterers with high optical contrast

Franz Kanngiesser, Patrick Eriksson
Optics Letters. Vol. 47 (16), p. 4203-4206
Journal article

Implementation of a Discrete Dipole Approximation Scattering Database Into Community Radiative Transfer Model

I. Moradi, Patrick Stegmann, Benjamin Johnson et al
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. Vol. 127 (24)
Journal article

Synergistic radar and sub-millimeter radiometer retrievals of ice hydrometeors in mid-latitude frontal cloud systems

Simon Pfreundschuh, Stuart Fox, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 15 (3), p. 677-699
Journal article

GPROF-NN: a neural-network-based implementation of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm

Simon Pfreundschuh, Paula J. Brown, Christian D. Kummerow et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 15 (17), p. 5033-5060
Journal article

The SPARC Water Vapor Assessment II: assessment of satellite measurements of upper tropospheric humidity

William G. Read, Gabriele Stiller, Stefan Lossow et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 15 (11), p. 3377-3400
Journal article

The first global 883 GHz cloud ice survey: IceCube Level 1 data calibration, processing and analysis

Jie Gong, Dong L. Wu, Patrick Eriksson
Earth System Science Data. Vol. 13 (11), p. 5369-5387
Journal article

Can machine learning correct microwave humidity radiances for the influence of clouds?

Inderpreet Kaur, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 14 (4), p. 2957-2979
Journal article

Improvement of Odin/SMR water vapour and temperature measurements and validation of the obtained data sets

Francesco Grieco, Kristell Perot, Donal Murtagh et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 14 (8), p. 5823-5857
Journal article

Bulk hydrometeor optical properties for microwave and sub-millimetre radiative transfer in RTTOV-SCATT v13.0

Alan J. Geer, Peter Bauer, Katrin Lonitz et al
Geoscientific Model Development. Vol. 14 (12), p. 7497-7526
Journal article

Introducing hydrometeor orientation into all-sky microwave and submillimeter assimilation

Vasileios Barlakas, Alan J. Geer, Patrick Eriksson
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 14 (5), p. 3427-3447
Review article

Microwave and submillimeter wave scattering of oriented ice particles

Manfred Brath, Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (5), p. 2309-2333
Journal article

Using passive and active observations at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths to constrain ice particle models

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (2), p. 501-520
Journal article

Towards an operational Ice Cloud Imager (ICI) retrieval product

Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg, Vinia Mattioli et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (1), p. 53-71
Journal article

Study to support the definition of Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) high frequency channels

Patrick Eriksson, Inderpreet Kaur, Simon Pfreundschuh
Report - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

Microwave single-scattering properties of non-spheroidal raindrops

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson, Michael Kahnert
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (12), p. 6933-6944
Journal article

Lägre metanutsläpp kan göra stor skillnad

Christian Azar, Daniel Johansson, Patrick Eriksson
Svenska dagbladet
Newspaper article

Recovery and validation of Odin/SMR long-term measurements of mesospheric carbon monoxide

Francesco Grieco, Kristell Perot, Donal Murtagh et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (9), p. 5013-5031
Journal article

Three Dimensional Radiative Effects in Passive Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter All-sky Observations

Vasileios Barlakas, Patrick Eriksson
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12 (3)
Journal article

Overview: Estimating and reporting uncertainties in remotely sensed atmospheric composition and temperature

Thomas von Clarmann, Douglas A. Degenstein, Nathaniel J. Livesey et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (8), p. 4393-4436
Journal article

Synergistic radar and radiometer retrievals of ice hydrometeors

Simon Pfreundschuh, Patrick Eriksson, Stefan A. Buehler et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 13 (8), p. 4219-4245
Journal article

Airborne validation of radiative transfer modelling of ice clouds at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths

Stuart Fox, Jana Mendrok, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 12 (3), p. 1599-1617
Journal article

The SPARC water vapour assessment II: Profile-to-profile and climatological comparisons of stratospheric δd(H2O) observations from satellite

Charlotta Högberg, Stefan Lossow, F. Khosrawi et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 19 (4), p. 2497-2526
Journal article

Backus-Gilbert footprint matching methodology applied on MWI and ICI observations

Bengt Rydberg, Patrick Eriksson
Report - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

Towards more realistic hypotheses for the information content analysis of cloudy/precipitating situations - Application to a hyperspectral instrument in the microwave

Filipe Aires, Catherine Prigent, Stefan A. Buehler et al
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 145 (718), p. 1-14
Journal article

The SPARC water vapour assessment II: Profile-to-profile comparisons of stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour data sets obtained from satellites

Stefan Lossow, F. Khosrawi, M. Kiefer et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 12 (5), p. 2693-2732
Journal article

Impact of ice aggregate parameters on microwave and sub-millimetre scattering properties

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 224, p. 233-246
Journal article

Atmospheric Gas Absorption Knowledge in the Submillimeter: Modeling, Field Measurements, and Uncertainty Quantification

Vinia Mattioli, Christophe Accadia, Catherine Prigent et al
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Vol. 100 (12), p. ES291-ES295
Journal article

Updated Zeeman effect splitting coefficients for molecular oxygen in planetary applications

Richard Larsson, Boy Lankhaar, Patrick Eriksson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 224, p. 431-438
Journal article

On the distinctiveness of observed oceanic raindrop distributions

David Duncan, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 19 (10), p. 6969-6984
Journal article

An experimental 2D-Var retrieval using AMSR2

David Duncan, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 12 (12), p. 6341-6359
Journal article

All-sky information content analysis for novel passive microwave instruments in the range from 23.8 to 874.4 GHz

Verena Gruetzun, Stefan A. Buehler, Lukas Kluft et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 11 (7), p. 4217-4237
Journal article

A general database of hydrometeor single scattering properties at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths

Patrick Eriksson, Robin Nils Ekelund, Jana Mendrok et al
Earth System Science Data. Vol. 10 (3), p. 1301-1326
Journal article

An update on atmospheric ice estimates from satellite observations and reanalyses

David Duncan, Patrick Eriksson
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 18 (15), p. 11205-11219
Journal article

Retrieval of an ice water path over the ocean from ISMAR and MARSS millimeter and submillimeter brightness temperatures

M. Brath, Patrick Eriksson, R. Chawn Harlow et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 11 (1), p. 611-632
Journal article

Simulation study for the Stratospheric Inferred Winds (SIW) sub-millimeter limb sounder

P. Baron, Donal Murtagh, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 11 (7), p. 4545-4566
Journal article

The SPARC water vapour assessment II: Comparison of stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour time series observed from satellites

F. Khosrawi, Stefan Lossow, G. P. Stiller et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 11 (7), p. 4435-4463
Journal article

An empirical model of nitric oxide in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere based on 12 years of Odin SMR measurements

Joonas Kiviranta, Kristell Perot, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 18 (18), p. 13393-13410
Journal article

A neural network approach to estimating a posteriori distributions of Bayesian retrieval problems

Simon Pfreundschuh, Patrick Eriksson, David Duncan et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 11 (8), p. 4627-4643
Journal article

Summer snowfall workshop: Scattering properties of realistic frozen hydrometeors from simulations and observations, as well as defining a new standard for scattering databases

Stefan Kneifel, José Dias Neto, Davide Ori et al
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Vol. 99 (3), p. ES55-ES58
Journal article

ARTS, the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator - Version 2.2, the planetary toolbox edition

S.A. Buehler, Jana Mendrok, Patrick Eriksson et al
Geoscientific Model Development. Vol. 11 (4), p. 1537-1556
Journal article

The SPARC water vapour assessment II: comparison of annual, semi-annual and quasi-biennial variations in stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour observed from satellites

S. Lossow, F. Khosrawi, G.E. Nedoluha et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 10 (3), p. 1111-1137
Journal article

Martian magnetism with orbiting sub-millimeter sensor: Simulated retrieval system

Richard Larsson, M. Milz, Patrick Eriksson et al
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. Vol. 6 (1), p. 27-37
Journal article

Diurnal variation of tropospheric relative humidity in tropical regions

I. Moradi, P. Arkin, R. R. Ferraro et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 16 (11), p. 6913-6929
Journal article

Modeling the Zeeman effect in high-altitude SSMIS channels for numerical weather prediction profiles: Comparing a fast model and a line-by-line model

R. Larsson, M. Milz, P. Rayer et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 9 (2), p. 841-857
Journal article

The relationship between polar mesospheric clouds and their background atmosphere as observed by Odin-SMR and Odin-OSIRIS

Ole Martin Christensen, S. Benze, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 16 (19), p. 12587-12600
Journal article

A compact receiver system for simultaneous measurements of mesospheric CO and O3

Peter Forkman, Ole Martin Christensen, Patrick Eriksson et al
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. Vol. 5 (1), p. 27-44
Journal article

Tomographic retrieval of water vapour and temperature around polar mesospheric clouds using Odin-SMR

Ole Martin Christensen, Patrick Eriksson, Joachim Urban et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 8 (5), p. 1981-1999
Journal article

Intercalibration of microwave temperature sounders using radio occultation measurements

O. Isoz, S.A. Buehler, Patrick Eriksson
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 120 (9), p. 3758-3773
Journal article

On the microwave optical properties of randomly oriented ice hydrometeors

Patrick Eriksson, Maryam Jamali, J. Mendrok et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 8 (5), p. 1913-1933
Journal article

Microwave hyperspectral measurements for temperature and humidity atmospheric profiling from satellite: The clear-sky case

F. Aires, C. Prigent, E. Orlandi et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 120 (21), p. 11334-11351
Journal article

Retrieving Layer-Averaged Tropospheric Humidity from Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Water Vapor Channels

I. Moradi, R. R. Ferraro, B. J. Soden et al
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 53 (12), p. 6675-6688
Journal article

Zeeman effect in atmospheric O-2 measured by ground-based microwave radiometry

F. Navas-Guzman, N. Kämpfer, Axel Murk et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 8 (4), p. 1863-1874
Journal article

Intercalibration and Validation of Observations From ATMS and SAPHIR Microwave Sounders

I. Moradi, R. R. Ferraro, Patrick Eriksson et al
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 53 (11), p. 5915-5925
Journal article

Meso-scale modelling and radiative transfer simulations of a snowfall event over France at microwaves for passive and active modes and evaluation with satellite observations

V. S. Galligani, C. Prigent, E. Defer et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 8 (3), p. 1605-1616
Journal article

Diagnosing the average spatio-temporal impact of convective systems - Part 2: A model intercomparison using satellite data

Marston Sheldon Johnston, S. Eliasson, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 14 (16), p. 8701-8721
Journal article

MLS and CALIOP Cloud Ice Measurements in the Upper Troposphere: A Constraint from Microwave on Cloud Microphysics

D. L. Wu, A. Lambert, W.G. Read et al
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Vol. 53 (1), p. 157-165
Journal article

Middle-atmospheric zonal and meridional wind profiles from polar, tropical and midlatitudes with the ground-based microwave Doppler wind radiometer WIRA

R. Rüfenacht, Axel Murk, N. Kämpfer et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 7 (12), p. 4491-4505
Journal article

A treatment of the Zeeman effect using Stokes formalism and its implementation in the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS)

R. Larsson, S.A. Buehler, Patrick Eriksson et al
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 133, p. 445-453
Journal article

Overview and sample applications of SMILES and Odin-SMR retrievals of upper tropospheric humidity and cloud ice mass

Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg, H. Sagawa et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 14 (23), p. 12613-12629
Journal article

Twelve years of Arctic ozone loss observed by the Odin satellite

Kazutoshi Sagi, Joachim Urban, Patrick Eriksson et al
Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium, SP-722
Other conference contribution

Diagnosing the average spatio-temporal impact of convective systems -Part 1: A methodology for evaluating climate models

Marston Sheldon Johnston, S. Eliasson, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 13 (23), p. 12043-12058
Journal article

Time series inversion of spectra from ground-based radiometers

Ole Martin Christensen, Patrick Eriksson
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 6 (7), p. 1597-1609
Journal article

Microwave radiometer to retrieve temperature profiles from the surface to the stratopause

O. Stähli, Axel Murk, N. Kämpfer et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 6 (9), p. 2477-2494
Journal article

Sub-millimeter observations of the terrestrial atmosphere during an Earth flyby of the MIRO sounder on the Rosetta spacecraft

C. Jimenez, S. Gulkis, G. Beaudin et al
Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 82-83, p. 99-112
Journal article

The impact of the melting layer on the passive microwave cloud scattering signal observed from satellites: A study using TRMM microwave passive and active measurements

V. S. Galligani, C. Prigent, E. Defer et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 118 (11), p. 5667-5678
Journal article

The representation of tropical upper tropospheric water in EC Earth V2

Marston Sheldon Johnston, Patrick Eriksson, S. Eliasson et al
Climate Dynamics. Vol. 39 (11), p. 2713-2731
Journal article

Six years of mesospheric CO estimated from ground-based frequency-switched microwave radiometry at 57° N compared with satellite instruments

Peter Forkman, Ole Martin Christensen, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 5 (5), p. 2827-2841
Journal article

Observing ice clouds in the submillimeter spectral range: the CloudIce mission proposal for ESA's Earth Explorer 8

S.A. Buehler, E. Defer, F. Evans et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 5 (7), p. 1529-1549
Journal article

On cloud ice induced absorption and polarisation effects in microwave limb sounding

Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg, S.A. Buehler
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 4 (6), p. 1305-1318
Journal article

ARTS, the atmospheric radiative transfer simulator, Version 2

Patrick Eriksson, S.A. Buehler, C. Davis et al
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 112 (10), p. 1551-1558
Journal article

Global modeling of mixed-phase clouds - The albedo and lifetime effects of aerosols

Trude Storelvmo, Corinna Hoose, Patrick Eriksson
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 116 (5), p. D05207-
Journal article

Absorption lookup tables in the radiative transfer model ARTS

S.A. Buehler, Patrick Eriksson, O Lemke
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 112 (10), p. 1559-1567
Journal article

Microwave absorption, emission and scattering: trace gases and meteorological parameters

K Kunzi, P Bauer, R Eresmaa et al
The remote sensing of tropospheric composition from space, p. 153-230
Book chapter

Assessing observed and modelled spatial distributions of ice water path using satellite data

S. Eliasson, S.A. Buehler, M. Milz et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 11 (1), p. 375-391
Journal article

Efficient radiative transfer simulations for a broadband infrared radiometer - Combining a weighted mean of representative frequencies approach with frequency selection by simulated annealing

S.A. Buehler, V.O. John, A Kottayil et al
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 111 (4), p. 602-615
Journal article

Diurnal variations of humidity and ice water content in the tropical upper troposphere

Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg, Marston Sheldon Johnston et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 10 (23), p. 11519-11533
Journal article

Non-Gaussian Bayesian retrieval of tropical upper tropospheric cloud ice and water vapour from Odin-SMR measurements

Bengt Rydberg, Patrick Eriksson, S.A. Buehler et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 2 (2), p. 621-637
Journal article

Validation of ground-based microwave radiometers at 22 GHz for stratospheric and mesospheric water vapor

A. Haefele, E. De Wachter, K. Hocke et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 114 (23)
Journal article

Wintertime water vapour in the polar upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere – first satellite observations by Odin/SMR

Stefan Lossow, Joachim Urban, H. Schmidt et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 114 (10)
Journal article

Evolution of stratospheric ozone and water vapour time series studied with satellite measurements

Ashley Jones, Joachim Urban, Donal Murtagh et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 9, p. 6055-6075
Journal article

HO2 measurements in the stratosphere and the mesosphere from the sub-millimetre limb sounder Odin/SMR

P. Baron, E. Dupuy, Joachim Urban et al
International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 30 (15-16), p. 4195-4208
Journal article

Comparison of satellite limb-sounding humidity climatologies of the uppermost tropical troposphere

Mattias Ekström, Patrick Eriksson, W.G. Read et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 8 (2), p. 309-320
Journal article

Comparison between early Odin-SMR, Aura MLS and CloudSat retrievals of cloud ice mass in the upper tropical troposphere

Patrick Eriksson, Mattias Ekström, Bengt Rydberg et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 8 (7), p. 1937-1948
Journal article

Observations of the mesospheric semi-annual oscillation (MSAO) in water vapour by Odin/SMR

S. Lossow, Joachim Urban, J. Gumbel et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 8 (21), p. 6527-6540
Journal article

A study of ozone depletion in the 2004/2005 Arctic winter based on data from Odin/SMR and Aura/MLS

JOHN RÖSEVALL, Donal Murtagh, Joachim Urban et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 113 (D13)
Journal article

Pressure broadening coefficients of the water vapor lines at 556.936 and 752.033 GHz

T. Seta, H. Hoshina, Y. Kasai et al
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. Vol. 109 (1), p. 144-150
Journal article

Altitude resolved ice-fraction in the uppermost tropical troposphere

Mattias Ekström, Patrick Eriksson
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 35 (2), p. L13822-
Journal article

Validation of Odin/SMR limb observations of ozone, comparisons with OSIRIS, POAM III, ground-based and balloon-borne intruments

F. Jégou, Joachim Urban, J. De La Noë et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 8 (13), p. 3385-3409
Journal article

Global observations of middle atmospheric water vapour by the Odin satellite: An overview.

Joachim Urban, Nicolas Lautié, Donal Murtagh et al
Planetary and Space Science. Vol. 55 (9), p. 1093-1102
Journal article

First Odin sub-mm retrievals in the tropical upper troposphere: ice cloud properties

Patrick Eriksson, Mattias Ekström, Bengt Rydberg et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 7 (2), p. 471-483
Journal article

Prediction of cloud ice signatures in submillimetre emission spectra by means of ground-based radar and in situ microphysical data

Bengt Rydberg, Patrick Eriksson, S.A. Buehler
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 133 (S2), p. 151 - 162
Journal article

Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Nitric Acid in the Stratosphere

Joachim Urban, Matthieu Pommier, Donal Murtagh et al
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Vol. ESA-SP-636 (SP-636)
Other conference contribution

Intercomparison of Odin/SMR Ozone measurements with MIPAS and balloon sonde data

Ashley Jones, Donal Murtagh, Joachim Urban et al
Canadian Journal of Physics. Vol. 85 (11), p. 1111-1123
Journal article

Critical parameters for the retrieval of mesospheric water vapour and temperature from Odin/SMR limb measurements at 557 GHz

S. Loßow, Joachim Urban, Patrick Eriksson et al
Advances in Space Research. Vol. 40, p. 835-845
Journal article

A cloud filtering method for microwave upper tropospheric humidity measurements

S.A. Buehler, M. Kuvatov, T.R. Sreerekha et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 7 (21), p. 5531-5542
Journal article

Performance simulations for a submillimetre-wave satellite instrument to measure cloud ice

C. Jiménez, S.A. Buehler, Bengt Rydberg et al
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 133 (S2), p. 129-149
Journal article

First Odin sub-mm retrievals in the tropical upper troposphere: humidity and cloud ice signals

Mattias Ekström, Patrick Eriksson, Bengt Rydberg et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 7 (2), p. 459-469
Journal article

A concept for a satellite mission to measure cloud ice water path, ice particle size, and cloud altitude

S.A. Buehler, C. Jiménez, K.F. Evans et al
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 133 (S2), p. 109-128
Journal article

Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Trace Gases in the Polar Lower Stratosphere during 2004-2005

Joachim Urban, Donal Murtagh, Nicolas Lautié et al
Proc. ESA First Atmospheric Science Conference, 8-12 May 2006, Frascati, Italy / editor Lacoste, H.. Vol. ESA-SP-628
Other conference contribution

Efficient forward modelling by matrix representation of sensor responses

Patrick Eriksson, Mattias Ekström, S.A. Buehler et al
Int. J. Remote Sensing. Vol. 27, p. 1793-1808
Journal article

Recent developments in the line-by-line modeling of outgoing longwave radiation

S.A. Buehler, A. von Engeln, E. Brocard et al
J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer. Vol. 98, p. 446-457
Journal article

Intercomparisons of trace gases profiles from the Odin/SMR and Aura/MLS limb sounders

B. Barret, P. Ricaud, M. Santee et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 111 (D21)
Journal article

Understanding the variability of clear-sky outgoing long-wave radiation based on ship-based temperature and water vapor measurements

V.O. John, S.A. Buehler, A. von Engeln et al
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Vol. 132 (621), p. 2675-2691
Journal article

Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Stratospheric Trace Gases: Level 2 Processing of ClO, N2O, O3, and HNO3

Joachim Urban, N. Lautié, E. Le Flochmoën et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 110 (D14), p. 1-20
Journal article

A Demonstration of AMSU Retrieval Precision for Mean Upper Tropospheric Humidity by a Non-Linear Multi-Channel Regression Method

C. Jiménez, Patrick Eriksson, S.A. Buehler et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 5, p. 451-459
Journal article

Observing the Vertical Branch of the Mesospheric Circulation at lat N 60° Using Ground Based Measurements of CO and H2O

Peter Forkman, Patrick Eriksson, Donal Murtagh
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 110 (D5), p. 1-11
Journal article

Odin/SMR limb observations of stratospheric trace gases: Validation of N2O

Joachim Urban, N. Lautié, E. Le Flochmoën et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 110 (9), p. D09301-20
Journal article

Qpack, a tool for instrument simulation and retrieval work

Patrick Eriksson, Carlos Jimenez Sanchez, S.A. Buehler
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. Vol. 91, p. 47-64
Journal article

Polar Vortex Evolution during the 2002 Antarctic Major Warming as Observed by the Odin Satellite

P. Ricaud, F. Lefévre, G. Berthet et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 110 (D5), p. 1-12
Journal article

Expected performance of the Superconducting Submillimeter-wave Limb Emission Sounder compared with aircraft data

S.A. Buehler, C.L. Verdes, S. Tsujimaru et al
Radio Science. Vol. 40 (3)
Journal article

Intercomparison of General Purpose Clear Sky Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models for the Millimeter/submillimeter Spectral Range

C. Melsheimer, C. Verdes, S.A. Buehler et al
Radio Science. Vol. 40, p. 1007-
Journal article

ARTS, the atmospheric radiative transfer simulatior

S.A. Buehler, Patrick Eriksson, P. Kuhn et al
J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer. Vol. 91, p. 65-93
Journal article

Comparisons of MIPAS/ENVISAT ozone profiles with SMR/ODIN and HALOE/UARS observations

D.Y. Wang, G.P. Stiller, T. von Clarmann et al
Advances in Space Research. Vol. 36 (5), p. 927-931
Journal article

A polarized discrete ordinate scattering model for simulations of limb and nadir long-wave measurements in 1-D/3-D spherical atmospheres

C. Emde, S.A. Buehler, C. Davis et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 109 (D24), p. 1-20
Journal article

Strato-mesospheric Measurements of Carbon Monoxide with the Odin Sub-millimetre Radiometer: Retrieval and First Results

E. Dupuy, Joachim Urban, P. Ricaud et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 31 (20)
Journal article

Odin/SMR Observations of Stratospheric Water Vapour and its Isotopes: Requirements on Spectroscopy

Joachim Urban, Nicolas Lautié, Donal Murtagh et al
Proc. Int. Workshop on Critical Evaluation of mm-/submm-wave Spectroscopic Data for Atmos. Observ., 29-30 January 2004, Mito, Japan, edited by Amano, T., Kasai, Y., Manabe, T., p. 69-74
Other conference contribution

The northern hemisphere stratospheric vortex during the 2002-03 winter: Subsidence, chlorine activation and ozone loss observed by the Odin Sub-Millimetre Radiometer

Joachim Urban, Nicolas Lautié, E. Le Flochmoën et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 31 (7), p. L07103-
Journal article

The Effect of Cirrus Clouds on Limb Radiances

C. Emde, S.A. Buehler, Patrick Eriksson et al
J. Atmos. Res.. Vol. 72, p. 383-481
Journal article

Retrievals of stratospheric O3 and NO2 profiles from Odin Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imager System (OSIRIS) limb-scattered sunlight measurements

C. S. Haley, Samuel Brohede, C. E. Sioris et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 109 (D16)
Journal article

Odin/SMR global measurements of water vapour and its isotopes in the stratosphere and the mesosphere

N. Lautié, Joachim Urban, Donal Murtagh et al
Proc. XXth Quadrenn. Ozone Symp., Kos, Greece, 1-8 June, p. 215-216
Paper in proceeding

Longest continous ground-based measurements of mesospheric CO

Peter Forkman, Patrick Eriksson, Anders Winnberg et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 30 (10)
Journal article

The 22 GHz radio-aeronomy receiver at Onsala Space Observatory

Peter Forkman, Patrick Eriksson, Anders Winnberg
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Vol. 77 (1), p. 23-42
Journal article

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Showing 16 research projects


Klimatsidan av Arctic Weather Satellite

Patrick Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board


De första stegen med ett helt nytt rymdbaserat väderinstrument

Patrick Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

2 publications exist

Fuktighet, moln och snö i Arktis

Patrick Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board


Consistent Air-Ice-Sea Data Assimilation of Satellite Observations (CAISA)

Leif Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Anis Elyouncha Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Patrick Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board


Robust Estimation of Global precipitation using Neural networks (REGN)

Patrick Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

7 publications exist

Consolidating the radiative transfer infrastructure supporting MWI and ICI

Patrick Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

1 publication exists

Towards Europe's next generation of microwave sensors

Patrick Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

1 publication exists

Scientific concept study for wide-swath high-resolution cloud profiling

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA ESTEC)


Dual Dual-frequency Ice Cloud Explorer (DICE). Fas A/B1

Patrick Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board


Preparation for Metop SG Ice Cloud Imager

Jana Mendrok Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Patrick Eriksson Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

7 publications exist

Microwave based assessment of climate processes and models (MwClim)

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Swedish National Space Board


Wave optics processor to complete simulator up to Level 1b

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
European Space Agency (ESA)
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA ESTEC)


Ice Cloud Imager

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Swedish National Space Board


Predikterbar prestanda för GNSS Applikationer. NRFP 2 (dnr 89:13)

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Joel Rasch Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Swedish National Space Board


Use of Spectral Information at Microwave Region for Numerical Weather Prediction

Patrick Eriksson Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA ESTEC)
European Space Agency (ESA)


ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE)

Luisa Ickes Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Michael Kahnert Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Ziqian Zhong Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
David Simpson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Lloyd Villanueva Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Johan Mellqvist Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Hannah Frostenberg Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Leif Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Hans Chen Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Erik Holmgren Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Albert Monteith Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Alejandro Baró Pérez Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Nils Slättberg Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Hari Ram Chandrika Rajendran Nair Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
Patrick Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Lund University

114 publications exist
There might be more projects where Patrick Eriksson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.