Christian Berger
Visar 117 publikationer
LLMs Can Check Their Own Results to Mitigate Hallucinations in Traffic Understanding Tasks
Predicting Pedestrian Crossing Behavior in Germany and Japan: Insights into Model Transferability
Semantic-Aware Representation of Multi-Modal Data for Data Ingress: A Literature Review
Engineering Safety Requirements for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models
Predicting and Analyzing Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Unsignalized Crossings
Analyzing Factors Influencing Pedestrian Behavior in Urban Traffic Scenarios using Deep Learning
On STPA for Distributed Development of Safe Autonomous Driving: An Interview Study
Cross or Wait? Predicting Pedestrian Interaction Outcomes at Unsignalized Crossings
AirDnD-Asynchronous In-Range Dynamic and Distributed Network Orchestration Framework
Pedestrian Behavior Prediction Using Deep Learning Methods for Urban Scenarios: A Review
Evaluation of Out-of-Distribution Detection Performance on Autonomous Driving Datasets
Spatial-Temporal-Spectral LSTM: A Transferable Model for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Systematic Evaluation of Applying Space-Filling Curves to Automotive Maneuver Detection
Application and evaluation of direct sparse visual odometry in marine vessels
Learning the Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Traction Adaptive Motion Planning and Control at the Limits of Handling
Over 60,000 km in a year: remotely collecting large-volume high-quality data from a logistics truck
Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles
Performance analysis of out-of-distribution detection on trained neural networks
Understanding the Impact of Edge Cases from Occluded Pedestrians for ML Systems
Are we ready for beyond-application high-volume data? The Reeds robot perception benchmark dataset
HPM-Frame: A Decision Framework for Executing Software on Heterogeneous Platforms
Principles for Re-architecting Software for Heterogeneous Platforms
HAFLoop: An architecture for supporting Highly Adaptive Feedback Loops in self-adaptive systems
Microservice Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: A Case-Study
Towards Structured Evaluation of Deep Neural Network Supervisors
Autonomous vehicles: state of art, future trends, and challenges
The Automotive Take on Continuous Experimentation: A Multiple Case Study
Evolution of technical debt: An exploratory study
Symmetry-Breaking Supercollisions in Landau-Quantized Graphene
Correlations of software code metrics: An empirical study
Comparison of model size predictors in practice
Software-related challenges of testing automated vehicles
Containerized development and microservices for self-driving vehicles: Experiences & best practices
Design Criteria to Architect Continuous Experimentation for Self-Driving Vehicles
Paving the roadway for safety of automated vehicles: An empirical study on testing challenges
Mastering data complexity for autonomous driving with adaptive point clouds for urban environments
Predicting and evaluating software model growth in the automotive industry
Microscopic origins of the terahertz carrier relaxation and cooling dynamics in graphene
An Open Continuous Deployment Infrastructure for a Self-driving Vehicle Ecosystem
Towards state-of-the-art and future trends in testing of active safety systems
Continuous experimentation on cyber-physical systems: Challenges and opportunities
Slow Noncollinear Coulomb Scattering in the Vicinity of the Dirac Point in Graphene
Adaptive message restructuring using model-driven engineering
Improving Dependability of Embedded Software Systems using Fault Bypass Modeling (FBM)
Systematic Evaluation of Three Data Marshalling Approaches for Distributed Software Systems
Simulations on Consumer Tests: A Systematic Evaluation Approach in an Industrial Case Study
Technical Evaluation of the Carolo-Cup 2014 - A Competition for Self-Driving Miniature Cars
Agile Model-Driven Engineering in Mechatronic Systems - An Industrial Case Study
Driving with Confidence: Local Dynamic Maps That Provide LoS for the Gulliver Test-bed
enseDSL: Automating the Integration of Sensors for MCU-based Robots and Cyber-Physical Systems
Explicating, Understanding and Managing Technical Debt from Self-Driving Miniature Car Projects
Visualizing Testing Activities to Support Continuous Integration: A Multiple Case Study
Analysing defect inflow distribution of automotive software projects
The CIViT Model in a Nutshell: Visualizing Testing Activities to Support Continuous Integration
Open Issues in Reuse of Certified Components in Cyber Physical Systems
Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations with the Gulliver Test-Bed
Evaluating long-term predictive power of standard reliability growth models on automotive systems
An Interdisciplinary Perspective to the Design and Decision Support of Integral Safety Systems
On Using the Gulliver Platform for Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations
Evaluation of standard reliability growth models in the context of automotive software systems
Improving Fault Injection in Automotive Model Based Development using Fault Bypass Modeling
COTS-Architecture with a Real-Time OS for a Self-Driving Miniature Vehicle
Model-based, Composable Simulation for the Development of Autonomous Miniature Vehicles
MDE-based Sensor Management and Verification for a Self-Driving Miniature Vehicle
Improving Scenario Selection for Simulations by Run-Time Control-Flow Analysis
Meta-Metrics for Simulations in Software Engineering on the Example of Integral Safety Systems
Improving fault injection in automotive model based development using fault bypass modeling
Constructive Requirements Modeling - More Reliable Implementations in a Shorter Time
Engineering Autonomous Driving Software
From Autonomous Vehicles to Safer Cars: Selected Challenges for the Software Engineering
Verification of ISO 26262 Software requirements in safety critical EE-systems
Towards transactional self-adaption for AUTOSAR on the example of a collision detection system
Design Considerations for a Cyber-Physical Testing Language on the Example of Autonomous Driving
Cloud-based Testing for Context-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems
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Visar 10 forskningsprojekt
Fuel identification – Verifierad bränsle-användning inom tunga vägtransporter
DegradeFX - Explicating and Measuring Data Degradation Effects on ML
Utveckling av helt autonoma marina fartyg - ett steg mot ett autonomt Marine ElectriCity
Safety in automated driving (ADS): modelling interaction between road-users and automated vehicles
COPPLAR CampusShuttle cooperative perception & planning platform
ISO 26262 Verifiering av programvara i säkerhetskritiska EE-system (VISEE)