Claes Breitholtz
Visar 67 publikationer
Analytical derivation of poorly-damped eigenvalues in two-terminal VSC-HVDC systems
State constrained optimal control via the Fokker-Planck equation
Analytical derivation of poorly-damped eigenvalues in two-Terminal VSCHVDC systems
VSC-HVDC system robust stability analysis based on a modified mixed small gain and passivity theorem
Analytical investigation of poorly damped conditions in VSC-HVDC systems
Stability and robustness of VSC-HVDC systems
Nyquist stability analysis of a VSC-HVDC system using a distributed parameter DC-cable model
Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for a stochastic system with state constraints
Internal interconnections impact on control performance in a thermomechanical pulping process
Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for a Stochastic System with State Constraints
On the analysis of the dc dynamics of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC systems using small signal modeling
Analysis of the dc Dynamics of VSC-HVDC Systems Using a Frequency Domain Approach
High-Level Scheduling of Energy Optimal Trajectories
Optimal Control of a Batch Reactor Using the Linearized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
Model-based on-board turbofan thrust estimation
Finite-time state-constrained optimal control for input-affine systems with actuator noise
State constrained control based on linearization of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
State-Constrained Control Based on Linearization of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
On the infinite-time solution to state-constrained stochastic optimal control
Closed loop model reduction applied to a tank reactor process
Tank reactor temperature control using Quantitative Feedback Theory
Quantitative feedback theory used on a tank reactor model
Quantitative assessment in frequency domain of reactor model simplification
Closed loop model reduction applied to a tank reactor process
On the infinite-time solution to state-constrained stochastic optimal control problems
Low model order approximations of continuously stirred biofilm reactors with Monod kinetics
A closed loop perspective of model reduction for a CSTR
An eigenvalue approach to infinite-horizon optimal control
A Closed Loop Approach to Tank Reactor Model Simplification
Optimal control of battery supercapacitor systems
Estimation of thrust and mass flow in a jet engine
Model reduction for temperature control of non-ideally stirred tank reactors
Parameter sensitivity in a compartmental model of a non-ideally stirred tank reactor
Linear parameter-varying descriptions of nonlinear systems
Region of attraction estimates for LPV-Gain scheduled control systems
Induced L2 -gain domain for LPV-Gain scheduled control systems
Physics and Control of Resistive Wall Modes
Internal interconnections in TMP refining
LPV-Based Gain Scheduling Technique applied to a Turbo Fan Engine Model
Active control of MHD modes in magnetic confinement systems
Gain Scheduling using Linear Parameter-varying Systems and H-inf synthesis
Gain scheduling via affine linear parameter-varying systems and H-infinity synthesis
Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in tokamaks
Active Feedback Stabilization of High-Beta Modes in Advanced Tokamaks
H-inf control of unstable uncertain plants using Horowitz bounds
Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in advanced Tokamaks
Transfer function models for CSTs with diffusion and reaction in biofilms or permeable catalysts
Transfer Function Models for Biofilm Reactors and Reactors with Porous Catalyst
Rational Transfer Functions for Biofilm Reactors
Transfer functions for series of continuously stirred biofilm reactors
A study of gain scheduling control applied to an exothermic CSTR
Steady state solution of a two-species biofilm problem
Control System Design in Distillation Processes and its Dependence of the Original Process Design
HVDC transmission line model for transient simulation purposes
Experimental Validation of a Packed Bed Distillation Model
Adaptiv och robust reglering - framtidens vägar till processstyrning
Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer in Packed Bed Distillation Columns
Space and Time Continuous Lumped Transmission Line Model
On the Modelling of Packed Bed Distillation Columns
Model Order Reduction for Packed Bed Distillation Columns
Model Simplification for Distributed Parameter Systems
Adaptive Control in an Instrumentation Environment
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