Peter F G Hansbo
Visar 103 publikationer
The nonconforming linear strain tetrahedron for a large deformation elasticity problem
Fictitious domain finite element methods using cut elements: II. A stabilized Nitsche method
A finite element method with discontinuous rotations for the Mindlin-Reissner plate model
A finite element time relaxation method
A hierarchical NXFEM for fictitious domain simulations
An hp-Nitsche's method for interface problems with nonconforming unstructured finite element meshes
Weak coupling of a Reynolds model and a Stokes model for hydrodynamic lubrication
A nonconforming rotated Q(1) approximation on tetrahedra
A Stokes model with cavitation for the numerical simulation of hydrodynamic lubrication
A hierarchical NXFEM for fictitious domain simulations
An adaptive low-order FE-scheme for Stokes flow with cavitation
An adaptive finite element method for second order plate theory
A finite element method with discontinuous rotations for the Mindlin-Reissner plate model
A discontinuous finite element method for elasto-plasticity
Weak coupling of a Reynolds model and a Stokes model for hydrodynamic lubrication
Weakly imposed Dirichlet boundary conditions for the Brinkman model of porous media flow
Piecewise divergence free discontinuous Galerkin methods
A projection approach to finite volume discretization of diffusion operators
A Stokes model with cavitation for the numerical simulation of hydrodynamic lubrication
A linear nonconforming finite element method for Maxwell's equations in two dimensions
A simple pressure stabilization method for the Stokes equation
An adaptive finite element method for second order plate theory
Weakly imposed Dirichlet boundary conditions for the Brinkman model of porous media flow
Adaptive finite element methods for hydrodynamic lubrication with cavitation
A unified stabilized method for Stokes and Darcy's equations
A stabilized non-conforming finite element method for incompressible flow
Edge stabilization for the generalized Stokes problem: A continuous interior penalty method
Stabilized Lagrange multiplier methods for elastic contact with friction,
Continuous interior penalty finite element method for Oseen's equations
Nitsche's method for interface problems in computational mechanics
Stabilized CrouzeixRaviart element for the DarcyStokes problem
Three lectures on error estimation and adaptivity
Adaptive strategies and error control for computing material forces in fracture mechanics
A finite element method for the simulation of strong and weak discontinuities in solid mechanics
The edge stabilization method for finite elements in CFD
Edge stabilization for Galerkin approximations of convection-diffusion problems
Energy norm a posteriori error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin methods
A finite element method on composite grids based on Nitsche's method
Space-time finite elements and an adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem
A variable diffusion method for mesh smoothing
Nitsche's method for coupling nonmatching meshes in fluidstructure vibration problems
Time finite elements and error computation for (visco)plasticity with hardening or softening
Discontinuous Galerkin and the Crouzeix Raviart element: Application to elasticity
A finite element method for domain decomposition with nonmatching grids
Goal-oriented error control for large strain viscoplasticity
An unfitted finite element method, based on Nitsche's method, for elliptic interface problems
Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation in elastic fracture mechanics
A discontinuous Galerkin method for the plate equation
Strategies for computing goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in non-linear elasticity
On error control and adaptivity for computing material forces in fracture mechanics
Strategier för generell felkontroll i FEM tillämpat på hyperelasticitet
Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in nonlinear elasticity
Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem
A note on energy conservation for Hamiltonian systems using continuous time finite elements
A simple nonconforming bilinear element for the elasticity problem
Computation of goal-oriented error measures in space-time finite elements for viscoplasticity
A Cracnk-Nicolson type space-time finite element method for computing on moving meshes
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for convectiondiffusion problems with arbitrary Péclet number
Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem
Adaptive finite element methods for elastostatic contact problems
Adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem using space-time finite elements
Adaptive Strategy for the Coupled Thermoelasticity Problem Using Space-Time Finite Elements
Moving finite element methods by use of space-time elements: I. Scalar problems
A new approach to quadrature for finite elemens incorporating hourglass control as a special case
Computational differential equations
Introduction to computational methods for differential equations
On advancing front mesh generation in three dimensions
Introduction to adaptive methods for differential equations
Generalized Laplacian smoothing of unstructured grids
Lagrangian incompressible flow computations in three dimensions by use of space-time finite elements
Aspects of conservation in finite element flow computations
Space-time oriented streamline diffusion methods for nonlinear conservation laws in one dimension
Adaptive finite element methods in computational mechanics
The characteristic streamline diffusion method for convection-diffusion problems
Adaptive finite element methods for small strain elasto-plasticity
Adaptive streamline diffusion methods for compressible flow using conservation variables
High order time integration of thermal problems
On the behaviour of natural slopes with emphasis on progressive failure
Stability and progressive failure of natural slopes - A simple approach
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