Holger Rootzen
Min forskning gäller stokastiska processer. Just nu tänker jag mest på högdimensionell statistik för extrema episoder och utseendet av extrema episoder i icke differentierbara normalprocesser, på prediktion av epidemier, på extrem mänsklig livslängd och på detektering av anomalier. Jag försöker bidra till hantering av extrema översvämningar, stormar och värmeböljor orsakade av klimatförändringar, till minskande av finansiella risker och till modellering av mikroskopiska strukturer i mjuka material. Redaktörskap tar upp en del av min tid: jag är biträdande redaktör för Journal of the American Statistical Association och för Extremes. Jag är medlem i WASPs styrgrupp för AI/math.
Personlig hemsida: http://www.math.chalmers.se/~rootzen/

Visar 42 publikationer
Locally tail-scale invariant scoring rules for evaluation of extreme value forecasts
Remembering Ross Leadbetter: some personal recollections
Real-time prediction of severe influenza epidemics using extreme value statistics
Is There a Cap on Longevity? A Statistical Review
Human mortality at extreme age
Does the death postponement phenomenon really exist?
3D high spatial resolution visualisation and quantification of interconnectivity in polymer films
Prediction of diffusive transport through polymer films from characteristics of the pore geometry
Peaks Over Thresholds Modeling With Multivariate Generalized Pareto Distributions
Multivariate peaks over thresholds models
Multivariate generalized Pareto distributions: Parametrizations, representations, and properties
Rejoinder to discussion of the paper “Human life is unlimited - but short”
Editorial: The 20th Anniversary of the Extremes Journal
Human life is unlimited - but short
Tail estimation for window censored processes
Efficient estimation of the number of false positives in high-throughput screening
An interview with Ross Leadbetter
Error distributions for random grid approximations of multidimensional stochastic integrals
Design Life Level: Quantifying risk in a changing climate
Stationary stochastic processes for scientists and engineers
Limit Theorems for Empirical Processes of Cluster Functionals
Models for Dependent Extremes Using Stable Mixtures.
Univariate and Bivariate GPD Methods for Predicting Extreme Wind Storm Losses
Weak convergence of the tail empirical function for dependent sequences
Pricing k-th to default swaps under default contagion: The matrix analytic approach
A discussion of statistical methods for estimation of extreme wind speeds
On the influence of the prior distribution in image reconstruction.
Pitting corrosion: Comparison of treatments with extreme value distributed responses.
The multivariate generalized Pareto distribution.
Methods for estimating the sizes of large inclusions in clean steels.
Empirical testing of the infinite source poisson data traffice model
Extreme values in finance, telecommunication and the environment
A network traffic model with random transmission rate
Is network traffic approximated by stable Lévy motion or fractional Brownian motion?
Weak convergence of high level crossings and maxima for one or more Gaussian processes
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Stochastics for big data and big systems - bridging local and global
Analysis of the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data
Försäkringsrisker: Realistiska modeller för beroende