Rob Maaskant
Rob Maaskant är Docent i forskargruppen Antenner.
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Visar 165 publikationer
Antenna Array Measurements by a Scalable Backscatter Modulation Procedure
Contactless Measurement of a D-Band On-Chip Antenna Using an Integrated Reflective Load Switch
3D-Printed Silver-Coated Vivaldi Array with Integrated Coaxial Probe Feeding
Optimization of the TRP evaluation in Anechoic-Reverberation Hybrid Chamber
Array Mutual Impedances Can Be Determined from Antenna Range Pattern Measurements
Systematic Self-Interference Mitigation in Full Duplex Antenna Arrays Via Transmit Beamforming
Measuring Array Mutual Impedances Using Embedded Element Patterns
Out-of-band Interference Suppression of SatCom Antenna Arrays through Transmit Beamforming
The Hybrid Chamber for OTA measurements: Plane Wave Spectrum Quality Vs. Dynamic Range Trade-off
Characterization and Calibration of the Hybrid OTA Chamber Using a Field Scanner
Sparse Array Synthesis Including Mutual Coupling for MU-MIMO Average Capacity Maximization
Algorithmic Radar, a Novel Low-Power Architecture for High-Accuracy PMCW Radar
Comparison of CBFM-Enhanced Iterative Methods for MoM-Based Finite Antenna Array Analysis
Cell Partitioning Antenna System Performance in Multi-User Scenarios for mmWave Communications
Power Efficiency and Linearity of Highly Integrated Transmitting Array Antennas
Uniform Linear Arrays With Optimized Inter-Element Spacing for LOS Massive MIMO
Multipath Rician Channel Simulation in the Test Zone of a Hybrid OTA Chamber
Enhancing mmWave On-Chip-Antennas Using In-Package Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures
A New Hybrid Chamber for Generating a Spectrum of Oblique Incident Plane Waves at the DUT
Fast Characterization of Mutually Coupled Array Antennas Using Isolated Antenna Far-Field Data
Emulating Rician distributed channels in a hybrid chamber for OTA measurements
Spatial Power Combining and Impedance Matching Silicon IC-to-Waveguide Contactless Transition
Numerical analysis of Huygens-like on-chip antennas for mm-wave applications
Antenna Systems for 5G mm-Wave Radio Access
IC Design Aspects for 5G mm-Wave Systems
Semi-Analytical Model of the Rician K-Factor
Array Configuration Effect on the Spatial Correlation of MU-MIMO Channels in NLoS Environments
Antenna Mutual Coupling Effects in Highly Integrated Transmitter Arrays
High power mm-wave spatial power combiner employing on-chip isolation resistors
A Wideband and Low-Loss Spatial Power Combining Module for mm-Wave High-Power Amplifiers
Multi-Panel Sparse Base Station Design with Physical Antenna Effects in Massive MU-MIMO
Effect of antenna array element separation on capacity of MIMO systems including mutual coupling
Deep Integration Antenna Array: Design Philosophy and Principles
A Directly Matched PA-Integrated K-band Antenna for Efficient mm-Wave High-Power Generation
Characterization and Performance of an Ultra-Wideband Wide-Coverage Multimode MIMO Antenna
Towards a Generic Model for MU-MIMO Analysis Including Mutual Coupling and Multipath Effects
N-way spatial power combining in SIW for high power generation MMICs-scalability bounds
MIMO-Sparse Radars for Enhanced DOA Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Correlated Sources
Aperiodic Switched Array for Line-of-Sight MIMO Backhauling
Efficient Millimeter-Wave High Power Generation with Spatial Power-Combined Feeding Element
A Ka-Band Active Integrated Antenna for 5G Applications: Initial Design Flow
Network model of a 5G MIMO base station antenna in a downlink multi-user scenario
Fast analysis of active antenna systems following the Deep Integration paradigm
Per-Antenna Power Distribution of a Zero-Forcing Beamformed ULA in pure LOS MU-MIMO
Phased Arrays for Radio Astronomy, Remote Sensing, and Satellite Communications
On the Sparsity and Aperiodicity of a Base Station Antenna Array in a Downlink MU-MIMO Scenario
Characterization method of an automotive random-LOS OTA measurement setup
The CBFM-Enhanced Jacobi Method for Efficient Finite Antenna Array Analysis
Effects of Regular and Aperiodic Array Layout in Multi-User MIMO Applications
Toward Wide-Band Low-Loss Gap-Waveguide-Integrated Grid Amplifiers
Element Pattern Prediction in Mutually-Coupled Arrays Through Isolated Antenna Characterization
Aperiodic Isophoric Slotted Waveguide Antenna for Point-to-Point Communications at Ka-band
Useful Physical Images and Algorithms for Vector Dyadic Green's Functions [Wireless Corner]
Accelerating the CBFM-enhanced jacobi method
Point-to-Point 3 x 3 MIMO Performance Gains with Aperiodic Sparse Arrays in Pure LOS Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity Gains in mm-Wave LOS Systems with Irregular Sparse Array Antennas
Enhancing the Jacobi Method with the CBFM for array antenna analysis
Deep Integration: A Paradigm Shift in the Synthesis of Active Antenna Systems
A Wideband Contactless and Bondwire-Free MMIC to Waveguide Transition
High-Sensitivity Phased Array Receivers for Radio Astronomy
Synthesis of circular isophoric sparse arrays by using compressive-sensing
Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
Mm-Wave contactless connection for MMIC integration in gap waveguides
Modal-Based Design of a Wideband Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Antenna
Reconfigurable aperiodic array synthesis by Compressive Sensing
Teaching and Learning Electromagnetics: An Analytical Problem-Solving Approach
Array-fed cylindrical reflector antenna for automotive OTA tests in Random Line-Of-Sight
W-band spatial power combiner and splitter in gap waveguide technology
Capabilities and fundamental limitations of multi-mode antennas in an array environment
Spatial Power Combining and Splitting in Gap Waveguide Technology
Fast Solution of Multiple Slot-Coupled Waveguide Junctions Using the CBFM
Irregular Quad-Mode Antenna Array: Field-of-View Comparison with the Swedish LOFAR Station
Multi-Element Aperiodic Array Synthesis by Compressive Sensing
Maximum Aperture Power Transmission in Lossy Homogeneous Matters
Field Computations Through the ACA Algorithm
Efficient Wideband Gain Modeling for Interferometric Imaging Arrays in Radio Astronomy
Quad-Mode Antenna for Wide-Scan Sparse Arrays
Conical Quad-Mode Antenna With Integrated Tapered Slot Antennas For Wide-Field Polarimetry
Design of Maximally Sparse Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
A Comparison of Two Types of Macro Basis Functions Defined on LEGO Electromagnetic Bricks
Optimal Aperture Distribution for Maximum Power Transfer in Planar Lossy Multilayered Matters
Accelerating the Domain Green's Function Method through adaptive cross approximation
A Quadraxial Feed for Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Antennas
Efficient Analysis of Large Aperiodic Antenna Arrays Using the Domain Green’s Function Method
Scalability Analysis and Modeling of Future Massive MIMO Antenna Array Systems
Modal considerations for synthesizing the tapering profile of a quadruple-ridged flared horn antenna
Design of Wideband Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Feeds for Future Radio Telescopes
Fast analysis of periodic antennas and metamaterial-based waveguides
Optimal aperture distribution for near-field detection of foreign objects in lossy media
Macro Basis Function Framework for Solving Maxwell’s Equations in Surface Integral Equation Form
Aperiodic Array Antennas for Future Satellite Systems
A Quad-Mode Antenna for Accurate Polarimetric Measurements Over an Ultra-Wide Field-of-View
Efficient Analysis of Large Aperiodic Antenna Arrays Using the Domain Green's Function Method
A comparison of domain decomposition techniques for analysing disjoint finite antenna arrays
Radiation Pattern Modeling with Characteristic Basis Function Patterns
Mixed Common and Differential Mode Analysis of Active Receiving Antennas
Characteristic Basis Function Analysis of Large Aperture-Fed Antenna Arrays
A Simple Method for Optimal Antenna Array Thinning Using a Broadside MaxGain Beamformer
An overview of Beam Modeling Techniques for Future Radio Telescopes
Design of an active dual-mode antenna with near hemispherical Field of View coverage
A Plane Wave Approximation in the Computation of Multiscattering Effects in Reflector Systems
Comparison of parallel-plate Green’s function acceleration techniques
Polarimetry With Phased Array Antennas: Theoretical Framework and Definitions
Development of a detailed system model of the Eleven feed receiver using the CAESAR software
Noise-based antenna terms for active receiving arrays
An Optimal Beamforming Strategy for Wide-Field Surveys With Phased-Array-Fed Reflector Antennas
Analysis of the EMBRACE aperture array antenna by the characteristic Basis Function Method
Beamforming, calibration, and figures of merit for polarimetric phased array antennas
Multi-level characteristic basis function method (MLCBFM) for the anaylsis of large antenna arrays
Performance of polarimetric beamformers for phased array radio telescopes
Aperture array development for future large radio telescopes
Unified Definitions of Efficiencies and System Noise Temperature for Receiving Antenna Arrays
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Nästa generations fasstyrda antenner för SATCOM
OTA - Over-The-Air Characterization of Active Integrated Antennas for Mobile Systems
MyWave - Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users
Elektromagnetisk Modellering av Nästa Generations Vågledare, Antenner, och Integrerade Kretsar