Helena Rodilla
Helena Rodilla is Associate Professor at the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory at Chalmers University of Technology from 2020. She received the B. S. and PhD. Degrees in physics from the University of Salamanca, in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
During her PhD she worked on Monte Carlo simulations of Sb-HEMTs. She joined the Microwave Electronics Laboratory, MC2, Chalmers, as a postdoctoral Researcher in 2011 to work on very low-noise InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNA. From 2013 she is with the Terahertz and Millimeter Wave Laboratory, MC2, Chalmers University of Technology. Her immediate research interest is the study of the use of THz technology in life science Applications and semicondutor device physics.

Visar 47 publikationer
No observable non-thermal effect of microwave radiation on the growth of microtubules
Terahertz radar observes powder dynamics for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Capacitively-coupled resonators for terahertz planar-Goubau-line filters
Terahertz radar sensing for real-time monitoring of powder streams
A Capacitive-Gap Coupled Terahertz Planar-Goubau-Line Power Divider
Evidence of capillary action in multilayered fibrous media observed with THz spectroscopy
A Corrugated Planar-Goubau-Line Termination for Terahertz Waves
A calibration-free method to assess the quality of standards for THz on-wafer measurements
Cross polarization in swept beam THz imaging systems using off-axis parabolic mirrors
THz spectroscopy techniques for water gradient quantification
Terahertz Frequency Domain Sensing for Fast Porosity Measurement of Pharmaceutical Tablets
Terahertz Planar Goubau Line Components on Thin Suspended Silicon Substrate
Monitoring the Porosity of Pharmaceutical Tablets Using THz Frequency Domain Spectroscopy
On-Chip Characterization of High-Loss Liquids Between 750 and 1100 GHz
Design of a quasioptical test bench for VNA extenders
THz Frequency Quantification of Water Gradients in Drying Paper
Transmission Loss in Coplanar Waveguide and Planar Goubau Line between 0.75 THz and 1.1 THz
Short and long-term structural effects of terahertz radiation on cryo-cooled bovine trypsin crystals
Non-destructive density measurements of pharmaceutical products by THz imaging
Label-free millimeter-wave sensor for investigations of biological model membrane systems
Cryogenic Kink Effect in InP pHEMTs: A Pulsed Measurements Study
Monte Carlo modelling of noise in advanced III–V HEMTs
Millimetre-wave dielectric spectroscopy for cell analysis
Applying THz Technology in Life Science
Open-volume microfluidic device for manipulation and monitoring of single-cells and tissues
Cryogenic noise performance of InGAAs/InAlAs HEMTs grown on InP and GaAs substrate
An InP MMIC process optimized for low noise at Cryo
Cryogenic Ultra-Low Noise Amplification - InP PHEMT vs. GaAs MHEMT
Characterization and Modeling of Cryogenic Ultralow-Noise InP HEMTs
Cryogenic Performance of Low-Noise InP HEMTs: a Monte Carlo Study
Influence of gate-channel distance in low-noise InP HEMTs
Optimized InP HEMTs for low noise at cryogenic temperatures
Kink effect and noise performance in isolated-gate InAs/AlSb high electron mobility transistors
Monte Carlo study of the noise performance of isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Monte Carlo studies of the intrinsic time-domain response of nanoscale three-branch junctions
Monte Carlo study of the dynamic performance of isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Monte Carlo study of impact ionization and hole transport in InAs HEMTs with isolated gate
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Visar 12 forskningsprojekt
Mätning av terahertz dynamik hos biologiska makromolekyler i lösning
Terahertz-spektroskopi av proteiner i lösning
Terahertsteknik för tillverkning av moderna läkemedel
Analys av biologiska processer med hjälp av Terahertz teknologi
Coherent cytoskeleton dynamics captured with cutting Edge X-ray methods