Jana Sochor

Visar 67 publikationer
Adopting Mobility-as-a-Service: An empirical analysis of end-users' experiences
From vision to reality: How service design processes shape Mobility as a Service offerings
Intermediary MaaS Integrators: A Case Study on Hopes and Fears
Governing Mobility as a Service: Insights from Sweden and Finland
Adopting Mobility-as-a-Service: An empirical analysis of end-users’ experiences
Public–private innovation: barriers in the case of mobility as a service in West Sweden
Potential Customers of MaaS: A Swedish Baseline
Creating Appropriate Trust in Automated Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design
Kombinerad mobilitet - kundperspektiv på framtidens resande
The European Roadmap 2025 for Mobility as a Service
Mobility as a service: Comparing developments in Sweden and Finland
Mobility as a Service: Development scenarios and implications for public transport
Procuring Mobility as a Service: Exploring dialogues with potential bidders in West Sweden
Mobility as a Service: Implications for future mainstream public transport
The European Roadmap 2025 for MaaS
More Than the Sum of Its Parts? The Finnish Public’s Perspectives on Mobility-as-a-Service and ITS
Mobility-as-a-Service: Development of a tentative impact assessment framework
What characterises a sustainable MaaS business model?
Deliverable 5: Technology for MaaS. MAASiFiE project funded by CEDR.
Mobility-as-a-Service: A Tentative Framework for Analysing Institutional Conditions
Mobility as a Service: Comparing Developments in Sweden and Finland
Deliverable 2: European MaaS Roadmap 2025. MAASiFiE project funded by CEDR.
Users’ motives to adopt and willingness to pay for Mobility as a Service
Mobility as a Service business and operator models
MaaS service combinations for different geographical areas
Deliverable 4: Impact Assessment of MaaS. MAASiFiE project funded by CEDR.
Trying on change – Trialability as a change moderator for sustainable travel behaviour
Vulnerable users' perceptions of transport technologies
Creating trust in automated vehicles using a HMI-based framework
State-of-the-art survey on stakeholders’ expectations for Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
Creating Appropriate Trust for Autonomous Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design
Future Needs and Visions for Mobility as a Service: Insights from European Workshops
Gothenburg Experimentation Contribution. Deliverable D6.1.3. to the OPTICITIES project
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ur ett individ- och kundperspektiv
Experiences from a Field Trial of UbiGo: The case of Mobility as a Service
Deliverable 3: Business and operator models for MaaS. MAASiFiE project funded by CEDR.
Institutional conditions for integrated mobility services (IMS): Towards a framework for analysis
To See or Not To See – The Effect of Object Recognition on Users’ Trust for "Automated Vehicles"
An Innovative Mobility Service to Facilitate Changes in Travel Behavior and Mode Choice
UbiGo – Results from a Swedish example of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
An Innovative Solution to the Seamless Journey? Findings from the Go:Smart Project
UbiGo – en heltäckande tjänst för smartare vardagsresande som testas i projektet Go:Smart
Gendered Perceptions of Positioning Technologies
A Travel Broker for Seamless Everyday Mobility
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Institutionella ramverk för integrerade mobilitetstjänster i framtidens städer - IRIMS
OptiCities - Optimering av person- och godstransporter i urbana miljöer