Henrik Thunman

Showing 238 publications
A comparative exergy-based assessment of direct air capture technologies
Thermochemical Energy Storage with Integrated District Heat Production—A Case Study of Swede
Thermochemical recycling of tall oil pitch in a dual fluidized bed
Sammanställning av råvarupotential för förnybar drivmedelsproduktion från biomassa
Thermochemical recycling of plastics – Modeling the implications for the electricity system
Co-recycling of natural and synthetic carbon materials for a sustainable circular economy
Future applications of circulating fluidized-bed technology
Production of negative-emissions steel using a reducing gas derived from dfb gasification
A fast-solving particle model for thermochemical conversion of biomass
Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Configurations for Carbon Recovery from Biomass
Effects of bed aging on temperature signals from fixed-bed adsorbers during industrial operation
Bark as feedstock for dual fluidized bed gasifiers. Operability, efficiency, and economics
Upscaling Effects on Char Conversion in Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification
Detailed simulations of heterogeneous reactions in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Effect of ash circulation on the performance of a dual fluidized bed gasification system
Valorization of Automobile Shredder Residue Using Indirect Gasification
Finely resolved numerical simulations of reactive flow in porous media
Skoglig bioenergi central i klimatarbetet
Control of the solids retention time by multi-staging a fluidized bed reactor
12,000 Hours of Operation with Oxygen-Carriers in Industrially Relevant Scale (75,000 kWth).
Experience of more than 1000 h of operation with oxygen carriers and solid biomass at large scale
Volatile gases from biomass pyrolysis under conditions relevant for fluidized bed gasifiers
A conversion-class model for describing fuel conversion in large-scale fluidized bed units
Packed-Bed Reactor Characterization of Steam-Regenerated Solvent Adsorbers for Raw-Gas Cleaning
The role of fuel mixing on char conversion in a fluidized bed
Mass transfer under segregation conditions in fluidized beds
Performance of large-scale biomass gasifiers in a biorefinery, a state-of-the-art reference
Gasification Reaction Pathways of Condensable Hydrocarbons
Göteborg Energi: Vehicle Fuel From Organic Waste
Improved syngas processing for enhanced Bio-SNG production: A techno-economic assessment
Terahertz Spectroscopy Instrumentation for Thermal Bio-Mass Conversion
Process Simulation of Dual Fluidized Bed Gasifiers Using Experimental Data
Impact of Biomass Ash-Bauxite Bed Interactions on an Indirect Biomass Gasifier
Use of Alkali-Feldspar as Bed Material for Upgrading a Biomass-derived Producer Gas from a Gasifier
The role of fuel mixing on char conversion in a fluidized bed
Impact of oxygen transport on char conversion in dual fluidized bed systems
Diversity of chemical composition and combustion reactivity of various biomass fuels
Characteristics of olivine as a bed material in an indirect biomass gasifier
Production of Activated Carbon within the Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Process
Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas
Conversion of Condensable Hydrocarbons in a Dual Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier
Monitoring the Bed Material Activation in the GoBiGas-Gasifier
Behaviour of biomass particles in a large scale (2-4MWth) bubbling bed reactor
Design of an integrated dryer and conveyor belt for woody biofuels
Process activated ilmenite as catalyst for cleaning of biomass producer gas
Co-Feeding of Natural Gas in Pyrolysis Plants Producing Biofuels - GHG Savings and Economic Impact
Process activated ilmenite as catalyst for cleaning of biomass producer gas
Advanced Gas Cleaning using Chemical-Looping Reforming (CLR)
Using Ilmenite To Reduce the Tar Yield in a Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification System
A 1-dimensional model of indirect biomass gasification in a dual fluidised bed system
Method for online measurement of the CHON composition of raw gas from biomass gasifier
Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas
The effect of oxygen transport by catalytic bed materials in biomass gasification
Measurment of Gas Flow and Carbon Conversion in Chalmers 2-4MWth DFB Gasifier
Ilmenite and Nickel as Catalysts for Upgrading of Raw Gas Derived from Biomass Gasification
Bio-SNG Production via Gasification - Process Integration Aspects for Improving Process Performance
Single particle modelling for implementation into CFD
A computationally efficient particle submodel for CFD-simulations of fixed-bed conversion
Experiences from the first 5 years of operation in Chalmers gasifier
Online Detection of H2O and CO in the Humid Raw Gas from the Gasifier Using Terahertz Spectroscopy
Comparing three materials for secondary catalytic tar reforming of biomass derived gas
Development of a particle submodel for CFD-simulations of fixed-bed combustion
Hydrogen from Biomass Gasification for Utilization in Oil Refineries
Manganese oxide as catalyst for tar cleaning of biomass-derived gas
Fuel Quality Analysis for Biogas Utilization in Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Engines
Fuel Quality Analysis for Biogas Utilization in Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Engines
Extending existing combined heat and power plants for synthetic natural gas production
Dual fluidized bed system for sulphur removal from biomass derived product gas
Measures to Reduce Grate Material Wear in Fixed-Bed Combustion
Characterization and prediction of biomass pyrolysis products
Continuous Catalytic Tar Reforming of Biomass Derived Gas with Simultaneous Catalyst Regeneration
Producer Gas Cleaning in a Dual Fluidized Bed Reformer using Two Catalysts
CFD modelling of bed shrinkage and channelling in fixed-bed combustion
Chalmers gasification plant - Overview and recent experiences
Energy efficient selective reforming of hydro carbons
Framtida utmaningar att lösa inom förgasning av biomassa
Pilot Gasifier for GoBiGas and Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Zero-dimensional modeling of indirect fluidized bed gasification
GoBiGas and other gasification activities at Chalmers
Zero‐dimensional modeling of indirect fluidized bed gasification
Chalmers pilot gasifier an overview.
Chalmers gasification plant - Overview and recent experiences
Models for gaseous radiative heat transfer applied to oxy-fuel conditions in boilers
Dual Fluidised Bed for Catalytic Cleaning of Biomass Gas
Evaluation of Fluid Dynamics In a Hot and a Cold System of Interconnecting Fluidised Beds
Tar Cleaning with Chemical Looping Reforming
Biomass Retrofitting a Natural Gas-Fired Plant to a Hybrid Combined Cycle (HCC)
The new Chalmers research-gasifier
Process analysis of an oxygen lean oxy-fuel power plant with co-production
Evaluation of fluid dynamics in a hot and a cold system of interconnecting fluidised beds
Evaluation of gas radiation modelling in oxy-fired furn
Stresses in a Cylindrical Wood Particle Undergoing Devolatilization in a Hot Bubbling Fluidized Bed
Estimation of gas phase mixing in packed beds
Influence of intraparticle gradients in modeling of fixed bed combustion
Prediction of gas composition in biomass gasifiers.
Sensitivity Analysis of a Fixed Bed Combustion Model
Inhomogeneous Flow Conditions and Bed Collapse in Fixed-Bed Combustion
Oxyfuel power plant with co-production of DME - A bridging technology
Structural collapses and inhomogeneous flow conditions in fixed-bed conbustion
Combustion Disturbances in the Fuel Bed of Grate Furnaces
A model for simulation of fixed bed combustion
Gas composition in a fixed bed of biofuel.
Influence of intra-particle gradients in modelling of fixed bed combustion
Measuring the External Solids Flux in a CFB boiler
Förbränningsförlopp i en bädd av biobränsle III
Reactor residence time analysis with CFD
Matematisk modellering med inriktning på förlopp i biobränsleeldade rostpannor
Limitations of the porous medium approximation in modelling of fixed bed combustion
Influence of size and density of fuel on combustion in a packed bed
Ignition rares in fixed biofuel beds- a model based on combustion front theory
Technology Assesment - new technologies for future energy pathways
Current situation and new technologies for future European energy pathwayes
A CFD simulation of a 31 MW district heating boiler
Combustion Disturbances Related to the Fuel Bed in Grate Furnaces
Separation of drying and devolatilization during conversion of solid fuels
Seminarium om omvandling av biomassa i rosteldade eldstäder, 28 sep 2004
Some apects concerning the scale up of a downdraft gasifier
BIOBRÄNSLEFÖRBRÄNNING Energimyndighetens program för småskalig biobränsleförbränning
Influence of Fuel Size on Combustion in a Packed Bed
Co-current and counter-current fixed bed combustion of biofuel - a comparison
Extractive gas analysis from a burning fixrd brd biofuel bed ---method and measurements
Conversion of biofuels on fixed beds on a grate
Conversion of single fuel particles with special focus on biofuels
Combustion of wood particles - a model for Eulerian calculations
Modeling of the combustion front in a countercurrent fuel converter
Erfarenheter från mätningar i, och beräkningar av fliseldade rostpannor
Thermal conductivity of wood - models for different stages of combustion
Combustion of biofuels in a fixed bed - a comparison between model and measurement
Dispersion of Wood Fuel in a Stationary FLuidized Bed Boiler
PDF Modelling of gas phase combustion in grate furnaces.
Estimation of Solids Mixing in a Fluidized-Bed Combustor
Combustion process in a biomass fuel bed --experimental results
Thermal conductivity of wood during different stages of combustion
Combustion processes in a biomass fuel bed - experimental results
Ignition and propagation of a reaction front in cross-current bed combustion of wet biofuels
Ignition and propagation of a reaction front in cross-current bed combustion of wet biofuels
Reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from wood chip grate furnaces
Reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from wood chip grate furnaces
Activity 3.1.3 Modelling and verifying experiments on the whole furnace
Comparison between CFD Calculation and Measurement on a Grate Boiler burning Biofuel
Fuel loading of a fluidized bed combustor
Loading and Size Distribution of Fuel in a Fluidised Bed Combustor
Nordic Seminar on Thermochemical Conversion of Solid Fuels
Impact of heat and mass transfer on combustion of a fuel particle in CFB boilers
The Fuel Loading of Fluidized Bed Combustor
Particle loading in a fluidized bed combustor
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Showing 16 research projects
FerroSilva – production of sponge iron using biogenic reduction gas
Steam reforming of plastics for a transformative conversion of petrochemical clusters
Robust enzymatic and microbial conversion and valorization of bio refinery side streams, part 2
Gasification of Biomass, part 2
Swedish Centre for Biomass Gasification Phase 3
Coated heat exchangers as self-cleaning producer gas condensers
Comparative KPI’s for integration of biofuel production in CHP processes
Innovativa omvandlingsprocesser vid Chalmers kraftcentral
Optimization and increased energy efficiency in indirect gasification gas cleaning
Generic combustion research: GEN-CECOST
Biofuel combustion in fixed beds
Sustainable European Energy Systems