Jochen Schröder
Showing 108 publications
12.2 bit/s/Hz C-band Transmission with High-Gain Low-Complexity 24-Dimensional Geometric Shaping
Inter-Channel Interference Cancellation for Long-Haul Superchannel System
Real-Time Monitoring of Cable Break in a Live Network using a Coherent Transceiver Prototype
Modeling of 3-Coupled-Core Fiber: Comparison Between Scalar and Vector Random Coupling Models
Perturbation based Joint SPM and XPM Compensation for Superchannel System
Dynamic Model for Coupled-Core Fibers
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
Frequency-Comb Enabled Interchannel Crosstalk Mitigation with Reduced Complexity
Platicon dynamics in photonic molecules
Field Trial of FPGA-Based Real-Time Sensing Transceiver over 524km of Live Aerial Fiber
Thermally stable initiation of dissipative Kerr solitons in photonic molecules
Low-loss compact lithium niobate photonic integrated circuits
Physical Realizations of Multidimensional Voronoi Constellations in Optical Communication Systems
Compact lithium niobate microring resonators in the ultrahigh Q/V regime
Surpassing the nonlinear conversion efficiency of soliton microcombs
Analysis of the scalar and vector random coupling models for a four coupled-core fiber
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
Transmitter optimization for PS-QAM signal in high spectral efficiency metro-transmission
Spectral Interferometry with Frequency Combs
Photonic molecule microcombs at 50 GHz repetition rate
Power-efficient soliton microcombs in anomalous-dispersion photonic molecules
Coherent Combining at Ultra-low Optical Signal Powers based on Optically Amplified Error Feedback
Petabit-per-second data transmission using a chip-scale microcomb ring resonator source
Coherent combining of low-power optical signals based on optically amplified error feedback
Model-Based End-to-End Learning for WDM Systems With Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Periodicity-Enabled Size Reduction of Symbol Based Predistortion for High-Order QAM
Experimental Demonstration of Learned Pulse Shaping Filter for Superchannels
Dual-Comb Swept-Wavelength Interferometry: Theory and Experiment
Comparison of Physical Realizations of Multidimensional Voronoi Constellations in Single Mode Fibers
Capacity of phase-sensitively preamplified optical links at low signal-to-noise ratio
Learning Optimal PAM Levels for VCSEL-based Optical Interconnects
Power Efficient Communications Employing Phase Sensitive Pre-Amplified Receiver
Coherent supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion Si<inf>3</inf>N<inf>4</inf> waveguides
Benchmarking and Interpreting End-to-end Learning of MIMO and Multi-User Communication
Bidirectional initiation of dissipative solitons in photonic molecules
Power efficient communication employing phase sensitive pre-amplified receiver
Elliptical-Core Highly Nonlinear Few-Mode Fiber Based OXC for WDM-MDM Networks
High spectral efficiency coherent superchannel transmission with soliton microcombs
Characterisation of a Coupled-Core Fiber Using Dual-Comb Swept-Wavelength Interferometry
Analytic theory for parametric gain in lossy integrated waveguides
End-to-end Autoencoder for Superchannel Transceivers with Hardware Impairments
Over-the-fiber Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
Dissipative solitons in photonic molecules
Symbol-Based Supervised Learning Predistortion for Compensating Transmitter Nonlinearity
Phase-sensitively amplified wavelength-division multiplexed optical transmission systems
One photon-per-bit receiver using near-noiseless phase-sensitive amplification
Multi-Channel Equalization for Comb-Based Systems
Dual-Comb Swept Wavelength Interferometry
On the Performance under Hard and Soft Bitwise Mismatched-Decoding
Joint Superchannel Digital Signal Processing for Effective Inter-Channel Interference Cancellation
Multi-Channel Comb Modulation in Single Waveguide Structures
One photon per bit communication for free-space optical links
Waveguide tapering for improved parametric amplification in integrated nonlinear Si3N4 waveguides
Performance Monitoring for Live Systems with Soft FEC and Multilevel Modulation
Active Mode-Selective Conversion Enabled by an Elliptical-Core Highly Nonlinear Few-Mode Fiber
Performance of Probabilistic Shaping Coherent Channels in Hybrid Systems
Dark-pulse Kerr combs in linearly coupled microring structures
Benchmarking End-to-end Learning of MIMO Physical-Layer Communication
Phase-coherent lightwave communications with frequency combs
Single Dark-Pulse Kerr Comb Supporting 1.84 Pbit/s Transmission over 37-Core Fiber
Lossless and muxless frequency comb modulation
Roadmap on all-optical processing
Laser Frequency Combs for Coherent Optical Communications
Design, fabrication, and characterization of a highly nonlinear few-mode fiber
Phase Noise Characterization and EEPN of a Full C-Band Tunable Laser in Coherent Optical Systems
Record-sensitivity receiver at 1 photon/bit for free-space applications
Mode-Multiplexed Transmission within and Across Mode Groups of a Multimode-Fiber
High spectral efficiency superchannel transmission using a soliton microcomb
Dielectric Broadband Metasurfaces for Fiber Mode-Multiplexed Communications
Impact of Low Frequency Laser Phase Noise in High Order Modulation Formats
Characterization of Long Multi-Mode Fiber Links using Digital Holography
12 bits/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency Over the C-band Based on Comb-Based Superchannels
Frequency comb based high-spectral efficiency transmission
Performance monitoring for live systems with soft FEC
Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generator Based on Time-Domain Multiplane Light Conversion
Record-Sensitivity Gb/S Receiver for Free-Space Applications Based on Phase-Sensitive Amplification
Experimental Investigation of Link Impairments in Pilot Tone Aided Superchannel Transmission
Superchannel engineering of microcombs for optical communications
Optical frequency comb modulator for multichannel systems
Optical injection locking at sub nano-watt powers
Frequency Comb-Based WDM Transmission Systems Enabling Joint Signal Processing
Phase noise characteristics of injection-locked lasers operated at low injection powers
Superchannel Engineering with Microresonator Combs
High-Spectral-Efficiency Mode-Multiplexed Transmission over Graded-Index Multimode Fiber
Eisenbud-Wigner-Smith states and spatial eigenstates in multimode optical fibre
Comparison of principal modes and spatial eigenmodes in multimode optical fibre
Complete spatiotemporal characterization and optical transfer matrix inversion of a 420 mode fiber
Polarization-resolved cross-correlated (C2) imaging of a photonic bandgap fiber
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Showing 3 research projects
Helintegrerad suppereffektiv frekvenskam-sändare
Unlocking the Full-dimensional Fiber Capacity
Multimod ickelinjär fotonik på ett chip