Ivan Mijakovic
Ivan Mijakovic is a professor in Bacterial Systems Biology.
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Showing 139 publications
Exploring the secretome of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
Synthetic biology enables mushrooms to meet emerging sustainable challenges
Graphene nanospikes exert bactericidal effect through mechanical damage and oxidative stress
Learning by teaching efficiently enhances learning outcomes in molecular biology of the cell course
Deep phosphoproteomics of Klebsiella pneumoniae reveals HipA-mediated tolerance to ciprofloxacin
Antibacterial applications of biologically synthesized Pichia pastoris silver nanoparticles
CRISPR-Cas target recognition for sensing viral and cancer biomarkers
Achieving Long-Range Arbitrary Uniform Alignment of Nanostructures in Magnetic Fields
Synthesis, Functionalization, and Biomedical Applications of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs)
Polymyxin B complexation enhances the antimicrobial potential of graphene oxide
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Multiple potential strategies for the application of nisin and derivatives
Automated Prediction of Bacterial Exclusion Areas on SEM Images of Graphene–Polymer Composites
Discovery of novel alkaline-tolerant xylanases from fecal microbiota of dairy cows
Engineering Bacillus subtilis for production of 3-hydroxypropanoic acid
Silver Nanoparticles: Bactericidal and Mechanistic Approach against Drug Resistant Pathogens
Inhibition of bacterial adhesion by epigallocatechin gallate attached polymeric membranes
Synthetic biology tools for environmental protection
Polysaccharide-based antibacterial coating technologies
3D printed inserts for reproducible high throughput screening of cell migration
Differences in interaction of graphene/graphene oxide with bacterial and mammalian cell membranes
Retrospective analysis of the key molecules involved in the green synthesis of nanoparticles
A Road Map toward Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor Technology for Early Stage Cancer Detection
Advances in the human skin microbiota and its roles in cutaneous diseases
Editorial: Efficient Treatment of Industrial Wastewater With Microbiome and Synthetic Biology
Silver nanoparticles produced from Cedecea sp. exhibit antibiofilm activity and remarkable stability
Metabolic engineering of Deinococcus radiodurans for pinene production from glycerol
Fantastic science and where to find it
Phylogeny-ontogeny correlations: lessons from microbial biofilms
Graphene-Based Antimicrobial Biomedical Surfaces
Embryo-Like Features in Developing Bacillus subtilis Biofilms
Sustained release of usnic acid from graphene coatings ensures long term antibiofilm protection
Advances in gold nanoparticle technology as a tool for diagnostics and treatment of cancer
Graphene-based sensor for detection of bacterial pathogens
PATHcre8: A Tool That Facilitates the Searching for Heterologous Biosynthetic Routes
Evolutionary Analysis of the Bacillus subtilis Genome Reveals New Genes Involved in Sporulation
Evolutionary age of genes can assist in genome mining
Technologies for biological removal and recovery of nitrogen from wastewater
Importance of protein Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphorylation for bacterial pathogenesis
hipBA toxin-antitoxin systems mediate persistence in Caulobacter crescentus
Production of 3-hydroxypropanoic acid from glycerol by metabolically engineered bacteria
Mining biosynthetic gene clusters in Virgibacillus genomes
Protein post-translational modifications in bacteria
Antibacterial effect of boron nitride flakes with controlled orientation in polymer composites
Manually curated genome-scale reconstruction of the metabolic network of Bacillus megaterium DSM319
Highly structured graphene polyethylene nanocomposites
Graphene-based biosensors for the detection of prostate cancer protein biomarkers: a review
Triterpenoid-biosynthetic UDP-glycosyltransferases from plants
In silico exploration of Red Sea Bacillus genomes for natural product biosynthetic gene clusters
BioPS: System for screening and assessment of biofuel-production potential of cyanobacteria
Antimicrobial effects of biogenic nanoparticles
Gold nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapeutics for human cancer
Boron nitride nanomaterials: Biocompatibility and bio-applications
Design strategy of a graphene based bio-sensor for glucose
Bacterial response to graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide integrated in agar plates
Vertically Aligned Graphene Coating is Bactericidal and Prevents the Formation of Bacterial Biofilms
Combination of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Vitamin C Effectively Disrupts Bacterial Biofilms
Conversion of Glycerol to 3-Hydroxypropanoic Acid by Genetically Engineered Bacillus subtilis
Graphene based nanosensor for aqueous phase detection of nitroaromatics
In silico screening for candidate chassis strains of free fatty acid-producing cyanobacteria
Vitamin C Pretreatment Enhances the Antibacterial Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma
Exploring the diversity of protein modifications: special bacterial phosphorylation systems
Protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in Bacillus subtilis: a 10-year retrospective
Regulatory potential of post-translational modifications in bacteria
Phosphorylation of Bacillus subtilis gene regulator AbrB modulates its DNA-binding properties
Evolution of Bacterial Protein-Tyrosine Kinases and Their Relaxed Specificity Toward Substrates
Protein-serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases in bacterial signaling and regulation
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Showing 20 research projects
Facile, rapid, economical, and selective detection of antibiotic resistance genes from environment
Facilitation of biomineralization for removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial waste gases
Graphene-based sensors for real time wound monitoring
CRISPR-based mutation detection using graphene chip enables cancer detection
Graphene-based CRISPR-Cas 9 gene modification to plant cells
Is Bacillus subtilis PtkA regulated like a cyclin-dependent kinase?
Graphene-based drug delivery systems for treating MRSA infections
Deep Learning the Immune System
Sustainable production of oleo-chemicals: graphene-based extraction from cell factories
Regulatoriskt nätverk av protein-tyrosinkinaset PtkA i modellbakterien Bacillus subtilis
Metabolic Engineering for microbial cell factories
Grafenlager för att förhindra kateter-relaterad urinvägsinfektion
Using advanced graphene coating to repel bacterial biofilms from industrially relevant surfaces