Johan Carlson
Johan Carlson is part of the research group Geometry Assurance & Robust Design. He is also the director of Fraunhofer Chalmers Centre.

Showing 124 publications
A unified sampling method for optimal feature coverage and robot placement
Automatic Cable Harness Layout Routing in a Customizable 3D Environment
Towards Enhanced Functionality and Usability of Giving Manikin Task Instructions in a DHM Tool
Spatial–temporal load balancing and coordination of multi-robot stations
Generating Optimized Trajectories for Robotic Spray Painting
Modeling and optimization of implementation aspects in industrial robot coordination
Quasi-static path optimization for industrial robots with dress packs
Collision-free robot coordination and visualization tools for robust cycle time optimization
Construction of Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Triangle Meshes with Mixed Face Sizes
Robot spray painting trajectory optimization
Contact-based Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Assembly Tasks
Digital Human Motion Planning of Operation Sequences Using Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems
Implementation of a Rapidly Executing Robot Controller
Intersection-Free Geometrical Partitioning of Multirobot Stations for Cycle Time Optimization
Inspection Data to Support a Digital Twin for Geometry Assurance
Data Flow and Communication Framework Supporting Digital Twin for Geometry Assurance
SelfPaint-A self-programming paint booth
A novel tool for optimization and verification of layout and human logistics in digital factories
A framework for motion planning of digital humans using discrete mechanics and optimal control
Toward a Digital Twin for real-time geometry assurance in individualized production
Visualization of part surfaces for identifying feasible assembly grasp locations
An industrially validated CMM inspection process with sequence constraints
Identification of Material Parameters of Complex Cables from Scanned 3D Shapes
Creating and shaping the DHM tool IMMA for ergonomic product and production design
Using product and manufacturing system platforms to generate producible product variants
Process Simulation and Automatic Path Planning of Adhesive Joining
Robot Station Optimization for Minimizing Dress Pack Problems
An Iterative Approach for Collision Free Routing and Scheduling in Multirobot Stations
Controller Hierarchies for Efficient Virtual Ergonomic Assessments of Manual Assembly Sequences
Enhancing digital human motion planning of assembly tasks through dynamics and optimal control
Controlling Geometrical Variation Caused by Assembly Fixtures
Automatic routing of flexible 1D components with functional and manufacturing constraints
Virtual Geometry Assurance Process and Toolbox
Optimal Robot Placement for Tasks Execution
A multi-threaded memetic packing algorithm for the ISO luggage packing problem
Maximizing Smart Factory Systems by Incrementally Updating Point Clouds
Optimizing robot trajectories for automatic robot code generation
Variation Simulation of Welded Assemblies Using a Thermo-Elastic Finite Element Model
Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to EEG Source Localization of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
Minimizing Dimensional Variation and Robot Traveling Time in Welding Stations
An Industrially Validated Method for Weld Load Balancing in Multi Station Sheet Metal Assembly Lines
A Framework for Combing Digital Human Simulations with Robots and Other Objects
Efficient sequencing of industrial robots through optimal control
IMMA – intelligently moving manikins in automotive applications
Automatic Creation of Manikin Motions Affected by Cable Forces
Industrial Scale Production of Customized Ceramic Prostheses
Using a Formal High-level Language to Instruct Manikins to Assemble Cables
Introducing Stability of Forces to the Automatic Creation of Digital Human Postures
Geometric variation simulation and robust design for flexible cables and hoses
Coordination of robot paths for cycle time minimization
A Modified TAB Model for Simulation of Atomization in Rotary Bell Spray Painting
Simulation of Electrostatic Rotary Bell Spray Painting in Automotive PAint Shops
Energy Efficient and Collision Free Motion of Industrial Robots using Optimal Control
Introducing a Formal High-Level Language for Instructing Automated Manikins
Non-nominal path planning for robust robotic assembly
A Chronological Framework for Virtual Sheet Metal Assembly Design
Automatic assembly path planning for wiring harness installations
Assembly Verification and Geometry Design by Distance Field based Shrinking
Automatic Creation of Virtual Manikin Motions Maximizing Comfort in Manual Assembly Processes
A Combinatorial Packing Algorithm and Standard Trunk Geometry for ISO Luggage Packing
Simulation of Electrostatic Rotary Bell Spray Painting in Automotive Paint Shops
Geometric Variation Simulation and Robust Design for Flexible Cables and Hoses
Modified TAB Model for Viscous Fluids applied to Breakup in Rotary Bell Spray Painting
Automatic path planning for wiring harness installations (wt)
Automatic Collision Free Path Planning in Hybrid Triangle and Point Models: A Case Study
Automatic Fitting of a 3D Character to a Computer Manikin
Non-nominal path planning for increased robustness of robotized assembling processes
Non-invasive EEG source localization using particle swarm optimization: A clinical experiment
Assembly path planning by distance field based shrinking
A Fixture Failure Control Chart For Variation Caused By Assembly Fixtures
Using Ergonomic Criteria to Adaptively Define Test Manikins for Design Problems
Improved Spray Paint Thickness Calculation From Simulated Droplets Using Density Estimation
3D Scanning and Automatic Path Planning of Paint Process in General Coating Industry
Comparison of Algorithms for Automatic Creation of Virtual Manikin Motions
Parameters Influencing the Perception of Geometrical Deviations in a Virtual Environment
PLM Architecture for Optimization of Geometrical Interfaces in a Product Platform
A Generalized method for weld Load balancing in multi station sheet metal assembly lines
Modeling and Simulation of Sealing Spray Application Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Modeling and simulation of viscoelastic fluids using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Simulating Geometrical Variation in Injection Molding
Load balancing of welds in multi station sheet metal assembly lines
Variation Feedback and 3D Visualization of Geometrical Inspection Data
Including Assembly Fixture Repeatability in Rigid and Non-Rigid Variation Simulation
Simulation of Spray Painting in Automotive Industry
IMMA – Intelligently Moving Manikin – Project Status
A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction
A method to optimize geometrical quality and motion feasibility of assembly sequences
A Chronological Framework for Virtual Sheet Metal Assembly Design
Introducing fast robot roller hemming process in automotive industry
Parameters Influencing Geometrical Quality and Station Cycle Time in Sheet Metal Assemblies
Integrating Assembly Design Sequence Optimization, and Advanced Path Planning
A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction
Geometry Design Supported by Minimizing and Visualizing Collision in Dynamic Packing
Variation Analysis Toolbox for Non-Nominal Path Planning for Industrial Robots
Virtual Geometry Assurance For Effective Product Realisation
Managing Physical Dependencies through Location System Design
Fast simulation of quasistatic rod deformations for vr applications
Non-nominal Path Planning of Assembly Processes
Virtual Locator Trimming in Pre-Production-Rigid and Non-Rigid Analysis
Tillämpad MSA för CADCAM- och CMM-baserade mätsystem
Geometrical Inspection Point Reduction Based on Combined Cluster and Sensitivity Analysis
Assembly Root Cause Analysis - A Way to Reduce Dimensional Variation in Assembled Products
Quadratic Sensitivity Analysis of Fixtures and Locating Scheme for Rigid Parts
Multi-Fixture Assembly System Diagnosis Based on Part and Subassembly Measurement Data
Root Cause Analysis for Fixtures and Locating Schemes Using Variation Data
Locating Scheme Analysis for Robust Assembly and Fixture Design
Production Quality Improvements Using Statistical and Geometrical Analysis of Car Body Measurements
Production quality improvements using statistical and geometrical analysis of car body measurements
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Showing 2 research projects
Motion Planning in Multi-Robot Stations