Per-Simon Kildal
Showing 668 publications
E-band 3-D metal printed wideband planar horn array antenna
Design of a double layer cavity backed slot array antenna in gap waveguide technology
Useful Physical Images and Algorithms for Vector Dyadic Green's Functions [Wireless Corner]
Guest Editorial AWPL Special Cluster on Impact of User-Related Randomness on Antennas and Channels
Design of 8 × 8 Slot Array Antenna based on Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
A self-grounded dual-polarized wideband bowtie with improved MIMO performance in Random-LOS
Gap adapters for screw redundant high frequency measurements
Degrees of freedom of the field and maximum directivity
Simple Formula for Aperture Efficiency Reduction Due to Grating Lobes in Planar Phased Arrays
Polymer Gap Adapter for Contactless, Robust, and Fast Measurements at 220-325 GHz
Micromachined Linear Slot Array Antenna for 100 GHz with 10 dB Gain Using GAP Waveguide Technology
Design of transition from WR-15 to inverted microstrip gap waveguide
Mm-Wave contactless connection for MMIC integration in gap waveguides
Planar Eleven Antenna as a Wideband MIMO Micro-base Station Antenna
Simple Boundary Condition for Canonical EBG Surface: PMC-Backed Uniaxial Medium
Half-height Pins – a New Pin Form in Gap Waveguide for Easy Manufacturing
Low-profile planar eleven antenna over a magnetic plane
Investigation of Polarization Deficiencies in SIMO Systems in Random-LOS Propagation Channels
Optimizing the numerical port for inverted microstrip gap waveguide in full-wave simulators
Corporate distribution networks for slot array antenna based on groove gap waveguide technology
A multi-layer gap waveguide array antenna suitable for manufactured by die-sink EDM
Characterizing Polarization-MIMO Antennas in Random-LOS Propagation Channels
Design of Sector Antenna with Wideband 2D Hat-fed Reflector for Wireless Communications
AMC pin waveguide flange for screw redundant millimeter and submillimeter measurements
A V-Band Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide End-Coupled Bandpass Filter
Designing a dual-polarized octave bandwidth bowtie antenna for a linear array
A high gain ridge gap waveguide fed slot antenna array for 60 GHz applications
Different gap waveguide slot array configurations for mmwave fixed beam antenna application
Antenna Measurements in Reverberation Chamber Using USRP
Array-fed cylindrical reflector antenna for automotive OTA tests in Random Line-Of-Sight
Design of a Cavity-backed Slot Array Unit Cell on Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
Design of integrated diplexer-power divider
W-band spatial power combiner and splitter in gap waveguide technology
Simulations of a planar array arrangement for automotive Random-LOS OTA testing
Measured LTE Throughput for SISO, SIMO and MIMO in Polarization-Random-LOS
Modern Antenna Technologies Stimulated by the Arecibo Radio Telescope Upgrade Project 1984-1997
Spatial Power Combining and Splitting in Gap Waveguide Technology
Devising a Horizontal Chamber Array for Automotive OTA Tests in Random Line-Of-Sight
Investigation of mode stirring with plate on platform in a reverberation chamber
An Air-filled Cavity-backed 2×2 Slot Sub-array Fed by Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
On S-Parameter based Complex Correlation of Multi- Port Antenna
Optimizing Small Wideband Antenna Performance for Both RIMP and Random-LOS
Measuring user-induced-randomness to evaluate smart phone performance in real envi-ronments
A groove gap Waveguide Iris Filter for V-band Application
V-Band Groove Gap Waveguide Diplexer
Design of a transition from WR-15 to microstrip packaged by gap waveguide technology
MIMO OTA Testing of a Communication System Using SDRs in a Reverberation Chamber
Study of Grating Efficiency of Planar Arrays
Wideband Compact 4-Port Dual Polarized Self-Grounded Bowtie Antenna
Investigation of Transitions for Use in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Antenna Arrays
OTA Characterization of mu BTS Antenna in RIMP and Random-LOS
Overview of state-of-the-art OTA measurements of wireless devices in reverberation chamber
MIMO Characterization on System Level of 5G Micro Base Stations Subject to Ran-domness in LOS
Estimating TIS of 4G LTE devices from OTA throughput measurements in reverberation chamber
Methods and apparatuses for testing wireless communications to vehicles
Planar Dual-Mode Horn Array with Corporate-Feed Network in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
Direct-Coupled Cavity Filter in Ridge Gap Waveguide
Fundamental Limitations on Small Multi-Beam Antennas for MIMO Systems
Prospective new PMC based gap waveguide shielding for microwave modules
Arrangements and Applications of Self-grounded Antennas
Revisiting the Complex Correlation in a MIMO System
Methods and apparatuses for testing wireless communications to vehicles
Verifying detection probabilities for MIMO system in reverberation chamber
OTA characterization of μBTS antenna in RIMP and random-LOS
60GHz Slot-Array Antenna Design Based on Gap Waveguide Cavity and Gap Waveguide Feed
Design of 60GHz Planar Array Antennas Using PCB-based Microstrip-Ridge Gap Waveguide and SIW
Micromachined gap waveguide devices for above 100 GHz
Microstrip-Ridge Gap Waveguide – Study of Losses, Bends and Transition to WR-15
Micromachined Groove Gap Waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Ka-Band Gap Waveguide Coupled-Resonator Filter for Radio Link Diplexer Application
Near-field characteristics of amended DB boundary conditions
Resemblance Between Gap Waveguides and Hollow Waveguides
Micromachined gap waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Evaluation of cross-coupling inside gap-waveguides
Parabolic cylindrical reflector antenna at 60 GHz with line feed in gap waveguide technology
Design of a four-element horn antenna array fed by inverted microstrip gap waveguide
Wideband Receivers for VLBI2010 Applications
Study of Q-Factors of Ridge and Groove Gap Waveguide Resonators
Design of a Dual-Mode Horn Element for Microstrip Gap Waveguide Fed Array
New Approach to OTA Testing: RIMP and pure-LOS as Extreme Environments & a Hypothesis
Ku band linear slot-array in ridge gapwaveguide technology
Definition of Antenna Diversity Gain in User-Distributed 3D-Random Line-Of-Sight
Linear slot array design in ridge gap waveguide technology
Investigation of the Distribution of the Random LOS Component in a Reverberation Chamber
Characterization of Implemented Algorithm for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing in Reverberation Chamber
Overview of developments of the eleven Feeds
Evaluation of losses of the ridge gap waveguide at 100 GHz
EuCAP 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden: "An Impressive Success"
Evaluation of losses in microstrip gap waveguide for slot antennas applications
OTA Testing in Multipath of Antennas and Wireless Devices With MIMO and OFDM
Comparison of parallel-plate Green’s function acceleration techniques
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for Millimeter-Wave Applications
Slot antenna in ridge gap waveguide technology
Design and System Integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed for VLBI2010
Diversity Gains in Random Line-Of-Sight and Rich Isotropic Multipath Environment
LTE MIMO multiplexing performance measured in reverberation chamber and accurate simple theory
Bed of Springs for Packaging of Microstrip Circuits in the Microwave Frequency Range
Diversity gains in random line of sight and rich isotropic multipath environment
Gap waveguide components for millimeter-wave systems. Couplers, filters, antennas, MMIC packaging
A study of uncertainty models in a reverberation chamber at NIST
Modeling system throughput of single and multi-port wireless LTE devices
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for 220-325 GHz
Fabrication method for high-frequency components
Ka-band gap waveguide coupled-resonator filter for radio link diplexers
Design of a coplanar waveguide-to-ridge gap waveguide transition via capacitive coupling
Investigation of a Microstrip-to-Ridge Gap Waveguide transition by electromagnetic coupling
Development of the cryogenic 2-14 GHz eleven feed system for VLBI2010
Verification of K-factor Based Formula for Measurement Uncertainty in Reverberation Chamber
Evaluation of multi element antennas in reverberation chamber
Contactless non-leaking waveguide flange realized by bed of nails for millimeter wave applications
Analysis of the strut and feed blockage effects in radio telescopes with compact UWB feeds
Metamatrial based packaging method for improved isolation of circuit elements in microwave modules
Improved Microstrip Filters Using PMC Packaging by Lid of Nails
Design of Compact Dual-Polarized 1.2–10 GHz Eleven Feed for Decade Bandwidth Radio Telescopes
New Microstrip Gap Waveguide on Mushroom-Type EBG for Packaging of Microwave Components
Modelling EBG surfaces using amended DB boundary conditions
Comparisons of different methods to determine correlation applied to multi-port UWB eleven antenna
Review of recent developments of the eleven feed for future decade bandwidth radio telescopes
Wearable textile antennas’ efficiency characterization using a reverberation chamber
The PMC-Amended DB Boundary - A Canonical EBG Surface
Estimation of average Rician K-factor and average mode bandwidth in loaded reverberation chamber
Spatial correlations of incremental sources in isotropic environment such as reverberation chamber
Measurements of RFID Tag Sensitivity in Reverberation Chamber
Waveguides and transmission lines in gaps between parallel conducting surfaces
Micromachined ridge gap waveguide for sub millimeter and millimeter wave applications
Estimation of Average Rician K-factor in Reverberation Chamber
Improving microstrip filters with gap waveguide packaging
Developing hard waveguides based on gap waveguide concept
Design of Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguides for Millimeter-Wave Applications
Cryogenic 2-13 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas in future wideband radio telescopes
New low loss inverted microstrip line using gap waveguide technology for slot antenna applications
Design of Band-Pass Filter Using Gap Waveguide Technology
About Random LOS in Rician Fading Channels for MIMO OTA Tests
State-of-the-art measurements of LTE terminal antenna performance using reverberation chamber
Determination of maximum doppler shift in reverberation chamber using level crossing rate
About measurements in reverberation chamber and isotropic reference environment
Development of a compact Eleven feed cryostat for the Patriot 12m antenna
On diversity performance of two-element coupling element based antenna structure for mobile terminal
Power divider in ridge gap waveguide technology
Design of microwave circuits in ridge gap waveguide technology
Q-factor comparisons between new gap waveguide technology and standard rectangular waveguide
A new type of the quasi-TEM eigenmodes in a rectangular waveguide with one corrugated hard wall
Cryogenic integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed in wideband receiver for VLBI 2010
On-going work with the cryogenic Eleven antenna at the MIT Haystack Observatory
Quasi-TEM H-plane horns with wideband open hard side-walls
Comparison of two decade bandwidth feeds for reflector antennas: Eleven antenna and quadridge horn
A low noise integrated 0.3-16 GHz differential amplifier for balanced ultra wideband antennas
The ridge gap waveguide as a wideband rectangular hard waveguide
Design of cryogenic 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas for future radio telescopes
Comparison of RMS delay spread and decay time measured in reverberation chamber
System noise calculations over the decade bandwidth of the Eleven feed
Multipath emulator for Simulation of wireless terminals' performance
Concept of gap waveguide and measured results for first demonstrator
Efficient spectral domain Green's function analysis of novel metamaterial bandgap guiding structures
Losses in ridge gap waveguide compared with rectangular waveguide and microstrip lines
Validation of ridge gap waveguide performance using in-house TRL calibration kit
Compact Formulas for Diversity Gain of Two-Port Antennas
Cryogenic 2-14GHz low noise receiver for radio astronomy using Eleven feed
Comparison of diversity gains of wideband antennas measured in anechoic and reverberation chambers
Packaging of active and passive microwave circuits using lid or bed of curved posts
Compact formulas for diversity gain of two-port antennas
EBG-based gap waveguide for applications up to THz
Electromagnetic scattering from circular cylinders with PEC/PMC boundaries
Approximated closed form characteristic impedance for the bed of nails-based gap waveguide
Packaging of microstrip circuits using gap waveguide approach
Design and realization of a linearly polarized Eleven feed for 1-10 GHz
Determination of Measurement Uncertainty of Different Reverberation Chambers
Local wave Green's functions of parallel plate metamaterial-based gap waveguides with one hard wall
Numerical study of position stirring and frequency stirring in loaded reverberation chamber
Searching for analytic modal solutions for the gap waveguide
Developing a cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
Decoupling efficiency of a wideband Vivaldi focal plane array feeding a reflector antenna
X- Ka dual band prime focus feed for satellite earth terminals
Alternative ridge gap waveguide design using a mushroom-type EBG surface
Development of a coolable 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for future radio telescopes for SKA and VLBI 2010
Three Metamaterial-based Gap Waveguides between Parallel Metal Plates for mm/submm Waves
Experimental Demonstration of Local Quasi-TEM Gap Modes in Single-Hard-Wall Waveguides
Design of Transition from Coaxial Line to Ridge Gap Waveguide
Characterization of Feeds for Radio Telescopes
Local metamaterial-based waveguides in gaps between parallel metal plates
Parallel plate cavity mode suppression in microstrip circuit packages using a lid of nails
Study of the characteristic impedance of a ridge gap waveguide
Dispersion characteristics of a metamaterial-based parallel plate ridge waveguides
Electrical Design of a Cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
Comparison of blockage widths of ideally hard cylinders of different cross-sectional shapes
Progress report on developing Eleven feed for VLBI2010 and SKA frequency bands
Design, Manufacture and Test of Eleven Feed for 1-13 GHz
Report on Developing Decade Bandwidth Eleven Feeds for Radio Telescopes such as SKA and VLBI 2010
Optimization of 200-800 MHz Eleven Feed for Use in Reflector Antennas of GMRT
Modal solutions in dual-depth longitudinally corrugated hard waveguide
Blockage reduction of rhombic cylinders using meta-surfaces
Parametric Characterization of Parabolic Reflector Antennas Fed by Focal Plane Arrays
Three Fast Ways of Measuring Receiver Sensitivity in a Reverberation Chamber
Blockage reduction in thick cylinders by shaping hard cross sections
Cloaking Since 1988 Using the Original Invisibility Concept Based on Hard Surfaces
On unifying efficiency concepts of phase arrays, focal plane arrays and MIMO arrays
Characterization of multi-port Eleven antenna for use in MIMO system
Degradation of MIMO-capacity due to correlation and efficiency of practical antennas
Validity of Approximate Boundary Conditions in Analysis of Strip-Loaded Planar and Curved Surfaces
Optimization of antenna diversity gain by combining full-wave and circuit simulations
The European School of Antennas: Results and Perspectives
Fundamental directivity and efficiency limitations of small antennas with one or more ports
Comparison of different loading configurations and numerical models of reverberation chambers
Comparison of bandgaps of mushroom-type EBG surface and corrugated and strip-type soft surfaces
Reducing Sidelobes from Blocking Struts by Metamaterials Cloaking and Shape Optimization
Tripling Bandwidth of Hat Feed by Genetic Algorithm Optimization
Diversity characterization of optimized two-antenna systems for UMTS handsets
Measurements of total radiated power of UMTS phones in reverberation chamber
Tripling Bandwidth of Hat Feed by genetic Algorithm Optimization
Curved frequency selective surface analysis based on the G1DMULT algorithm
The Eleven antenna feed for monopulse tracking and combining L-, C-, X- and Ku- satellite bands
Optimization of 200-800 MHz Eleven feed for use in reflector antennas of GMRT
Bandgaps and cloaks with soft and hard surfaces
RF Invisibility Using Metamaterials: Harry Potter's Cloak or the Emperor's New Clothes?"
Measurement of embedded element efficiencies of wideband dense arrays in reverberation chamber
Evaluation of the performances of several four-antenna systems in a reverberation chamber
Mushroom Surface Cloaks for Making Struts Invisible
Bandgaps and cloaks with soft and hard surfaces
20 Years with Bandgaps and Invisibility Cloaking Using Soft and Hard Surfaces
Numerical study of different loading configurations and stirring methods of reverberation chambers
Characterizing FPA-fed reflectors in terms of classical subefficiencies and array methods
Analysis of spherical arrays of microstrip antennas using moment method in spectral domain
Overview of the software integration activities within ACE
Investigation of heavily loaded reverberation chamber for testing of wideband wireless units
Numerical Study of Position and Frequency Stirring in Loaded RC
Maximizing the effective diversity gain of two parallel dipoles by optimizing the source impedance
Realized diversity gain of active DECT phones in talk position measured in reverberation chamber
Measurements of a 150 to 1700 MHz low loss Eleven feed for the 42 m radio telescope at Green Bank
Size reduction using strip-type soft surfaces rather than patch-type EBGs
Compact low-profile decade bandwidth log-periodic folded dipole feed for reflector antennas
Single- and dual- band multimode hard horn antennas with partly corrugated walls
Comparison of efficiency measurement methods for small antennas
Numerical modelling of reverberation chamber using method of moments and Ewald summation
European effort towards a unified framework for the analysis of antenna structures
Characterization of mobile terminals in Rayleigh fading by using reverberation chamber
Experimental study of strip dipole FSS-loaded rectangular waveguide
Analysis and measurements of conformal patch array antennas on multilayer circular cylinder
Multi-mode hard horn feeds for Ka-band cluster-fed multi-beam satellite antennas
Miniaturized rectangular hard waveguides for use in multi-frequency phased arrays
Measured radiation properties of a broadband terminal antenna
A multilevel multiregion computation framework for the analysis of antenna structures
Spectral domain analysis of dipole coupling over different electromagnetic bandgap structures
Transverse strip arrays used as hard surfaces and AMCs in miniaturized quasi-TEM waveguides
Dual band hard horn for use in cluster-fed multi-beam antennas in Ka-band
Comparison between bandgaps and bandwidths of back radiation of different narrow soft ground planes
Bandgaps and bandwidths of different soft surfaces used as finite ground planes of small antennas
Round Robin test of active and passive small terminal antennas
Measurements of a 1 to 13 GHz model of a dual polarized low-profile log-periodic feed for US-SKA
Decade bandwidth medium gain feed for single or dual reflector antennas
Moment method computation of miniaturized rectangular hard waveguide with passband and stopband
A novel low-profile log-periodic ultra wideband feed for the dual-reflector antenna of US-SKA
A method of moments solution of a 2D reverberation chamber using G1DMULT and asymptotic extraction
Design of hard horn antenna using both single dominant quasi-TEM mode model and mode-matching
Characterization of antennas for MIMO systems in reverberation chamber and by simulation
FEM Analysis of Corrugated Waveguides
High-efficiency hard horn feeds for cluster-fed reflector antennas
Mode matching codes for analysis of hard horn antennas
Miniaturized dielectric-loaded hard rectangular waveguides for use in multi-function array systems
Calculated and measured absorption cross sections of lossy objects in reverberation chamber
Numerical study of mode stirring in reverberation chambers using moment method and Ewald summation
Anomaly when studying electromagnetic radiation from the open end of ideally hard circularwaveguide
Diversity gain of active DECT phones with two built-in antennas measured in reverberation chamber
FEM study of finite period longitudinal corrugations in circular hard waveguides and horns
Some properties of an open-ended circular waveguide with one- and two-sided ideal hard walls,
Hard and Soft Gangbuster Surfaces
G2DMULT - A fast algorithm for analysis and design of base station antennas
Miniaturized hard waveguides for use in multi-frequency arrays
A solid hand phantom for mobile phones and results of measurements in reverberation chamber
Comparison of different numerical modeling techniques for reverberation chamber: Initial 2D study
Characterization of Antennas and Wireless Terminals in Loaded Reverberation Chambers
Miniaturized dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguides for use in multi-frequency arrays
Improved procedure for measuring efficiency of small antennas in reverberation chambers
Study of propagation in compact hard quasi-TEM waveguides for use in multi-frequency antenna arrays
Measuring receiver sensitivity of mobile phones in reverberation chambers
Bluetooth measurements in a reverberation chamber
Study of Cavity Resonances in Quasi-Optical Grid Amplifier with Hard-Walled Waveguide Section
Accuracy of radiation efficiency measurements in a reverberation chamber
Modal propagation in ideal soft and hard waveguides
Electromagnetic analysis of effective and apparent diversity gain of two parallel dipoles
The Odin satellite - I. Radiometer design and test
The N-guide: A novel miniaturized hard quasi-TEM waveguide
Some features of hard strip-loaded conical horn antenna
Analysis of conical quasi-TEM horn with a hard corrugated section
Analysis of hard strip-loaded conical horn by the method of generalized scattering matrices
Measurements of Radiated Power and Radiated Receiver Sensitivity in Reverberation Chambers
Performance of high efficiency horn elements in cluster-fed multibeam satellite antennas at Ka band
Measuring output power of Bluetooth devices in a reverberation chamber
Diversity performance of a small terminal antenna for UMTS
Influence of hard corrugated PBG wall design on performance of conical horn antenna
Definition of effective diversity gain and how to measure it in a reverberation chamber
On maximum available directivity of conformal arrays
Actual diversity gain measured in the reverberation chamber
Study of polarization stirring in reverberation chambers used for measuring antenna efficiencies
Measurement of Free-space Impedances of Small Antennas in Reverberation Chambers
Effective diversity gain of two parallel dipoles: theory and measurement in reverberation chamber
Accurate measurements of small antennas and radiation from mobile phones in reverberation chambers
Analyzing propagation characteristics of hard waveguides using FDTD
Measurements of mobile phone antennas in small reverberation chambers
Reverberation chambers for EMC susceptibility and emission analyses
Characterization of terminal antennas in reverberation chambers: Methods and results
Radiation pattern and input impedance of arbitrarily oriented patches on a two-dimensional structure
Analysis and measurement of conformal patch array antennas on multilayer circular cylinder
The cylindrical omnidirectional patch antenna
Theoretical and experimental study of rectangular patches mounted on multilayer circular cylinder
Excitations Maximizing the directivity of conformal arrays on circular cylinders
Implementation of formulations for dielectric material and perfect conductors in G2DMULT
Analysis of arbitrarily oriented patches on multilayer circular cylindrical structures
Studies of cylindrical base station antennas for future communication systems by using G2DMULT
Analysis of a hard corrugated conical horn by using the method of generalised scattering matrices
Cylindrical microstrip antennas and arrays for wireless communication
Radiation from an open-ended hard strip-loaded waveguide
Input impedance and radiation pattern of patch on multilayer cylinder
Numerical study of increased sidelobes due to screw heads in reflector antennas by using G1DMULT
Performance of an array of circular waveguides with strip-loaded dielectric hard walls
The analysis of spherical lens antennas by using G1DMULT
Mathcad and modern antenna theory as a tool in practical antenna design
Analysis of a circular hard strip-loaded horn by using the method of generalized scattering matrices
Eigen waves of a circular waveguide with strip-loaded dielectric hard wall
A new method to measure radiation efficiency of terminal antennas
Studies of cylindrical base station antennas for future communication systems
Measurements of terminal antennas' performance in multimode Reverberations chambers
Input impedance and mutual coupling of conformal patch array on multilayer cylinder
Calculation of ring-shaped phase centers of feeds for ring-focus paraboloids
Analysis of patches on multilayer cylinders by using G1DMULT
Equivalent circuits of receive antennas in signal processing arrays
Analysis of reflection from multilayer cylinder by using a black-hole approach
Radiation from 3D sources in the presence of 2D composite objects of arbitrary cross-sectional shape
Analysis of microstrip patch arrays on circular-cylindrical structures
Calculation of phase centers of feeds for reflectors when the phase variations are large
A simple method to compute crosstalk on printed circuit boards
FDTD design of a Chinese hat feed for shallow mm-wave reflector antennas
Design of hat fed reflector antennas using FDTD
Moment method analysis of a microwave tunnel oven
Periodic strips on planar and circular cylindrical substrates: Exact and asymptotic analysis
Blindness removal in arrays of rectangular waveguides using dielectrically loaded hard walls
FDTD design of hat fed reflector antennas by V2D code
A method of moments program for analysis of printed circuit boards
Green's functions for planar soft and hard surfaces derived by asymptotic boundary conditions
Radiation from patches on grounded cylindrical substrates with arbitrary cross-section
Asymptotic boundary conditions for strip-loaded and corrugated surfaces
A Computer Code for Predicting Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards
Analysis of antennas on curved miltilayer structures by using the G1DMULT routine
Synthesis and analysis of a dual-reflector feed for the radio telescope in Nançay
Narrow wall waveguide slot antennas and waveguide coupling junctions
FDTD optimization of the bandwidth of the hat feed for mm-wave reflector antennas
Moment metod- och FDTD-analys av industriella mikrovågsugnar
New corrugated soft surface feeds for reflector antennas
The cylindrical omnidirectional patch antenna
A dual frequency feed system for the 20 m radio telescope at the Onsala Space Observatory
A paraboloidal reflector fed by a dipole-disk antenna optimized for high G/T at L-band
Analysis of metal patterns in general planar and cylindrical multilayer substrates
Exact and asymptotic analysis of an infinite grid of metal strips using G1DMULT
A paraboloidal reflector fed by a dipole-disk antenna optimized for high G/T at L-band
A numerical algorithm G1DMULT for computing Green's functions of multilayer objects
Radiation from directive antennas close to human tissue
A corrugated soft sector horn with different beam properties in the two principal planes
Exact and asymptotic analysis of an infinite grid of metal strips using G1DMULT.
Analysis and design of industrial microwave ovens using the finite difference time domain method
Analysis methods for conformal antennas
Analysis of conformal antennas by using spectral domain techniques for curved structures
Characterization of near-field focusing with application to the Arecibo tri-reflector system
FDTD investigation of the field distribution in rectangular hard waveguides
Analysis using the virtual cavity method of a waveguide coupling junction with overlapping slots
Progress report on research with soft and hard surfaces for electromagnetic waves
Effect of dielectrically loaded hard walls on performance of waveguide antenna arrays
S/X-band beam waveguide for the Onsala radio telescope
Simulation of broadband compact corrugated horns by the FDTD method
Analysis of a rotationally symmetric cellular phone with a monopole antenna.
Reduction of forward scattering from cylindrical objects using hard surfaces
Spectral domain technique for radiation and scattering from arbitrary cylindrical structures
New corrugated soft surface feeds for reflector antennas
Green's functions for hard and soft surfaces derived by asymptotic boundary conditions
Moment method design of a large S/X band corrugated horn
FDTD analysis of a broadband feed with chokes for the radio telescope in Arecibo
Green's functions for corrugated surface derived by asymptotic corrugation boundary conditions
Analysis of waveguide slot antenna arrays with any cross-sectional shape of the external structure.
Two-dimensional analysis of bandwith of open hard surface
The Arecibo upgrade: Expected performance with the new Gregorian feed system
Arrays of slots and dipoles on cylindrical metal structures
Asymptotic boundary conditions for strip-loaded and corrugated surfaces and waveguides
Transmission through corrugated slots
The use of corrugations to reduce transmission through slots
Analysis of corrugated soft edges to reduce scattering from gaps between reflecting panels
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Showing 2 research projects