Jonas Bärgman
Mer information om Jonas Bärgman finns på Chalmers engelska webbsidor.

Visar 71 publikationer
Strategic decision points in experiments: A predictive Bayesian optional stopping method
Analysis of Time-to-Lane-Change-Initiation Using Realistic Driving Data
Modeling Lead-Vehicle Kinematics for Rear-End Crash Scenario Generation
Continuous Experimentation and Human Factors An Exploratory Study
Managing Human Factors in Automated Vehicle Development: Towards Challenges and Practices
A reference-driver model for overtaking a cyclist
Human factors in developing automated vehicles: A requirements engineering perspective
Do Car Drivers Respond Earlier to Close Lateral Motion Than to Looming?
Vulnerable road users and the coming wave of automated vehicles: Expert perspectives
Naturalistic Driving Studies: An Overview and International Perspective
Drivers overtaking cyclists in the real-world: evidence from a naturalistic driving study
How safe is tuning a radio?: using the radio tuning task as a benchmark for distracted driving
Great expectations: A predictive processing account of automobile driving
What Are Drivers Doing When They Aren't on the Cell Phone?
Risk factors, crash causation and everyday driving
A quantitative driver model of pre-crash brake onset and control
Using Wireless Communication to Control Road-user Interactions in the Real World
The UDrive dataset and key analysis results
When, where and how often do professional drivers use their mobile phones?
Interactions with vulnerable road users
Car drivers overtaking cyclists: A European perspective using naturalistic driving data
Methods for Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data in Driver Behavior Research
Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Safer Glances, Driver Inattention, and Crash Risk
Chunking: a procedure to improve naturalistic data analysis
Deliverable D3.3: Data management in euroFOT
On data security and analysis platforms for analysis of naturalistic driving data
Chunking: a Method to Increase Robustness of Naturalistic Field-Operational-Test Data Analysis
An invariant may drive the decision to encroach at unsignalized intersections
Offset Eliminative Map Matching Algorithm for Intersection Active Safety
Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Intersection Active Safety Applications
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Visar 18 forskningsprojekt
Collaborative Approach to Sensor Perception Modelling (SENSI)
Använda storskalig fordonsdata för att kvantifiera risken att bli kritisk överraskad i trafiken
Efficient human-centered safety systems (EFFECT)
V4SAFETY Vehicles and VRU Virtual eValuation of Road Safety
Addressing challenges toward the deployment of higher automation (Hi-Drive)
Improved quantitative driver behavior models and safety assessment methods for ADAS and AD (QUADRIS)
Cyclist Interaction with Automated Vehicles – CI-AV
Safety in automated driving (ADS): modelling interaction between road-users and automated vehicles
Användar-och trafiksäkerhetsutvärdering av autonom körning
Quantitative Driver Behaviour Modelling for Active Safety Assessment Expansion (QUADRAE)
Analys av data från händelsestyrd insamling av krockar med video
Analysis Framework for Safety Systems and Services
Analysis of the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data