Carl-Eric Hagentoft
Visar 113 publikationer
Model of thermal buoyancy in cavity-ventilated roof constructions
Implementing a framework for qualitative assessment of new technical solutions: A case study on CLT
Introducing new technical solutions in the swedish construction industry: Interviews with key actors
Generic algorithm to assess moisture susceptibility of simplified wall assemblies
Method for Detecting Contaminant Transport through Leakages in a Condemned School
Numerical analysis of the influence of natural convection in attics - A CFD analysis
Anti-icing of road surfaces using Hydronic Heating Pavement with low temperature
Transient heat transfer and moisture load in cold attic constructions - A CFD analysis
New algorithm for water leakages flow through rain screen deficiencies
An analysis of hydronic heating pavement to optimize the required energy for anti-icing
CFD analysis of heat transfer in ventilated attics
Influence of heat transfer process in porous media with air cavity- A CFD analysis
Performance factor for floor heating systems using new analytical formula
Field measurements on a district heating pipe with vacuum insulation panels
Vakuumisoleringspaneler i gamla byggnader
Changing internal pressure to achieve variable thermal conductivity in thermal insulation
Assessing the Thermal Performance of District Heating Twin Pipes with Vacuum Insulation Panels
Effect from a Variable U-Value in Adaptive Building Components with Controlled Internal Air Pressure
Impact on the U-value due to airflows behind insulation modules attached to facades of old buildings
Riskbedömningar och råd med fuktsäkra kallvindar
Moisture safe cold attics - Assessment based on risk analyses of performance and cost
Determination of specific heat capacity by transient plane source
Wooden stud walls with aerogel thermal insulation. Material properties and HAM-simulations
Fuktsäkra kallvindar – bedömning utifrån riskanalyser av funktion och kostnad
Efficient use of thermal mass in buildings
Determination of specific heat capacity by Transient Plane Source
Energieffektiviseringar – vilka risker finns och hur ska de hanteras?
Risk of performance failure in new and retrofitted building envelopes
Mould Growth Control in Cold Attics through Adaptive Ventilation. Validation by Field Measurements
Mold Growth Control in Cold Attics through Adaptive Ventilation: Validation by Field Measurements
Risk of performance failure in new
Styrd ventilation av kallvindar – Uppföljning av fältförsök
Mould growth control in cold attics through adaptive ventilation
Mould growth control in cold attics through adaptive ventilation
Probabilistic analysis of air infiltration in low-rise buildings.
Reliability analysis in building physics design.
Heat loss due to thermal bridges in a foundation with floor heating
The International Building Physics Toolbox in Simulink
Probabilistic modelling of the heat loss performance of a building envelope
Energisk arkitektur: sköna, driftsäkra och energieffektiva byggnader
New design model for frost protection of a slab on grade
Influence of rain water percolation on ground heat losses and temperature for basement foundation
How Do We Implement Building Physics Knowledge to the Building Sector?
A Simulation Tool for Temperature and Moisture Dependent Transport of VOC's in Buildings
Released Heat from a Line Source in a Foundation Construction
Modelling of Long Wave Radiation Exchange in Enclosures with Building Integrated Heating
Frost Heave in Swedish Slab on Ground Foundations
Analytical Solution for Moisture Buffering Effect Validation Exercises for Simulation Tools
Probabilistic model PROMO for evaluation of air change rate distribution
Air Flow and Pressure Distribution in a Ventilated Rectangular Floor.
Frost Heave in Swedish Slab-on-Grade
Condensation Risk within Loose Fill Insulation Due to Natural Convection
Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic U-Factor
Presentation of the international building physics toolbox for Simulink
Application of risk assessment technique to moisture problems in buildings.
The Thermal Effects of Convection in Horizontal Insulation
Simulink modelling tool for HAM system analyses in building physics
Natural and Forced Convection in a Superposed Air and Porous Layer when Heated from below
Convection in Horizontal Insulation
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Metodikutveckling för undvikande av serieskador
Riskanalyser av nya innovativa fasadsystem för renovering av miljonprogrammets byggnader
Test av tegelvägg med invändig vakuumisolering vid SINTEF/NTNU
Framtidens hem. Morgondagens lösningar en sporre för dagens byggnader