Intawat Nookaew
Visar 83 publikationer
MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
Spleen proteomics data from high fat diet fed mice
Simplified Intestinal Microbiota to Study Microbe-Diet-Host Interactions in a Mouse Model
Low-complexity microbiota in the duodenum of children with newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis
Metabolomics and Integrative Omics for the Development of Thai Traditional Medicine
Comparative Systems Analyses Reveal Molecular Signatures of Clinically tested Vaccine Adjuvants
Normalised immune expression in remission of paediatric ITP
Site-specific programming of the host epithelial transcriptome by the gut microbiota
Human metabolic atlas: an online resource for human metabolism
Molecular Mechanism of Flocculation Self-Recognition in Yeast and Its Role in Mating and Survival
A dedicated database system for handling multi-level data in systems biology
Genome-Scale Metabolic Models: A Link between Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Physiological characterization of the high malic acid-producing Aspergillus oryzae strain 2103a-68
BioMet Toolbox 2.0: genome-wide analysis of metabolism and omics data
yStreX: yeast stress expression database
Gut metagenome in European women with normal, impaired and diabetic glucose control
Investigation of Malic Acid Production in Aspergillus oryzae under Nitrogen Starvation Conditions
Rapid Quantification of Yeast Lipid using Microwave-Assisted Total Lipid Extraction and HPLC-CAD
The impact of rituximab therapy in multiple sclerosis on cerebrospinal fluid cell gene expression
MicroRNA regulate immunological pathways in T-cells in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
Novel insights into obesity and diabetes through genome-scale metabolic modeling
Mapping condition-dependent regulation of metabolism in yeast through genome-scale modeling
FANTOM: Functional and taxonomic analysis of metagenomes
MS risk genes are transcriptionally regulated in CSF leukocytes at relapse
Differential expression of T-cell genes in blood and bone marrow between ITP patients and controls
Understanding the interactions between bacteria in the human gut through metabolic modeling
Mapping Condition-Dependent Regulation of Lipid Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism
Veillonella, Firmicutes: Microbes disguised as Gram negatives
Integration of clinical data with a genome-scale metabolic model of the human adipocyte
MicroRNA regulate immune pathways in T-cells in multiple sclerosis (MS)
Symptomatic atherosclerosis is associated with an altered gut metagenome
Fifteen years of large scale metabolic modeling of yeast: Developments and impacts
Genome-scale metabolic models of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Prospects for systems biology and modeling of the gut microbiome
BioMet Toolbox: genome-wide analysis of metabolism
Analysis of Genome-Wide Coexpression and Coevolution of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger
Transcriptional progression of atrophic gastritis development in humans
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