Marianna Ivashina
Marianna Ivashina är professor och ledare för forskargruppen Antennsystem. This group has done internationally recognized work on innovative antenna technologies for the Square Kilometre radio telescopes (e.g. UWB feeds and beamforming phased-array feeds), disruptive antenna technologies for 5G/6G applications and systems (e.g. Gap waveguide antennas and Doherty-power-amplifier-integrated antennas), new antenna test methods and chambers, having published several award-winning publications at the international conferences at IEEE conferences or by IEEE and EurAAP societies. Her current research interests include array antennas, advanced methods for antenna integration with electronics, optimal array beamforming methods, antenna over-the-air measurement methods, and platforms.
Marianna Ivashina is the PI and coordinator of the following on-going large research projects/programmes at the Antenna Group: (i) SSF Sweden-Taiwan strategic collaboration framework project ‘Antenna Technologies for beyond 5G future applications’; (ii) The EU Horizon 2020 MCA Innovative Training Programme ‘MyWave - Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users’; (iii) EUREKA EURIPIDES2 ‘InnoStar - Innovative Systems and Automated Design for 5G/6G Connectivity and Radar Applications’; (iv) VINNOVA Smartare elektroniksystem program’s project ‘ENERGETIC - Energy Efficient, Beamforming Antenna-IC Integration Solutions for future 100+GHz telecommunication systems and services’; (v) ‘OTA - Over-The-Air Characterization of Active Integrated Antennas for Mobile Systems’ funded by Ericsson; (vi) VINNOVA Competence Center ChaseOn project ‘Integrated Antenna Arrays’; and (vii) VINNOVA NFPP7 project ‘Sensor Integration on manned and unmanned aircrafts’.

Visar 206 publikationer
Exploring Uniformity of Reverberation Chambers: Insights from Antenna Reflection Coefficient
Contactless Measurement of a D-Band On-Chip Antenna Using an Integrated Reflective Load Switch
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for OTA Testing: Wireless Cable
A Varactor-Based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Concept for 5G/6G mm-Wave Applications
3D-Printed Silver-Coated Vivaldi Array with Integrated Coaxial Probe Feeding
Optimization of the TRP evaluation in Anechoic-Reverberation Hybrid Chamber
Phased Array Scan Performance Review for SATCOM: Dielectric Resonator vs. Patch Antennas
Wideband Reflection-Type p-i-n Diode Phase Shifters in GaAs MMIC Technology at W-Band
Systematic Self-Interference Mitigation in Full Duplex Antenna Arrays Via Transmit Beamforming
Design Considerations for Focal-Plane Array Antennas for 6G Millimeter-Wave Backhaul Links
Out-of-band Interference Suppression of SatCom Antenna Arrays through Transmit Beamforming
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for OTA Testing: Optimization and Initial Results
Seeing the forest and the trees: A radio investigation of the ULIRG Mrk 273
The Hybrid Chamber for OTA measurements: Plane Wave Spectrum Quality Vs. Dynamic Range Trade-off
Apercal - The Apertif calibration pipeline
Characterising the Apertif primary beam response
Characterization and Calibration of the Hybrid OTA Chamber Using a Field Scanner
Using a Conical Horn as Compact Antenna Test Range Feed in Millimetre Bands
Dual-frequency single-pulse study of PSR B0950+08
Millimeter-Wave Quasi-Optical Feeds for Linear Array Antennas in Gap Waveguide Technology
Sparse Array Synthesis Including Mutual Coupling for MU-MIMO Average Capacity Maximization
First release of Apertif imaging survey data
The Apertif science verification campaign: Characteristics of polarised radio sources
Design of Circularly Polarized End-fire Antenna on Gap Waveguide for Automotive Radar Application
Feasibility Study of a Wide Coverage Dual-Polarized Phased Array Antenna at 10 GHz
Apertif view of the OH megamaser IRAS 10597+5926: OH 18 cm satellite lines in wide-area H i surveys
Power Efficiency and Linearity of Highly Integrated Transmitting Array Antennas
Low-loss K-band Photoconductive Switches in SIW Technology
Multipath Rician Channel Simulation in the Test Zone of a Hybrid OTA Chamber
Enhancing mmWave On-Chip-Antennas Using In-Package Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures
Antenna Technologies for Beyond-5G Wireless Communication: Challenges and Opportunities
A New Hybrid Chamber for Generating a Spectrum of Oblique Incident Plane Waves at the DUT
3D Printed Periodic Structures for RF Packaging of Integrated Array Module at sub-6GHz Band
A Design Concept of Power Efficient, High Gain Antenna System for mm-Waves Base Stations
A search for radio emission from double-neutron star merger GW190425 using Apertif
Integrated W-band Photoconductive Switches in SIW Technology
A 55-105 GHz PIN Diode SPDT Switch
Chromatic periodic activity down to 120 megahertz in a fast radio burst
Emulating Rician distributed channels in a hybrid chamber for OTA measurements
Factory Radio Design of a 5G Network in Offline Mode
Numerical analysis of Huygens-like on-chip antennas for mm-wave applications
Antenna Systems for 5G mm-Wave Radio Access
IC Design Aspects for 5G mm-Wave Systems
Sparse Array Topologies for 5G mmWave Base-Stations: A System-Level Study
Array Configuration Effect on the Spatial Correlation of MU-MIMO Channels in NLoS Environments
Integration of Airborne Early Warning Radar Platforms on Aircraft
Antenna Mutual Coupling Effects in Highly Integrated Transmitter Arrays
High power mm-wave spatial power combiner employing on-chip isolation resistors
Repeating fast radio bursts with WSRT/Apertif
Edge Truncation Effects in a Wide-Scan Phased Array of Connected Bowtie Antenna Elements
Design and Simulation of a 28 GHz Plane Wave Generator for NR Measurements
A Wideband and Low-Loss Spatial Power Combining Module for mm-Wave High-Power Amplifiers
Multi-Panel Sparse Base Station Design with Physical Antenna Effects in Massive MU-MIMO
Ultra-High-Performance C-and L-Band Radiometer System for Future Spaceborne Ocean Missions
Joint Design and Co-integration of Antenna-IC Systems
Deep Integration Antenna Array: Design Philosophy and Principles
A Directly Matched PA-Integrated K-band Antenna for Efficient mm-Wave High-Power Generation
Characterization and Performance of an Ultra-Wideband Wide-Coverage Multimode MIMO Antenna
Towards a Generic Model for MU-MIMO Analysis Including Mutual Coupling and Multipath Effects
A Wide Coverage S-Band Array with Dual Polarized Connected Bowtie Antenna Elements
N-way spatial power combining in SIW for high power generation MMICs-scalability bounds
Aperiodic Switched Array for Line-of-Sight MIMO Backhauling
Efficient Millimeter-Wave High Power Generation with Spatial Power-Combined Feeding Element
A Ka-Band Active Integrated Antenna for 5G Applications: Initial Design Flow
Ultra-high performance C L-band radiometer system for future spaceborne ocean missions
Network model of a 5G MIMO base station antenna in a downlink multi-user scenario
Feed array breadboard for future passive microwave radiometer antennas
Innovative Multi-Feed-Per-Beam Reflector Antenna for Space-Borne Conical-Scan Radiometers
Per-Antenna Power Distribution of a Zero-Forcing Beamformed ULA in pure LOS MU-MIMO
Phased Arrays for Radio Astronomy, Remote Sensing, and Satellite Communications
Effects of diffraction and feed pattern variation in shaped offset gregorian reflectors
Focal Plane Array Breadboard For Advanced Multiple Beam Radiometer Antennas
Effects of Regular and Aperiodic Array Layout in Multi-User MIMO Applications
Toward Wide-Band Low-Loss Gap-Waveguide-Integrated Grid Amplifiers
Aperiodic Isophoric Slotted Waveguide Antenna for Point-to-Point Communications at Ka-band
Multi-Beam Focal Plane Arrays with Digital Beamforming for High Precision Space-Borne Remote Sensing
Low frequency diffraction effects when shaping the offset gregorian reflector system of the SKA
Point-to-Point 3 x 3 MIMO Performance Gains with Aperiodic Sparse Arrays in Pure LOS Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity Gains in mm-Wave LOS Systems with Irregular Sparse Array Antennas
High-Sensitivity Phased Array Receivers for Radio Astronomy
Synthesis of circular isophoric sparse arrays by using compressive-sensing
Domain-Decomposition Approach to Krylov Subspace Iteration
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
Modal-Based Design of a Wideband Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Antenna
Digital-beamforming array antenna technologies for future ocean-observing satellite missions
Reconfigurable aperiodic array synthesis by Compressive Sensing
W-band spatial power combiner and splitter in gap waveguide technology
Capabilities and fundamental limitations of multi-mode antennas in an array environment
Spatial Power Combining and Splitting in Gap Waveguide Technology
Irregular Quad-Mode Antenna Array: Field-of-View Comparison with the Swedish LOFAR Station
Multi-Element Aperiodic Array Synthesis by Compressive Sensing
A Compact Dual-Polarized 4-Port Eleven Feed with High Sensitivity for Reflectors over 0.35-1.05 GHz
On Antenna-Architectures for Sensitive Radiometry to Support Oceanography
Efficient Wideband Gain Modeling for Interferometric Imaging Arrays in Radio Astronomy
Quad-Mode Antenna for Wide-Scan Sparse Arrays
Design of a Push-Broom Multi-Beam Radiometer for Future Ocean Observations
An Optimal Beamforming Algorithm for Phased-Array Antennas Used in Multi-Beam Spaceborne Radiometers
Conical Quad-Mode Antenna With Integrated Tapered Slot Antennas For Wide-Field Polarimetry
Design of Maximally Sparse Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
Future spaceborne ocean missions using high sensitivity multiple-beam radiometers
Novel multi-beam radiometers for accurate ocean surveillance
A Quadraxial Feed for Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Antennas
Modal considerations for synthesizing the tapering profile of a quadruple-ridged flared horn antenna
Design of Wideband Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Feeds for Future Radio Telescopes
Dense focal plane arrays for pushbroom satellite radiometers
Aperiodic Array Antennas for Future Satellite Systems
A Quad-Mode Antenna for Accurate Polarimetric Measurements Over an Ultra-Wide Field-of-View
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2013
Radiation Pattern Modeling with Characteristic Basis Function Patterns
Mixed Common and Differential Mode Analysis of Active Receiving Antennas
Characteristic Basis Function Analysis of Large Aperture-Fed Antenna Arrays
A Simple Method for Optimal Antenna Array Thinning Using a Broadside MaxGain Beamformer
An overview of Beam Modeling Techniques for Future Radio Telescopes
Design of an active dual-mode antenna with near hemispherical Field of View coverage
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center
A Plane Wave Approximation in the Computation of Multiscattering Effects in Reflector Systems
Towards a uniform evaluation of the science quality of SKA technology options: Polarimetrie aspects
Wide bandwidth integrated 1-4 GHz feed development for VLBI and SKA
Polarimetry With Phased Array Antennas: Theoretical Framework and Definitions
Experimental Results for the Sensitivity of a Low Noise Aperture Array Tile for the SKA
Development of a detailed system model of the Eleven feed receiver using the CAESAR software
Noise-based antenna terms for active receiving arrays
Analysis of the strut and feed blockage effects in radio telescopes with compact UWB feeds
Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Antennas for Next Generation Radio Telescopes
An Optimal Beamforming Strategy for Wide-Field Surveys With Phased-Array-Fed Reflector Antennas
THACO: a Test Facility for Characterizing the Noise Performance of Active Antenna Arrays
Reducing the complexity of the beam calibration models of phased-array radio telescopes
Performance assessment of bi-scalar beamformers in practical phased array feed systems
Beamforming, calibration, and figures of merit for polarimetric phased array antennas
An axi-symmetric segmented composite SKA dish design: Performance and production analysis
Element gain drifts as an imaging dynamic range limitation in PAF-based interferometers
Performance of polarimetric beamformers for phased array radio telescopes
Temporal beam pattern stability of a radio astronomy phased array feed
Performance of multi-beam reflectors fed by phased array feeds with impedance-matching layers
Design of a low-loss low-noise tapered slot phased array feed for reflector antennas
Unified Definitions of Efficiencies and System Noise Temperature for Receiving Antenna Arrays
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Visar 21 forskningsprojekt
Innovativ Hybrid Over-The-Air-Kammare för Snabb Multifunktionell Testning av Trådlösa Enheter
classIC - Chalmers Lund Center for Advanced Semiconductor System Design
Nästa generations fasstyrda antenner för SATCOM
Back-scattered Field Overmoded Waveguide Measurement Chamber for Integrated Antennas at 100+GHz
Antenna technologies for beyond 5G Wireless Communication
OTA - Over-The-Air Characterization of Active Integrated Antennas for Mobile Systems
MyWave - Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users
Sensorintegration på bemannade och autonoma flygfarkoster
Silicon-based Ka-band massive MIMO antenna systems for new telecommunication services (SILIKA)
Millimetervåg-backhaul med över 100 Gbit/s - driva smarta antenner till sin spets