Massimo Bongiorno
Massimo Bongiorno tog sin civilingenjörsexamen i elektronik vid universitetet i Palermo, Italien 2002. Vidare tog han sin licentiat- samt doktorsexamen vid Chalmers. Han är idag biträdande professor inom elteknik och hans forskningsintresse omfattar bl a tillämpningen av kraftelektronik inom kraft-system och elkvalitet.

Visar 146 publikationer
FRT Capability of Grid-Forming Power Converters: an Anti-Windup Scheme
Power-Response Matrix-Based Modeling of Converter Systems for Small-Signal Analysis
Frequency control by BESS for smooth Island transition of a hydro-powered microgrid
Nonlinear Fault Ride-Through of Grid Forming Converters with Power Synchronization Control
External Inertia Emulation to Facilitate Active-Power Limitation in Grid-Forming Converters
Impact of the Reactive Behavior of Grid-Connected Converters on Resonance Stability
Investigation of Control Parameters’ Impact on Damping Property of Grid-Forming Converters
Control and Sizing of Back-to-Back Converter in Interconnected Microgrids
Impact of pole-to-pole DC voltage on energy requirement of FB YY-MMC
Accurate power control of grid forming power converters for improving large-signal stability
Optimal Energy Control, Hosting BESS and EVs through Multiport Converter in Interconnected MGs
An Overview of Grid-Connection Requirements for Converters and Their Impact on Grid-Forming Control
A Cascaded Power Controller for Robust Frequency Ride-Through of Grid-Forming Converters
Comparison of Grid-Forming Converter Control Strategies
In Praise of JESTPE Associate Editors-Part IV
Tuning and evaluation of grid-forming converters for grid-support
Inclusion of frequency control constraints in energy system investment modeling
Passivity characterization of grid-forming converters with fault-ride through capability
A Novel Capacitor-Voltage Balancing Strategy for Double-Y STATCOM Under Unbalanced Operations
Independent Channel Design Approach for Stability Analysis of Grid-Connected Converters,
Impact of control loops on the low-frequency passivity properties of grid-forming converters
Damping Provision by Different Virtual Synchronous Machine Schemes
Frequency control and synthetic inertia in energy systems modelling
Asymmetric Complex-Vector Models with Application to VSC-Grid Interaction
IGBT Power Stack Integrity Assessment Method for High-Power Magnet Supplies
Inertial response of isolated power networks with wind power plants
On the risk for subsynchronous control interaction in Type 4 based wind farms
Application of sequence domain impedances on the stability analysis of ac-grid connected converters
On Benefits and Challenges of Nested Microgrids
Guest Editorial: Oscillations in Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Power Generations
Vacuum-Packaged Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Powering Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
A novel application of flywheel system to enhance fault-ride-through of the microgrids
System Stability of a Small Island's Network with Different Levels of Wind Power Penetration
Impedance Analysis of Modular Multi-level Converters Connected to Weak AC Grids
Power-dependent droop-based control strategy for multi-terminal HVDC transmission grids
Mitigation of SSCI in DFIG based wind farms through modification of Rotor-Side Converter Controller
Analytical derivation of poorly-damped eigenvalues in two-terminal VSC-HVDC systems
Online variation of wind turbine controller parameter for mitigation of SSR in DFIG based wind farms
Frequency domain methods for stability assessment of grid-connected converters - An overview
Analytical derivation of poorly-damped eigenvalues in two-Terminal VSCHVDC systems
Adaptive Generalized Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Phase-Sequence Estimation
Stability of grid-connected modular multilevel converter with open- and closed-loop ac-side control
Analysis and mitigation of instabilities originated from dc-side resonances in VSC-HVDC systems
Modeling and analysis of VSC-based HVDC systems for dc network stability studies
Losses and cost comparison of DS-HB and SD-FB MMC based large utility grade STATCOM
A Modified RLS Algorithm for Online Estimation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in Power Systems
Analytical investigation of poorly damped conditions in VSC-HVDC systems
Stability Analysis of Two-Terminal VSC-HVDC Systems using the Net-Damping Criterion
Frequency Characterization of Type-IV Wind Turbine Systems
Circulating Current Suppression Strategies for D-STATCOM Based on Modular Multilevel Converters
Balancing asymmetrical load using a static var compensator
Analysis and mitigation of instabilities originated from dc-side resonances in VSC-HVDC systems
Comparison of PI and PR current controllers applied on two-level VSC-HVDC transmission system
Performance comparison of phase shifted PWM and sorting method for modular multilevel converters
A novel decentralized control strategy for MultiTerminal HVDC transmission grids
Modeling and harmonic analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine with turn-to-turn fault
Definition of a Voltage-Source Converter dc-side admittance and its impact on dc-network stability
Investigation of poorly-damped conditions in VSC-HVDC systems
An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage
Heat sink design considerations in medium power electronic applications with long power cycles
Circulating Current Suppression Strategies for D-STATCOM Based on Modular Multilevel Converters
Novel LVRT Testing Method for Wind Turbines Using Flexible VSC Technology
Design of a Modular Multilevel Converter as an Active Front-End for a magnet supply application
Investigation of negative sequence injection capability in H-bridge multilevel STATCOM
Enhanced control strategy for MMC-based STATCOM for unbalanced load compensation
An overview of multilevel converter topologies for grid connected applications
Dually Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Condition Monitoring Using Generator Current
Decentralized converter controller for multiterminal HVDC grids
A Generic DFIG Model for Voltage Dip Ride-Through Analysis
Input Admittance Expressions for Field-Oriented Controlled Salient PMSM Drives
Improved Discrete Current Controller for Grid-connected Voltage Source Converters in Distorted Grids
On optimal use of energy storage for series connected voltage source converters
A fast estimation algorithm for low-frequency oscillations in power systems
Power oscillation damping controller by static synchronous compensator with energy storage
Current controller design for passivity of the input admittance
Auto-normalizing Phase-Locked Loop for Grid-connected Converters
Online Estimation of Subsynchronous Voltage Components in Power Systems
Single-phase VSC Based SSSC for Subsynchronous Resonance Damping
On Control of Static Series Compensator for SSR Mitigation
An Advanced Cascade Controller for Series-connected VSC for Voltage Dip Mitigation
An Apparatus and a Method for a Power Transmission System
Effect of Sampling Frequency and Harmonics on Delay-based Phase-sequence Estimation Method
Frequency-domain passivity-based current controller design
A Novel Control Strategy for Subsynchronous Resonance Mitigation Using SSSC
Voltage dip mitigation using shunt-connected voltage source converter
Input-admittance calculation and shaping for controlled voltage-source converters
On Control of Static Series Compensator for SSR Mitigation
Stability Analysis of Converter-Grid Interaction using the Converter Input Admittance
Practical implementation of delayed signal cancellation method for phase-sequence separation
Voltage Dip Mitigation using Shunt-connected Voltage Source Converter
Dynamic Performance of Vector Current Controllers for Grid-connected VSC under Voltage Dips
Control of D-STATCOM for Voltage Dip Mitigation
An advanced cascade controller for series-connected VSC for voltage dip mitigation
Control of Voltage Source Converters for Voltage Dip Mitigation in Shunt and Series Configurations
Cost-Effective Power Quality Improvement for Industrial Plant
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Activities within electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems, part 2
Activities within electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems
Control interaction in large PV plants
PhD Program in Electrical Power and Control Engineering with Addis Abeba University
PVtool. Utveckling av verktyg för effektiv styrning av stora solenergianläggningar (Solar EraNet)
Undersökning av dynamiken i vindparksystem med HVDC-anslutning (SWPTC Etapp 2, TG1-21)
Styrning av distribuerade kraftelektroniska objekt för stabiliseringsförändringar
Styrning av distribuerade kraftelektroniska objekt för stabiliseringsförbättringar