Gregory Peters
Greg Peters' forskning siktar mot att sprida tillämpningen av hållbarhetsbedömningsverktyg och att förbättra dess vetenskapliga grund. Senaste tidens projekt har haft anknytning till klädes-, vatten-, jordbruks- och kemiindustrierna samt den offentliga sektorn. Han undervisar inom tillämpad livscykelanalys och miljövetenskap för universitetsstudenter och levererar utbildning samt utför granskningsuppdrag åt industriella kunder.

Visar 132 publikationer
Extrapolation factors for calculating ecotoxicity effects in LCA
Pro-environmental behaviour is undermined by disgust sensitivity: The case of excessive laundering
Freshwater ecotoxicity characterization factors for PMT/vPvM substances
Environmental assessment of phosphorus recovery from dairy sludge: A comparative LCA study
Life cycle assessment applied to a self-healing elastomer filled with ground tire rubber
Environmental impacts of cotton and opportunities for improvement
Återinför tvättstugan - för klimatets skull
From lab to plate: life cycle assessment of herring and lingonberry co-product valorization
No stain, no pain – A multidisciplinary review of factors underlying domestic laundering
Prior Knowledge for Predictive Modeling: The Case of Acute Aquatic Toxicity
Prospective Life-Cycle Modeling of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles for Use in Photon Upconversion Devices
An (Eco)Toxicity Life Cycle Impact Assessment Framework for Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
The environmental price of fast fashion
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
How uncertainties are handled in LCA – focus on the wastewater and textile sectors
Environmental assessment of Swedish clothing consumption - six garments, sustainable futures
Environmental Prospects for Mixed Textile Recycling in Sweden
Environmental Sustainability for Engineers and Applied Scientists
LCA on fast and slow garment prototypes
Environmental impact of textile reuse and recycling - A review
Perspectives on quantifying and influencing household metabolism
Life cycle assessment of forest products – challenges and solutions
A life cycle perspective of slurry acidification strategies under different nitrogen regulations
Will clothing be sustainable? Clarifying sustainable fashion
Greening the Street-Level Procurer: Challenges in the Strongly Decentralized Swedish System
Performance and hazard assessment of fluorinated and non-fluorinated state-of-the-art DWR-polymers
Environmental assessment of Swedish fashion consumption. Five garments – sustainable futures.
Ecolabels as drivers of clothing design
Clarifying sustainable fashion: Life cycle assessment of the Swedish clothing consumption
Assessing burden of disease as Disability Adjusted Life Years in Life Cycle Assessment
Screening potential social impacts of textiles and clothing products
A Carbon Footprint of Textile Recycling: A Case Study in Sweden
Carbon footprints in the textile industry
How city dwellers affect their resource hinterland – a spatial impact study of Australian households
Allocation in LCAs of biorefinery products: implications for results and decision-making
Three methods for strategic product toxicity assessment - the case of the cotton T-shirt
Using the planetary boundaries framework for setting impact-reduction targets in LCA contexts
Municipal gravity sewers: an unrecognised source of nitrous oxide
Life cycle assessment of pig slurry treatment technologies for nutrient redistribution in Denmark
Improving odour assessment in LCA - the odour footprint
Method for Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Advanced Sludge Processing Routes
The role of science and technology in sustainable fashion
Making the most of LCA in technical inter-organisational R&D projects
Do we need a price on carbon? The wisdom of the water cooler
A hybrid life cycle assessment of water treatment chemicals: an Australian experience
Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and impact assessment
Marine nitrous oxide emissions: An unknown liability for the international water sector
End-of-life management: LCA of textile waste
Environmental assessment of air to water machines-triangulation to manage scope uncertainty
Technical, economic and environmental benchmarking of advanced sludge processing routes
Life cycle assessment of sludge processing
Occurrence of ectoparasiticides in Australian beef cattle feedlot wastes
Methodological issues in LCA of wastewater treatment combined with PHA biopolymer production
Aggregating sustainability indicators: Beyond the weighted sum
Managing Adaptation of Urban Water Systems in a Changing Climate
Getting a better reading on red meat
Developing and applying sustainable decision frameworks: a regulator’s perspective.
Location Dependency of the Sustainability of Textile Fibres
Sustainability Assessment in Product Development: Experiences from Two Projects
Assessing agricultural soil acidification and nutrient management in life cycle assessment
Fugitive nitrous oxide emissions from marine wastewater disposal—a laughing matter?
Qualitative characterization of available assessment methods assessing human water use
Challenges in Adapting Australian Water Resources and Infrastructure to Climate Change
Red meat production in Australia – A life cycle assessment and comparison with overseas studies
Challenges in adapting water resources and water infrastructure to climate change - a review
How city dwellers affect their resource hinterland a spatial impact study of Australian households
Monitoring Bacterial Indicators and Pathogens in Cattle Feedlot Waste by Real-Time PCR
A state of the Art Sustainability Decision-making Framework
Accounting for water use in Australian red meat production
Review of Life Cycle Assessment: Principles, Practice and Prospects
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Visar 15 forskningsprojekt
Användarvänliga verktyg för industrins uppföljning och minskning av kemikaliefotavtryck (Tox-redUSE)
ZeroPM: inga persistenta mobila föroreningar
Cirkulär återvinning av polyester och polyuretanblandat textilavfall för en giftfri miljö
Dolda kolflöden - en lucka i städers vattenplanering
Energieffektivitet och kopplingen mellan textilier, energi och klimat
Teknik- och beteendeförändring för en mer hållbar textillivscykel
Mot en ny generation hållbara sjömatsprodukter - en cross-process-approach (CROSS)
Förbättrad modellering av gödsling i livscykelanalys - fallet avloppsslam
Ett verktyg för att identifiera hållbara plastkemikalier
Subsitution i praktiken av prioriterade flourkemikalier för att eliminera diffusa källor (SUPFES)
Future Fashion - hållbart mode