Bahman Raeissi
Visar 36 publikationer
Hole emission mechanism in Ge/Si quantum dots
Spatial variarion of hole eigen energies in Ge/Si quantum wells
Charge carrier traffic at interfaces in nanoeletronic structures
An electrowetting-based microfluidic platform for magnetic bioassays
Capture cross sections for holes at LaLuO/Si interfaces
Charging Phenomena at the Interface Between High-k Dielectrics and SiOx Interlayers (Invited)
The Role of Mobile Charge in Oxygen Plasma-Enhanced Silicon-to-Silicon Wafer Bonding
Spatial variations of hole eigen energies in Ge/Si quantum wells
Multiparameter admittance spectroscopy (Invited)
Electrical properties of LaLuO3/Si(100) structures prepared by molecular beam deposition
Multiparameter admittance spectroscopy for metal-oxide-semiconductor systems
Leakage current effects on C-V plots of high- k metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors
The conductance method in a bottom-up approach applied on hafnium oxide/silicon interfaces
Charging phenomena at the interface between high-k dielectrics and SiOx interlayers
Scaling potential and MOSFET integration of thermally stable Gd silicate dielectrics
Wafer bonding strength increased by mobile ions
High-k-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy
Interface Defects in HfO2, LaSiOx, and Gd2O3 High-k/MetalGate Structures on Silicon
Multiphonon capture of electrons at high-k-silicon interfaces
Leakage current effects on C-V plots of high-k MOS capacitors
Gd silicate: A high-k dielectric compatible with high temperature annealing
A generalised methodology for oxide leakage current metric
Electron traps at HfO2/SiOx interfaces
Navigation aids in the search for future high-k dielectrics: Physical and electrical trends
High-k-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy
Navigation aids in the search for future high-k dielectrics: physical and electrical trends
Electrical properties of low-temperature bonded uni-polar Si/Si junctions
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