Eduard Hryha
Eduard Hryha is researcher in powder metallurgy and metal additive manufacturing. He is also director of CAM2 ( ) - competence centre focusing on powder-based metal additive manufacturing.
His research focuses on:
- Powder metallurgy: powder manufacturing and properties, compaction, high-performance PM steels, tailored sintering processes, sintering atmospheres, soft magnetic composites (SMC), hot isostatic pressing, synthesis, etc.
- Powder based metal additive manufacturing: relationship between powder feedstock -AM processing – properties of AM fabricated material with focus on powder bed fusion processes (laser based and electron beam) and binder jetting, powder for AM and powder degradation during AM processing, AM process development, processing gas in AM, in-situ process monitoring, quality assurance in AM, productivity in AM, etc.
- Surface analysis using advanced surface-sensitive techniques: characterization of surface composition and solid-gas interaction on the nano-level using surface-sensitive techniques as XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and Auger spectroscopy
- Thermal analysis: TG/DTA/DSC/DIL in inert and reducing (e.g. hydrogen) atmospheres and vacuum.

Showing 254 publications
Tailored heat treatments to enhance performance in additive manufactured HAYNES® 282® superalloy
Influence of microstructure and surface topography on material removal by the Hirtisation® process
Impact of oxygen content on debinding of binder jetted 17-4 PH stainless steel: Part II - Sintering
Recycling Of 316 L Powder And Scrap From Additive Manufacturing Processing
Changes in Powder Surface Chemistry During Reuse of 316L in Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam
Impact of oxygen content on debinding of binder jetted 17-4 PH stainless steel: Part I - Debinding
An investigation into the grindability of additively manufactured 42CrMo4 steel
PBF-LB Processability, Microstructure and Properties of an Advanced High Strength Powder Steel
Gamma prime formation in nickel-based superalloy IN738LC manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Sustainability in Additive Manufacturing
Development of powder bed fusion–laser beam process for AISI 4140, 4340 and 8620 low-alloy steel
Analysis of Processability and Reusability of Ti6Al4V Powder for PBF-EB
Effect of layer thickness on spatter properties during laser powder bed fusion of Ti–6Al–4V
Controllable Coating Graphene Oxide and Silanes on Cu Particles as Dual Protection for Anticorrosion
Sintering anisotropy of binder jetted 316L stainless steel: part I–sintering anisotropy
In situ tempering of martensite during laser powder bed fusion of Fe-0.45C steel
Rheological Behavior of Inconel 718 Powder for Electron-Beam Melting
Laser-based powder bed fusion of non-weldable low-alloy steels
Effect of powder variability on laser powder bed fusion processing and properties of 316L
Towards data-driven additive manufacturing processes
Carbon-coated iron nanopowder as a sintering aid for water-atomized iron powder
Influence of Carbon on the Microstructure of Carbon Steels produced by L-PBF
Thermal Stability In Al-Mn-Cr-Zr Based Aluminium Alloys Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam
Binder Jetting - Reusability of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Powder
Oxygen balance during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718
Characterization of spatter and sublimation in alloy 718 during electron beam melting
Effect of the process atmosphere composition on alloy 718 produced by laser powder bed fusion
Effect of AlSi10Mg0.4 long-term reused powder in PBF-LB/M on the mechanical properties
Degradation of AlSi10Mg powder during laser based powder bed fusion processing
Sintering of bimodal micrometre/nanometre iron powder compacts - A master sintering curve approach
Mitigating oxygen pick-up during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V by limiting heat accumulation
Metal Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing
Evolution of surface chemistry during sintering of water‐atomized iron and low‐alloyed steel powder
High temperature oxidation behavior of DMLs produced inconel 625
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder: a kinetic study
Analysis of Iron Oxide Reduction Kinetics in the Nanometric Scale Using Hydrogen
Effect of Powder Recycling on Defect Formation in Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718
Effect of Nanopowder Addition on the Sintering of Water-Atomized Iron Powder
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and oxidation properties of Inconel 625 processed by LPBF
Full Densification in PM Steels Through Liquid Phase Sintering and HIP Approach
Investigation of surface and thermogravimetric characteristics of carbon-coated iron nanopowder
Processability & Microstructure of Fe-C System via L-PBF
Vacuum sintering of chromium alloyed powder metallurgy steels
Thermally Induced Porosity within HIPed Ti64 Parts: Effect of Entrapped Argon versus Helium in L-PBF
Effect of Powder Recycling in Electron Beam Melting on the Surface Chemistry of Alloy 718 Powder
Surface oxide state on metal powder and its changes during additive manufacturing: An overview
Surface Oxide State on Metal Powder and its Changes during Additive Manufacturing: an Overview
Hot Isostatic Pressing of the Water Atomized Steel Powder: Possibilities and Challenges
Approaches to Reach Fully Dense Powder Metallurgical Materials
Influence of Iron Nanopowder Addition on Sintering of Water Atomized Iron Powder
Surface analysis of fine water-atomized iron powder and sintered material
Manufacturing of Valve Bridge Component Utilizing Lean Alloyed Powders and Vacuum Sintering
Form Finding Nodal Connections in Grid Structures
Enhanced Densification of PM Steels by Liquid Phase Sintering with Boron-Containing Master Alloy
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder and its influence on sintering
Effect of Powder Recycling on the Fracture Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718
Surface analysis of iron and steel nanopowder
COPGLOW and XPS investigation of recycled metal powder for selective laser melting
Surface chemistry of the titanium powder studied by XPS using internal standard reference
Effect of Alloying Type and Lean Sintering Atmosphere on the Performance of PM Components
As-HIP Microstructure Of EBM Fabricated Shell Components
Effect of Powder Processing on the Sintering Mechanisms of Carbonyl and Water-atomized Iron Powders
Characterisation of EBM-Built Shelled Samples of Ti6Al4V Compacted by HIP
Characterization of the virgin and recycled nickel alloy hx powder used for selective laser melting
Characterization of virgin and recycled 316L powder used in additive manufacturing
Surface Characterization Of 60Cu-40Sn Bronze Powder
Effect of active constituents in the atmosphere on the sintering of chromium-alloyed PM steels
Characterization Of The Virgin And Re-cycled Nickel Alloy HX Powder Used For Selective Laser Melting
Vacuum Sintering Studies On Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
Copper Bronze Powder Surface Studied by XPS and HR SEM
Interparticle Neck Connections in Innovative Insulated Iron Powder Compounds
Vacuum Levels Influence on the Properties of Various High Temperature Brazing Alloys
Preparation of AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 high entropy alloy by SPS from mechanically alloyed powders
Lean Atmospheres for Sintering of Chromium Alloyed Powder Metallurgy Steels
Nitrogen uptake of nickel free austenitic stainless steel powder during heat treatment-an XPS study
Dissolution of carbon in Cr-prealloyed PM steels: effect of carbon source
"Internal Gettering” – Metallothermic Reduction Processes In The Early Stage Of Sintering
XPS Analysis of Oxide Transformation During Sintering of Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
Surface Oxide Transformation during HIP of Austenitic Fe-19Mn-18Cr-C-N PM steel
The Role of Carbon Source in the Production of WC Powders
Oxide Transformation in Cr-Mn-Prealloyed Sintered Steels: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects
Optimization of Carbothermal Reactions for Producing Nanostructured Tungsten Carbide Powders
Development of methodology for surface characterization of vanadium containing slag
Efficient Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed Powders by Careful Adjustment of Process Parameters
Effectiveness of reducing agents during sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM steels
Carbon control in PM Sintering
Surface Oxides on Gas and Water Atomized Steel Powders
Effect of processing conditions on microstructural features in Mn-Si sintered steels
Investigation of Low Temperature Creep Behaviour of PM Steels
Microstructure of High Cr-Alloyed Sintered Steel – Prediction and Analysis
Effect of Carbon Source on Oxide Reduction in Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels
Optimisation of sintering atmospheres for controlled sintering of PM steels
Effect of process parameters on surface oxides on chromium-alloyed steel powder during sintering
Surface Oxides on Gas and Water Atomized Steel Powders
Influence of delubrication process on the properties of sintered PM components
Low Temperature Creep Behavior of PM Components Under Static Load Conditions
Effect of reducing agents on the sintering of chromium alloyed PM steels
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Surface Analysis of High Chromium Alloyed Steel Powder
Kohlenstoffreggelung beim Sintern
Carbon control in PM sintering: industrial applications and experience
Parameters Controlling the Oxide Reduction during Sintering of Chromium Prealloyed Steel
Effect of Processing Parameters on Oxide Transformation in Cr-Mn-Prealloyed Sintered Steels
PM parts sintered state improvement achieved by carbon source selection
Effectiveness of Different Reducing Agents during Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels
Dissolution of Carbon in Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels: Effect of Carbon Source
Lean atmospheres for sintering chromium alloyed PM steels
On-line Control of Processing Atmospheres for Proper Sintering of Oxidation-Sensitive PM Steels
Effect of Delubrication Process Parameters on Surface Characteristics of Cr- alloyed PM steels
Surface Chemical Analysis of Soft Magnetic Composite Podwers
Carbon Control in PM Sintering: Industrial Applications and Experience so Far
Stoichiometric Vanadium Oxides Studied by XPS
Influence of Nitrogen Atmosphere on Reduction Mechanisms of a High Strength Austenitic Steel
Control of delubrication process for PM components based on prealloyed steel powders
Process Control System for Delubrication of PM Steels
Parameters Controlling the Reduction of Oxides During Sintering of Cr-prealloyed Steel
Prediction of mechanical properties of Fe–Cr–Mo sintered steel in relationship with microstructure
Development of methodology for surface analysis of soft magnetic composite powders
Processing Conditions And Reduction Of Oxides During Sintering Of Chromium Pre-Alloyed Steel
Oxide Transformation during Sintering of Cr and Mn Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Characterization of High-Mn-Cr Austenitic Steel Powder Fe-19Mn-18Cr-C-N
Delubrication of PM Components Based on Cr-Prealloyed Steel Powder – Chances and Risks
Surface Analysis at Different Sintering Stages of Steel Compacts with Mn and Si
Improvement of Strength Properties of Fe-Cr-Mo-[Cu-Ni]-C Sintered Steels by Sinter-Hardening
Oxide Transformation During Sintering Of Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Surface Interactions during Sintering of Chromium-alloyed PM Steels in Different Atmospheres
Sintered Steels Prealloyed with Manganese – Chances and Risks
Oxide Distribution in Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Sintered Steels Alloyed with Manganese: Effect of Alloying Mode
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed Steel Powders: Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects
Surface composition of the steel powders pre-alloyed with manganese
Critical Aspects of Alloying of Sintered Steels with Manganese
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed with Manganese Steel Powder
Methodology for Evaluating the Oxide Distribution in Water Atomized Steel Powder
Powder Properties, Compacting and Sintering
Microstructure Development during Sintering of Manganese Alloyed PM Steels
Evaluation of Surface Characteristics of Prealloyed Cr-Mo-steel Powder
An application of universal hardness test to metal powder
Modelling of Sintering Atmosphere and Microstructure Development of Chromium Alloyed Steel
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Showing 17 research projects
Scrap to Metal Powder: Circular Metal AM for Increased Resource Efficiency and Resilience
Materials for green hydrogen fueled gas turbines through additive manufacturing
Robust Additive Manufacturing of Components with Thin Walls and Narrow Channels
Master 4.0 -A national education initiative for Industry 4.0
Scalability and quality control in AM - Big Data and ML in Production
3D printed nodes for structural steelwork connections in civil engineering and architecture
Thin-walled 3D-printed structures in fatigue loaded components
Nya materiallösningar för defektfri additiv tillverkning av svårsvetsade Ni-baserade legeringar
Nickel-based material for additive manufacturing
Nanotechnology Enhanced Sintered Steel Processing
Strategic Research Area No.1 Modelling - Phase II
Innovative powder based manufacturing of gear wheels with high performance (HIPGEAR)
Realisation of Soft Magnetic Composites for Expanded Use in Future Inductor Applications
Novel sintering strategy for the competitive manufacturing of the high-performance PM components