Johan Davidsson

Associate Professor at Vehicle Safety

Johan Davidsson research aims at preventing harm to the human body when exposed to high mechanical loads of the type often found in traffic accidents. The research stretches from damage and failure mechanisms at the micro level in the tissue to the study of whole-body mechanical response to violent external loads. The main focus is on brain injuries, milder forms of neck injury, often referred to as whiplash associated disorders, and chest injuries. Most of the research aims to increase understanding of how these parts of the human body reacts to forces; its biomechanical response. The work is mostly of an experimental nature. The goal of the research is to provide injury criteria and risk functions that can be used together with dummies. Some research is conducted where injury criteria and risk functions are developed for mathematical models of the human; both for models of in vehicle occupants and pedestrians. Research ultimate goal is to create principles for new or improved injury protection systems, for example in vehicles. Examples of such are airbags, whiplash protection, or child seats. It also includes personal protection such as helmets or protection of various body parts of a bicyclist. The studies are primarily conducted for injury reduction in eth road traffic environment; the vehicle industry and authorities are the two main end users. Studies are also conducted in other fields such as for sports, medical and military settings. Examples of research are diagnosis and treatment of brain injuries, mild form of brain injury in sports, brain injuries resulting from blast related violence and as a result of shrapnel penetration into the skull cavity. Another area of research is integrated safety. Here the focus is on the development of mathematical models of humans that can simulate the events just before a collision. A future challenge is to simulate the entire event including pre-crash and in-crash. An adjacent research topic is the development of test methods for integrated safety. The research is carried out at SAFER – Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden with its partners. Research on brain injuries, injury mechanisms and tolerances are carried out in in close collaboration with the Karolinska Institute and the Japan Automotive Research Institute (JARI). Johan Davidsson teaches the course Impact Biomechanics, study period IV and the PhD-course Anatomy and Physiology.

Image of Johan Davidsson

Showing 180 publications


Synthetic experiments to investigate occupant variability in braking manoeuvres, a simulation study using Active Human Body Models

Emma Larsson, Johan Iraeus, Johan Davidsson
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. Part 202371, p. 806-821
Paper in proceeding

Simulating Pelvis Kinematics from Belt and Seat Loading in Frontal Car Crash Scenarios: Important Boundary Conditions that Influence the Outcome

Erik Brynskog, Johan Iraeus, Bengt Pipkorn et al
Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Development of SAFER HBM v11

Johan Iraeus, Erik Brynskog, Jobin John et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Pelvis Response Sensitivity of Human Body Models in Reclined Postures

Erik Brynskog, Johan Iraeus, Johan Davidsson
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. Part 202371, p. 1211-1212
Paper in proceeding

Overall SAFE-UP impact (Deliverable 5.6)

Harald Kolk, Jordanka Kovaceva, Johan Davidsson et al
Report - European Commission (EC)

Passive safety system assessment results (Deliverable 5.4)

Genis Mensa, Carles Vidal, Julian Becker et al
Report - European Commission (EC)

Predicting occupant head displacements in evasive maneuvers; tuning and comparison of a rotational based and a translational based neck muscle controller

Emma Larsson, Johan Iraeus, Bengt Pipkorn et al
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 11
Journal article

Influence of an Individualised Shoulder Belt Position for Diverse Occupant Anthropometries on Seatbelt Interaction in Frontal and Side Impacts

Alexandros Leledakis, Jan Östh, Johan Iraeus et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI, p. 639-664
Paper in proceeding

Investigating sources for variability in volunteer kinematics in a braking maneuver, a sensitivity analysis with an active human body model

Emma Larsson, Johan Iraeus, Johan Davidsson
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 11
Journal article

A new open-source finite element lumbar spine model, its tuning and validation, and development of a tissue-based injury risk function for compression fractures

Johan Iraeus, Yash Niranjan Poojary, Leila Jaber et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI, p. 1048-1072
Paper in proceeding

Population Variance in Pelvic Response to Lateral Impacts - A Global Sensitivity Analysis

Erik Brynskog, Johan Iraeus, Bengt Pipkorn et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2022-September, p. 173-196
Paper in proceeding

Hippocampal Expression of Cytochrome P450 1B1 in Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury

Erik Lidin, Mattias K. Sköld, Maria Angeria et al
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 23 (2)
Journal article

The Influence of Occupant's Size, Shape and Seat Adjustment in Frontal and Side Impacts

Alexandros Leledakis, Jonas Östh, Johan Iraeus et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2022-September, p. 549-584
Paper in proceeding

Characterizing future crashes on Indian roads using counterfactual simulations of pre-crash vehicle safety technologies

Pradeep Puthan Pisharam, Nils Lübbe, Johan Davidsson
IATSS Research. Vol. 46 (4), p. 479-491
Journal article

Identifying individual-based injury patterns in multi-trauma road users by using an association rule mining method

Helen Fagerlind, Lara Harvey, Peter Humburg et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 164
Journal article

Passenger Kinematics Variance in Different Vehicle Manoeuvres - Biomechanical Response Corridors Based on Principal Component Analysis

Emma Larsson, Ghazaleh Ghaffari, Johan Iraeus et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2022-September, p. 793-843
Paper in proceeding

A method for predicting crash configurations using counterfactual simulations and real-world data

Alexandros Leledakis, M. Lindman, Jonas Östh et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 150
Journal article

Predicting pelvis geometry using a morphometric model with overall anthropometric variables

Erik Brynskog, Johan Iraeus, Matthew P. Reed et al
Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 126
Journal article

Dynamic Responses of Female Volunteers in Rear Impact Sled Tests at Two Head Restraint Distances

Anna K Carlsson, Stefan Horion, Johan Davidsson et al
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 9
Journal article

Dynamic Spatial Tuning Patterns of Shoulder Muscles with Volunteers in a Driving Posture

Jason Fice, Emma Larsson, Johan Davidsson
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 9
Journal article

The influence of car passengers’ sitting postures in intersection crashes

Alexandros Leledakis, Jonas Östh, Johan Davidsson et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 157
Journal article

Defining crash configurations for Powered Two-Wheelers: Comparing ISO 13232 to recent in-depth crash data from Germany, India and China

Pradeep Puthan Pisharam, Nils Lübbe, Junaid Shaikh et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 151
Journal article

Female kinematics and muscle responses in lane change and lane change with braking maneuvers

Ghazaleh Ghaffari, Johan Davidsson
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 22 (3), p. 236-241
Journal article

Design and Evaluation of the Initial 50th Percentile Female Prototype Rear Impact Dummy, BioRID P50F–Indications for the need of an additional dummy size

Anna K Carlsson, Johan Davidsson, Astrid Linder et al
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 9
Journal article

Estimated Lives Saved by Recently Implemented Vehicle Safety Standards in India: Implications and Future Safety Needs

Pradeep Puthan Pisharam, Nils Lübbe, Johan Davidsson
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2021-September, p. 13-22
Paper in proceeding

Analys av kollisioner vid hockeyspel med hjärnskakning som utfall

Johan Davidsson, Staffan Björkdahl, Kristian Ivancic et al

Evaluation of injury thresholds for predicting severe head injuries in vulnerable road users resulting from ground impact via detailed accident reconstructions

Liangliang Shi, Yong Han, Hongwu Huang et al
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. Vol. 19 (5), p. 1845-1863
Journal article

Diffuse Axonal Injury in the Rat Brain: Axonal Injury and Oligodendrocyte Activity Following Rotational Injury

Michela Losurdo, Johan Davidsson, Mattias K. Skold
Brain Sciences. Vol. 10 (4)
Journal article

COX-2 inhibition by diclofenac is associated with decreased apoptosis and lesion area after experimental focal penetrating traumatic brain injury in rats

Kayvan Dehlaghi Jadid, Johan Davidsson, Erik Lidin et al
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 10 (July)
Journal article

Active Human Body Model Predictions Compared to Volunteer Response in Experiments with Braking, Lane Change, and Combined Manoeuvres

Emma Larsson, Johan Iraeus, Jason Fice et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI (S1-9), p. 349-369
Paper in proceeding

Concluding Remarks

Johan Davidsson, M Risling
Neuromethods. Vol. 149, p. 297-299
Book chapter

The Clemedson Blast Tube

Johan Davidsson, Ulf Arborelius, Lars Gunnar Ohlsson et al
Neuromethods. Vol. 149, p. 151-166
Book chapter

Passenger muscle responses in lane change and lane change with braking maneuvers using two belt configurations: Standard and reversible pre-pretensioner

Ghazaleh Ghaffari, Karin Brolin, Bengt Pipkorn et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 20 (sup1), p. S43-S51
Journal article

A Model for Research on Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injuries

Johan Davidsson, M Risling
Neuromethods. Vol. 149, p. 47-59
Book chapter

Does injury pattern among major road trauma patients influence prehospital transport decisions regardless of the distance to the nearest trauma centre? – a retrospective study

Helen Fagerlind, Lara Harvey, Stefan Candefjord et al
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. Vol. 27 (1), p. 1-9
Journal article

A Sagittal Plane Rotational Injury Rodent Model for Research on Traumatic Brain Injuries

Johan Davidsson, M Risling
Neuromethods. Vol. 149, p. 61-75
Book chapter

Brain tissue saving effects by single-dose intralesional administration of Neuroprotectin D1 on experimental focal penetrating brain injury in rats

Rand Wilcox Vanden Berg, Johan Davidsson, Erik Lidin et al
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. Vol. 64, p. 227-233
Journal article

The hidden figures of major road trauma crashes

Helen Fagerlind, Johan Davidsson, Lara Harvey et al
Conference poster

Analysis of Traumatic Brain Injuries Sustained by Occupants in Japanese Brand Car Crashes in the US

Jacobo Antona-Makoshi, Koji Mikami, Mats Lindkvist et al
International Journal of Automotive Engineering. Vol. 9 (3), p. 145-450
Journal article

Trunk muscle recruitment patterns in simulated precrash events

Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, Jason B. Fice, Daniel W.H. Mang et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 19, p. S186-S188
Journal article

Dogs in passenger vehicles – crash safety evaluation of travel crates

B.J. Ivarsson, Johan Davidsson
International Journal of Crashworthiness. Vol. 23, p. 1-12
Journal article

Accident analysis to support the development of strategies for the prevention of brain injuries in car crashes

Jacobo Antona-Makoshi, Koji Mikami, Mats Lindkvist et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 117, p. 98-105
Journal article

Gender differences in Occupant Posture during Driving and Riding

Hattie Cutcliffe, Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, Jonas Östh et al
Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. Vol. 2017-September (IRC-17-12), p. 23-33
Paper in proceeding

Belted Female Occupants in Frontal Car Crashes are More Likely to Sustain Moderate Concussions than Male Occupants

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Mats Lindkvist
The Stapp Car Crash Conference 2017
Paper in proceeding

Neurofilament light concentrations in serum following experimental rotational traumatic brain injury in rats

Mårten Risling, Maria Angeria, Henrik Zetterberg et al
Neuroscience 2017. Vol. 392.06 / AA26, p. 18304-
Conference poster

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Motor Vehicles Crashes

Jacobo Antona, Koji Mikami, Mats Lindkvist et al
JSAE Annual Congress, Yokohama, Japan, May 24 to 26, 2017. Vol. 20175258
Other conference contribution

Towards omni-directional active human body models

Karin Brolin, Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, Johan Iraeus et al
6th International Symposium on Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, Heidelberg, GERMANY, October 20-21
Other conference contribution

Molecular gene expression following blunt and rotational models of traumatic brain injury parallel injuries associated with stroke and depression

Véronique Paban, Michael Ogier, Caroline Chambon et al
Journal of Translational Science. Vol. 2 (6), p. 330-339
Journal article

Impacts to the chest of PMHSs – Influence of impact location and loaddistribution on chest response

Kristian Holmqvist, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 87 (87), p. 148-160
Journal article

Analysis of occupant kinematics and dynamics in nearside oblique impacts

F. J. Lopez-Valdes, O. Juste-Lorente, M. Maza-Frechin et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, p. 86-92
Journal article

Neck muscle activation patterns in dynamic conditions

Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, J. B. Fice, D. W. H. Mang et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, p. 219-221
Other conference contribution

Development of a comprehensive injury criterion for moderate and mild traumatic brain injuries

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Susumu Ejima et al
International Journal of Automotive Engineering. Vol. 7 (2), p. 69-75
Journal article

Experimental Models for Neurotrauma Research

Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling
Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1462, p. 267-88
Journal article

Time-Dependent Changes in Serum Level of Protein Biomarkers after Focal Traumatic Brain Injury

Elham Rostami, Andrea Gyorgy, Johan Davidsson et al
International Journal of Neurorehabilitation. Vol. 2 (3), p. 1-6
Journal article

Construction and evaluation of thoracic injury risk curves for a finite element human body model in frontal car crashes

Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Johan Davidsson, Karin Brolin
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 85, p. 73-82
Journal article

Head boundary conditions in pedestrian crashes with passenger cars: six-degrees-of-freedom post-mortem human subject responses

Ruth Paas, C. Masson, Johan Davidsson
International Journal of Crashworthiness. Vol. 20 (6), p. 547-559
Journal article

Muscle Activation Strategies in Human Body Models for the Development of Integrated Safety

Jonas Östh, Karin Brolin, Jóna Marin Olafsdottir et al
The 24th ESV Conference Proceedings
Other conference contribution

Upper body skeletal posture of the average pedestrian male from upright high-resolution X-ray images - Comparison to the THUMS pedestrian model

D. Subit, Ruth Paas, B. Sandoz et al
2015 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, p. 354-355
Paper in proceeding

Neuroprotective effects of N-acetylcysteine amide on experimental focal penetrating brain injury in rats

M. Gunther, Johan Davidsson, S Plantman et al
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. Vol. 22 (9), p. 1477-1483
Journal article

Mice and (wo)men with head trauma

Mårten Risling, Mattias Gunther, Ulf Arborelius et al
IHL and Gender - Swedish Experiences, p. 103-110
Book chapter

Gender Differences in Occupant Posture and Muscle Activity with Motorized Seat Belts

Hattie Cutcliffe, Karin Brolin, Jonas Östh et al
The 24th ESV Conference Proceedings
Other conference contribution

COX-2 regulation and TUNEL-positive cell death differ between genders in the secondary inflammatory response following experimental penetrating focal brain injury in rats.

Mattias Günther, Stefan Plantman, Johan Davidsson et al
Acta Neurochirurgica. Vol. 157 (4), p. 649-659
Journal article

Investigation of diffuse axonal injury induced by rotational acceleration via numerical reconstructions of in vivo rat head impact experiments

Lihai Ren, Daniel Baumgartner, Jikuang Yang et al
International Journal of Crashworthiness. Vol. 20 (6), p. 602-612
Journal article

Which pragmatic FE HBM scaling technique can most accurately predict head impact conditions in pedestrian-car crashes?

Ruth Paas, Jonas Östh, Johan Davidsson
2015 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, p. 546-576
Paper in proceeding

Characterisation of the pressure distribution in penetrating traumatic brain injuries

Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 6 (51), p. 1-12
Journal article

Experiments and Mathematical Modeling for Evaluation of Non-Lethal Weapons

Johan Davidsson, Jacobo Antona, Ulf Alborelius et al
8th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons, May 18-20, Ettlingen, Germany, p. V21-
Other conference contribution

Effect of Aging on Brain Injury Prediction in Rotational Head Trauma - A Parameter Study with a Rat Finite Element Model

Jacobo Antona, Erik Eliasson, Johan Davidsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16, p. S91-S99
Journal article

Head Kinematics and Shoulder Biomechanics in Shoulder Impacts Similar to Pedestrian Crashes—A THUMS Study

Ruth Paas, Johan Davidsson, Karin Brolin
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16 (5), p. 498-506
Journal article

Cox‐2 Regulation Differs Between Sexes in the Secondary Inflammatory Response Following Experimental Penetrating Focal Brain Injury in Rats

Mattias Günther, Stefan Plantman, Johan Davidsson et al
Journal of Neurotrauma. Vol. 31 (5), p. A-18
Magazine article

Neuroprotective effects of N-acetylcysteine amide on experimental focal penetrating brain injury in rats

Mattias Günther, Johan Davidsson, Stefan Plantman et al
Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, 2014 Nov 15-21, p. 486.06-
Other conference contribution

Effect of the Inhomogeneous Brain Mechanical Characteristic on Dynamic Responses of Head under Trauma

Lihai Ren, Daniel Baumgartner, Johan Davidsson et al
Proceeding of the 2014 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. Vol. IRC-14 (19)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of Thoracic Injury Criteria for THUMS Finite Element Human Body Model Using Real-World Crash Data

Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Lotta Jakobsson, Johan Davidsson et al
IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, 10-12 September, Berlin, Germany (IRC-14-62), p. 528-541
Paper in proceeding

Validation of Local Brain Kinematics of a Novel Rat Brain Finite Element Model under Rotational Acceleration

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling et al
International Journal of Automotive Engineering. Vol. 5 (1), p. 31-37
Journal article

Effect of age on amount and distribution of diffuse axonal injury after rotational trauma

Johan Davidsson, Maria Angéria, Mårten Risling
Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, Nov 15-21, 2014 (486.06)
Conference poster

Neck Flexion Induces Larger Deformation of the Brain Than Extension at a Rotational Acceleration, Closed Head Trauma

Hans-Arne Hansson, Ulrika Krave, Svante Höijer et al
Advances in Neuroscience. Vol. 2014 (945869)
Journal article


Kristian Holmqvist, Johan Davidsson, Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 15 (2), p. 196-205
Journal article

Development of injury risk functions for use with the THORAX Demonstrator; an updated THOR

Johan Davidsson, Jolyon Carrol, David Hynd et al
International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury Conference, IRCOBI 2014; Berlin; Germany; 10 September 2014 through 12 September 2014. Vol. 14 (41), p. 359-376
Paper in proceeding

A novel mouse model of penetrating brain injury.

Ibolja Cernak, Ian D Wing, Johan Davidsson et al
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 5, p. 209-
Journal article

Effect of age on amount and distribution of diffuse axonal injury after rotational trauma

Johan Davidsson, Maria Angeria, Mårten Risling
Conference poster

Alteration in BDNF and its Receptors, Full-length and Truncated TrkB and p75NTR Following Penetration Traumatic Brain Injury

Elham Rostami, F Krueger, Stefan Plantman et al
Brain Research. Vol. 1542 (1542), p. 195-205
Journal article

Finite Element Musculoskeletal Model with Feedback Control to Simulate Spinal Postural Responses

Karin Brolin, Jonas Östh, Jóna Marin Olafsdottir et al
7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Vol. July 6-11, Boston, USA (18-14)
Other conference contribution

Correlation of Global Head and Brain Tissue Injury Criteria to Experimental Concussion derived from Monkey Head Trauma Experiments

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Susumu Ejima et al
IRCOBI Conference (IRC-13-55), p. 509-522
Paper in proceeding

Validation of local brain kinematics of a novel rat brain finite element model under rotational acceleration and its application towards the clarification of Diffuse Axonal Injury mechanisms

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling et al
Proceeding of JSAE Annual Congress, Yokohama, Japan (20135406)
Other conference contribution

Future challenges and needs in integrated safety:Reducing disabling injuries especially for people outside the average male category

Johan Davidsson, Karin Brolin, Mats Svensson et al
Proceeding of JSAE Annual Congress, Yokohama, Japan - JSAE forum
Other conference contribution

Final report

Paul Lemmen, Van der Cor Zweep, Jolyon Carrol et al

Dummy validation report

Jolyon Carroll, Johan Davidsson, Luis Martinez et al

Traumatic Brain Injury Investigation Using FE Modeling of the Rat and Experimental High Amplitude Rotations in the Sagittal Plane

Michael Lamy, Daniel Baumgartner, Johan Davidsson et al
IRCOBI Conference (IRC-13-51), p. 456-469
Paper in proceeding

Human Body Modeling for Integrated Safety Analyses, Adult and Child Models

Karin Brolin, Laure-Lise Gras, Jonas Östh et al
the 4th International Symposium on Human Modelling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, Aschaffenburg, Germany, May 13-14, 2013
Other conference contribution

Human rib response to different restraint systems in frontal impacts: a study using a human body model

Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Karin Brolin, Johan Davidsson et al
International Journal of Crashworthiness. Vol. 18 (5), p. 516-529
Journal article

Passenger Kinematics and Muscle Responses in Autonomous Braking Events with Standard and Reversible Pre‐tensioned Restraints

Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, Jonas Östh, Johan Davidsson et al
IRCOBI Conference 2013 (IRC-13-70), p. 602-617
Paper in proceeding

Driver Kinematic and Muscle Responses in Braking Events with Standard and Reversible Pre-tensioned Restraints: Validation Data for Human Models

Jonas Östh, Jóna Marin Olafsdottir, Johan Davidsson et al
Stapp car crash journal. Vol. 57, p. 1-41
Journal article

Effect of age on amount and distribution of diffuse axonal injury after rotational trauma

Johan Davidsson, Maria Angeria, Mårten Risling
Proceeding of JSAE Annual Congress, Yokohama, Japan (20135479)
Other conference contribution

Set of injury risk curves for different sizes and ages

Johan Davidsson, Jolyon Carroll, David Hynd et al

Human body modeling for integrated safety analyses using THUMS

Karin Brolin, Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Jonas Östh et al
the THUMS European Users’ Meeting, Manchester, England, June 6, 2013
Other conference contribution

The Terminal Pathway of the Complement System is Activated in Focal Penetrating but not in Mild Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, A Gyorgy et al
Journal of Neurotrauma. Vol. 30 (23), p. 1954-65
Journal article

Volunteer Shoulder Range of Motion and Stiffness: Data for Evaluation of Crash Test Dummies and Human Body Models

Johan Davidsson
IRCOBI Conference (IRC-13-30), p. 230-244
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of Seat Performance Criteria for Rear‐End Impact Testing BioRID II and Insurance Data

Johan Davidsson, Anders Kullgren
IRCOBI Conference (IRC-13-15), p. 63-76
Paper in proceeding

Rat brain kinematics and tissue strains associated to Diffuse Axonal Injuries induced by head rotational acceleration

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Susumu Ejima
Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference JSCES. Vol. 18
Other conference contribution

An Advanced Thorax-Shoulder Design for the THOR Dummy

Paul Lemmen, Bernard Been, David Hynd et al
23rd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV),Soul, Korea (13-0171)
Other conference contribution

Biofidelity requirements for the THORAX project

David Hynd, Jolyon Carroll, Johan Davidsson et al

Development of an Advanced Thorax / Shoulder Complex for the THOR Dummy

Paul Lemmen, Bernard Been, David Hynd et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 5
Journal article

Cox-2 regulation differs between sexes in the secondary inflammatory response following experimental penetrating brain injury in rats

Mattias Günter, Stefan Plantman, Johan Davidsson et al
Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, California, Nov 9-13 (307.09)
Other conference contribution

Reanalysis of Monkey Head Concussion Experiment Data Using a Novel Monkey Finite Element Model to Develop Brain Tissue Injury Reference Values

Jacobo Antona, Johan Davidsson, Susumu Ejima et al
Proceeding of the 2012 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. Vol. 2012, p. 441-454
Paper in proceeding

Design implications for improving an anthropomorphic test device based on human body simulations

Karin Brolin, Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, E. Song et al
2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Dublin:12 September through14 September 2012 (IRC-12-88), p. 843-855
Paper in proceeding

Seat testing to investigate the female neck injury risk – preliminary results using a new female dummy prototype

Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Toni Weber, Mats Svensson et al
Proceedings: IRCOBI Conference; September 12–14; Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Paper in proceeding

Pedestrian shoulder and spine kinematics in full-scale PMHS tests for human body model evaluation

Ruth Paas, Johan Davidsson, C. Masson et al
2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Dublin:12 through14 September 2012, p. 730-750
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of blast-induced neurotrauma in a rodent model

K. C. Ng, E. Kan, M Risling et al
Brain Injury. Vol. 26 (4-5), p. 646-647
Journal article

Experimental Animal Models for Studies on the Mechanisms of Blast-induced Neurotrauma

Maria Angeria, Johan Davidsson
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 3 (30)
Journal article

Characterization of a Novel Rat Model of Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury

S Plantman, KC Ng, J Lu et al
Journal of Neurotrauma. Vol. 29 (6), p. 1219-1232
Journal article

A Model for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury that Induces Limited Transient Memory Impairment and Increased Levels of Axon Related Serum Biomarkers

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, Chye Kian Ng et al
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 3
Journal article

Causation mechanisms in car-to-vulnerable road user crashes: Implications for active safety systems

Azra Habibovic, Johan Davidsson
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 49, p. 493-500
Journal article

The Occupant Response to Autonomous Braking: A Modelling Approach That Accounts for Active Musculature

Jonas Östh, Karin Brolin, Stina Carlsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 13 (3), p. 265-277
Journal article

Development of an advanced frontal dummy thorax demonstrator

P. Lemmen, B. Been, J. Carroll et al
2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Dublin:12 September through14 September 2012 (IRC-12-87), p. 828-842
Paper in proceeding

Mechanisms of Blast Induced Brain Injuries, Experimental Studies in Rats.

Mårten Risling, Stefan Plantman, Maria Angeria et al
NeuroImage. Vol. 54S1 2011/Epub 2010 (54 suplement 1), p. S89-S97
Journal article

Volunteer occupant kinematics during driver initiated and autonomous braking when driving in real traffic environments

Stina Carlsson, Johan Davidsson
2011 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury IRCOBI, 14 - 16 September 2011, Krakow, Polen. Vol. 2011, p. 125-136
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic Kinematic Responses of Female Volunteers in Rear Impacts and Comparison to Previous Male Volunteer Tests

Anna K Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Johan Davidsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 12 (4), p. 347-357
Journal article


Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Karin Brolin, Johan Davidsson
Svenska Mekanikdagar 2011
Other conference contribution

Traumatic brain injuries investigation using finite element modeling of rat brain

D. Baumgartner, Michael Gilchrist, M. Lamy et al
2011 IUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics in Sport, Symposium Proceedings, p. 18-19
Paper in proceeding

Differential gene expression changes for complement C1q and C3 after injuries to dorsal and ventral nerve roots

M Risling, M Angeria, S Plantman et al
41st Neuroscience Conference, Washington, DC (Poster 783.10/BB15)
Conference poster

Evaluation of Seat Performance Criteria for Rear-End Impact Testing

Johan Davidsson, Anders Kullgren
22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Washington DC, Gaylord National Conference Convention Centre, June 13 – 16, 2011. Vol. 22 (Paper Number 11-0373), p. 14-
Other conference contribution

A new model to produce sagittal plane rotational induced diffuse axonal injuries

Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling
Frontiers in Neurology. Vol. 2 (41), p. 1-11
Journal article

Three Experimental Models for Evaluation of Three Different Mechanisms in Blast TBI

Mårten Risling, Ulf Arborelius, Johan Davidsson
NATO- OTAN Symposium, Halifax, Canada, 3-5, October 2011. RTO-MP-HFM-207 (18), p. 1 to 10-
Paper in proceeding

A finite element model of the rat brain for injury investigation

D. Baumgartner, M. Lamy, R. Willinger et al
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 14 (SUPPL.1), p. 273-274
Journal article

Requirements of a system to reduce car-to-vulnerable road user crashes in urban intersections

Azra Habibovic, Johan Davidsson
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 43 (4), p. 1570-1580
Journal article

Review of the EURO NCAP Upper Leg Test

Nils Lubbe, H Hikichi, H Takahashi et al
22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Washington, DC, Gaylord National Conference Convention Centre, June 13 – 16, 2011. Vol. 22 (Paper Number 11-0137), p. 13-
Other conference contribution

Proteomic-based identification of injury-specific patterns of biomarkers in rotational and penetrating TBI

Elham Rostami, A Gyorgy, Johan Davidsson et al
40th Neuroscience Conference, November 13-17, 2010, San Diego, USA, p. Program 467.14, Poster AA14-
Conference poster

Volunteer Testing for Shoulder Design

Johan Davidsson
Integrated Safety Network & Cover Workshop on Biomechanical Experiments with Human Subjects, September 14th, Hannover
Other conference contribution

Challenges in Steering Wheel Rim to Thorax Impacts Using Finite Element Hybrid III and Human Body Models for Heavy Vehicle Frontal Crash Applications

Kristian Holmqvist, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson et al
International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 293-296
Paper in proceeding

Differential acute gene expression changes after 5 types of traumatic injury in spinal cord and the brain

M Risling, S Plantman, M Sköld et al
40th Neuroscience Conference, November 13-17, 2010, San Diego, USA, p. Program 467.16, Poster AA16-
Conference poster

EvaRID: a dummy model representing females in rear end impacts

Fred Chang, Anna K Carlsson, Paul Lemmen et al
Proc. Whiplash 2010, 3rd International Conference, Munich, November 18 – 20, 2010
Paper in proceeding

Increased Expression of C5AR in Diffuse Axonal Injury and Penetration Brain Injury

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, Bo Mikael Bellander et al
International Neurotrauma Symposium
Conference poster

Studies on thresholds for blunt trauma: Relevance for NLW

U Arborelius, D Rocksén, J Bursell et al
5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons, May 11-13, Ettlingen, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Characterizing Immuneresponse in Diffuse Axonal Injury and Penetration Brain Injury using Gene Microarray

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, Maria Angeria et al
International Neurotrauma Symposium
Conference poster

Complement Factors and Chemokines in DAI and Peripheral Nerve Injury Studied by Gene Microarray

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, M Ochsmann et al
NeuroSience Conference
Other conference contribution

Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Changes in the Gene Expression of Cytochrome P450 subfamily

Mårten Risling, Maria Angeria, Johan Davidsson
NeuroSience Conference
Other conference contribution

Trauma attenuating backing improves protection against behind armor blunt trauma

A Sonden, D Rocksen, L Riddez et al
Journal of Trauma. Vol. 67 (6), p. 1191-1199
Journal article


Kristian Holmqvist, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson et al
International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 201-204
Paper in proceeding

Injury threshold for sagittal plane rotational induced diffuse axonal injuries

Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling, Maria Angeria
2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury; York; United Kingdom; 9 September 2009 through 11 September 2009, p. 43-55
Paper in proceeding

Mechanisms of blast induced brain injuries, experimental studies in rats

Mårten Risling, Elham Rostami, Bo Mikael Bellander et al
International State-of-the-Science Meeting on Non-Impact, Blast-Induced Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Conference poster

Characterization of a Novel Model for Penetration Brain Injury

Stefan Plantman, Johan Davidsson, Mårten Risling
International Neurotrauma Symposium
Other conference contribution

Experimental Studies on Mechanisms of Blast Induced Brain Injuries

Mårten Risling, Johan Davidsson, Elham Rostami et al
International Neurotrauma Symposium
Conference poster

Finite element analysis of traumatic brain injuries mechanisms in the rat

Daniel Baumgartner, M Lamy, R Willinger et al
International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact
Paper in proceeding


Fredrik Törnvall, Kristian Holmqvist, Johan Davidsson et al
IRCOBI, p. 195-210
Paper in proceeding

Female Volunteer Motion in Rear Impact Sled Tests in Comparison to Results From Earlier Male Volunteer Tests

Anna K Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Mats Svensson et al
IRCOBI Conference – Bern (Switzerland) – September 2008, p. 461-464
Paper in proceeding

Mechanisms of blast induced brain injuries

Mårten Risling, Elham Rostami, Maria Angeria et al
38th NeuroSience Conference, Washington Convention Center, November 15–19, Washington DC, USA
Other conference contribution

Role of inflammation in penetration and rotational brain injury

Elham Rostami, Johan Davidsson, Maria Angeria et al
38th NeuroSience Conference, Washington Convention Center, November 15–19, Washington DC, USA
Other conference contribution

Diffuse axonal injury induced by rapid rotation

Mårten Risling, Maria Angeria, Inga-Lisa Larsson et al
37th NeuroSience Conference, San Diego Convention Center, October 14-18, San Diego, USA
Other conference contribution

Dummy Requirements and Injury Criteria for a Low-Speed Rear Impact Whiplash Dummy

David Hynd, Mats Svensson, Xavier Trosseille et al

A New THOR Shoulder Design: A Comparison with Volunteers, the Hybrid III and THOR NT

Fredrik Törnvall, Kristian Holmqvist, Johan Davidsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 8 (3), p. 211-222
Journal article

A new model for diffuse axonal injury induced by rapid rotation

Mårten Risling, Maria Angeria, Inga-Lisa Larsson et al
36th NeuroSience Conference, Georgia World Congress Center, November 12-16, Atlanta, USA
Other conference contribution

A New THOR Shoulder Design: Its Range-of-Motion in Comparison with Volunteers, the Hybrid III and THOR NT

Fredrik Törnvall, Kristian Holmqvist, Johan Davidsson et al
International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 409-412
Paper in proceeding

New and Old Types of Military Neurotrauma

Mårten Risling, Matias Sköld, Johan Davidsson
9th Annual Force Health Protection Conference, August 6 - 11, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Other conference contribution

Comparison of Shoulder Range-of-Motion and Stiffness between Volunteers, Hybrid III and THOR Alpha in Static Frontal Impact Loading

Fredrik Törnvall, Kristian Holmqvist, Jan Martinsson et al
International Journal of Crashworthiness. Vol. 10 (2), p. 151-160
Journal article

Frontal Impact Dummy Kinematics in Oblique Frontal Collisions: Evaluation against Post Mortem Human Subject Test Data

Fredrik Törnvall, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 6 (4), p. 340-350
Journal article

Leakage of S-100 protein after high velocity penetration injury to the brain

Mårten Risling, M Sköld, I-L Larsson et al
international neurotrauma symposium and Medimond, Bologna, p. 119-124
Other conference contribution

Comparison of Shoulder Range-of-Motion and Stiffness between Volunteers, Hybrid III and THOR Alpha in Static Frontal Impact Loading

Fredrik Törnvall, Kristian Holmqvist, Jan Martinsson et al
International Crashworthiness Conference, July 14-16, San Francisco, USA
Other conference contribution

New model for high velocity penetration injury to the brain

Mårten Risling, M Sköld, I-L Larsson et al
34th NeuroSience Conference, New Orleans, USA, Nov 8-12, 2003
Other conference contribution

Design and Validation of the Neck for a Rear Impact Dummy (BioRID I)

Astrid Linder, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 3 (2), p. 167-174
Journal article

Neck Displacements of Volunteers, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III in Rear Impacts: Implications to Whiplash Assessment by Neck Displacement (NDC)

David Viano, Johan Davidsson
Traffic Injury Prevention (3), p. 105-116
Journal article

Human volunteer Kinematics in Rear-End Sled Collisions

Johan Davidsson, Christian Deutcher, Wolfram Hell et al
Crash Prevention and Injury Control. Vol. 2 (4), p. 319-333
Journal article

Neck injuries in car collisions--a review covering a possible injury mechanism and the development of a new rear-impact dummy

Mats Svensson, Ola Boström, Johan Davidsson et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 32 (2), p. 167-75
Journal article

A Comparison of Volunteer, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III performance in Rear Impacts

Johan Davidsson, Per Lövsund, Koshiro Ono et al
Crash Prevention and Injury Control. Vol. 2 (3), p. 203-220
Journal article

BioRID P3 – Design and Performance Compared to Hybrid III and Volunteers in Rear Impacts at ΔV=7 km/h

Johan Davidsson, Anders Flogård, Per Lövsund et al
Proceeding of the 43rd STAPP Car Crash Conference, San Diego, USA (SAE paper no. 99SC16), p. 253-265
Paper in proceeding

A Comparison between Volunteer, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III performance in Rear Impacts

Johan Davidsson, Per Lövsund, S Inami et al
Proceeding of the 1999 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 165-178
Paper in proceeding

Nervenzellschäden bei Schleudertraumen. Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen

Mats Svensson, Bertil Aldman, Ola Boström et al
Orthopäde (27), p. 820-826
Journal article

BioRID - A New Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy

Johan Davidsson, Mats Svensson, Per Lövsund
Proceeding of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 377-390
Paper in proceeding

The New Neck Design for the Rear-End Impact Dummy, BioRID I

Astrid Linder, Mats Svensson, Anders Flogård et al
Proceeding 42nd AAAM Conference, p. 179-192
Paper in proceeding

Human Volunteer Kinematics in Rear-End Sled Collisions

Johan Davidsson, Cristian Deutcher, Wolfram Hell et al
Proceeding of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, p. 289-301
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 22 research projects


Towards Digital Twins of the Human Body for Personalized Safety

Shivesh Kumar Dynamics
Jobin John Vehicle Safety
Karinne Ramirez-Amaro Mechatronics
Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Håkan Johansson Dynamics
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Virtual-Rat: Virtual Analysis of Rat Experiments for Traumatic Brain Injury

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Safe and comfortable seat belts for all

Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Lotta Jakobsson Vehicle Safety
Jonas Östh Vehicle Safety
Anna-Lisa Osvalder Design & Human Factors
Melina Makris Design & Human Factors
Mikael Johansson Design & Human Factors
Ekant Mishra Unknown organization
Bengt Pipkorn Vehicle Safety
Fredrik Heurlin Unknown organization
Isabelle Stockman Person Injury Prevention
FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation


Enhancing Female and Male SAFER HBM Torso Injury Prediction

Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Erik Brynskog Vehicle Safety
Oscar Hallberg Vehicle Safety
FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation

1 publication exists

A pilot study on modelling of the human body loading as a function of ship motion for crew safety in seakeeping

Mats Svensson Injury Prevention
Jonas Ringsberg Marine Technology
Huadong Yao Marine Technology
Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
AoA Transport

1 publication exists

Advancing Neck Injury Prediction in Car Crashes using the SAFER HBM

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Yash Niranjan Poojary Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Jobin John Vehicle Safety
Mats Svensson Injury Prevention


Avancerat verktyg för utveckling och utvärdering av skydd mot skulderskador för cyklister

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Swedish Transport Administration


Active human body model for virtual occupant response, step 5

Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention

1 publication exists

Proactive SAFEty systems and tools for a constantly UPgrading road environment (SAFE-UP)

András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention
Ron Schindler Crash Analysis and Prevention
Johan Iraeus Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Yash Niranjan Poojary Injury Prevention
European Commission (EC)

8 publications exist

Höft- och ryggskadepredikteringsmodeller för kvinnor och män i varierande sittställningar i framtida fordon

Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention

2 publications exist

Pelvis and spine injury predicting models for women and men in a variety of sitting postures in future autonomous cars

Bengt Pipkorn Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)
Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention
Erik Brynskog Injury Prevention
Lotta Jakobsson Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Injury Prevention
Jonas Östh Vehicle Safety
FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation

5 publications exist

Future Occupant Safety for Crashes in Cars (OSCCAR)

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Jason Fice Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Hosein Naseri Dynamics
András Bálint Vehicle Safety
Erik Eliasson Vehicle Safety
European Commission (EC)

11 publications exist

Active human body models for virtual occupant response (A-HBM), step 4

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Linus Wågström Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)

5 publications exist

Kartläggning av hjärnskakningar inom svensk ishockey, videoanalys, blodprovsdata och konsekvenser

Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH)


Development of Implementable Omni-Directional Chest, Spine and Head Injury Criteria for Human Body Models

Mats Svensson Person Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention
Johan Iraeus Person Injury Prevention
Karin Brolin Person Injury Prevention

5 publications exist


Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention
Folksams forskningsstiftelse


Active human body models for virtual occupant response, step 3

Jóna Marin Olafsdottir Person Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention
Ghazaleh Ghaffari Person Injury Prevention
Karin Brolin Vehicle Safety

1 publication exists

Improved injury prediction using HBM, step 2

Karin Brolin Vehicle Safety
Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez Person Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention


Metod för integrerad säkerhetsbedömning av bilars skydd fotgängare

Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention
Folksams forskningsstiftelse


Aktiv human modell för prediktering av mänsklig rörelse, steg 2

Karin Brolin Vehicle Safety
Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention
Jonas Östh Person Injury Prevention
Jóna Marin Olafsdottir Person Injury Prevention


Vehicle front model development for validation of pedestrian Human Body Model

Johan Davidsson Person Injury Prevention

There might be more projects where Johan Davidsson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.