Erik Ytreberg
Erik Ytreberg holds a Ph.D. in environmental science at the department of mechanics and maritime sciences. His research focuses on assessing the environmental impact of shipping through the DPSIR concept (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response). Thus, he is determining both the pressure of different pollutants from shipping to the marine environment and the corresponding environmental state and impact on ecosystems. Erik is also focusing his research on antifouling techniques and how to optimize the performance and minimize the environmental impact of antifouling paints where he uses XRF to determine the release rate of metallic biocides.

Showing 59 publications
Sustainable Hull maintenance strategies in Baltic Sea region through case studies of RoPax vessels
Systematic review of ecotoxicological studies investigating the effects of scrubber water
Monitoring and Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Species Transported with Shipping as Vector
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Ship’s Hull Maintenance Scenarios in the Kattegat and Danish Strait Route
Environmental discounts for Swedish ports and fairways: A ship owner perspective
Strong economic incentives of ship scrubbers promoting pollution
Best practise for cleaning of ship hulls
Kvalitetssäkring av XRF-mätningar av tenn på fritidsbåtar
EMERGE deliverable 2.4. Multivariate prediction of scrubber water toxicity
EMERGE deliverable 6.1. Baltic and North Sea report
Arsenic in sediment - an environmental quality standard overview
Zinc in sediment - an environmental quality standard overview
A novel tool for cost and emission reduction related to ship underwater hull maintenance
Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental and Health Impacts of Shipping Emissions
Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping
Metal and PAH loads from ships and boats, relative other sources, in the Baltic Sea
Quantification of Cu and Zn in antifouling paint films by XRF
Effects of seawater scrubbing on a microplanktonic community during a summer-bloom in the Baltic Sea
Vetenskaplig granskning av SBU/SXK:s rapporter om kopparhalter i småbåtshamnar
Valuating environmental impacts from ship emissions – The marine perspective
Modelling spatial dispersion of contaminants from shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea
Comparing emissions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and metals from marine fuels and scrubbers
Modelling of discharges from baltic sea shipping
Copper as a HELCOM core indicator
Modeling of Leisure Craft Emissions
Förbättrad riskbedömning av båtbottenfärger
Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea
Model for leisure boat activities and emissions – implementation for the Baltic Sea
Fritidsbåtars påverkan på grunda kustekosystem i sverige
Framework to evaluate external costs of shipping
Effects of scrubber washwater discharge on microplankton in the Baltic Sea
In situ release rates of Cu and Zn from commercial antifouling paints at different salinities
Total tin and organotin speciation in historic layers of antifouling paint on leisure boat hulls
Shipping and the environment: Smokestack emissions, scrubbers and unregulated oceanic consequences
Pre-study on sustainability indices for shipping
A novel XRF method to measure environmental release of copper and zinc from antifouling paints
XRF measurements of tin, copper and zinc in antifouling paints coated on leisure boats
New analytical application for metal determination in antifouling paints
Contamination of a boatyard for maintenance of pleasure boats
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Showing 28 research projects
Förbättrad kunskap om utsläpp av farliga ämnen från sjöfarten i Ospar-regionen (Nordostatlanten)
SEAS-Samhällsekonomiska analyser för sjötransporter
Samhällsekonomisk analys av sjöfartens samlade belastning på havsmiljön (SHIPCOST)
Hazard and sustainability assessment of current antifouling coatings
VEKTOR-Fartyg som vektor för marina främmande arter
Quality assurance of XRF measurements of tin on recreational boats
EXIT - Externa kostnader, styrmedel och kostnadseffektiva åtgärder för att nå en hållbar sjöfart
Update and development of new assessment criteria for metals
DevelopmeNt of lignin-bAsed eco-friendly anTifoUling coatings for maRine AppLications (NATURAL)
Efficacy testing of antifouling paints
Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (EMERGE)
Improved risk assessment of antifouling paints
Development of an analytical tool to assess the impact of tributyltin (TBT) in Swedish water bodies
Policy instruments and valuation of impact from shipping (VäSt)
The presence of TBT on ships and pleasure craft's hull
Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)
Changing antifouling practices for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea (CHANGE)
Ecotoxicological effects of seawater scrubbing and its relation to ocean acidification
Commercial shipping as a source of acidification in the Baltic Sea (SHipH)