Ashraf Uz Zaman
Ashraf Uz Zaman is a Docent (Associate Professor) in the Antenna Systems research group.

Showing 215 publications
D-Band High Gain Planer Slot Array Antenna using Gap Waveguide Technology
Wideband High Efficiency Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide Single-Layer Feeding Network
A Comparative Study of Decoupling Techniques for Waveguide Slot Array Antennas
A 50 dBi E-Band Dual-reflector Antenna for 5G Backhauling with Auto-beam-tracking Function
Antenna and Mechanical Co-Design for Auto-Beam-Tracking in Backhaul Systems
Analysis of Radiating Transverse Slot Unit Cell and Reflection Cancellation at D-Band
Compact Circularly Polarized Antenna based on Gapwaveguide for SATCOM Applications
An Automotive Polarimetric Radar Sensor With Circular Polarization Based on Gapwaveguide Technology
High Gain Linearly Polarized 1D Beam Scanning Array Antenna based on Gap Waveguide Technology
A Gap Waveguide-Based D-Band Slot Array Antenna with Interdigital Feed Network
Design of a dual-CP gap waveguide fed aperture array antenna
E-Band Low-Loss Reconfigurable Phase Shifters
Design of a Gap Waveguide Based Unit Cell for 1-D Beam Scanning Application at W-band
Low-Cost Ball-Pen Gap Waveguide With Nearly Zero Friction for Sliding Movements
Pattern Distributed Pins in Half-mode Groove Gap Waveguide for Stable Performance and Low Cost
Substrate-Less Vertical Chip-to-Waveguide Transition for W-Band Array Antenna Integration
Gapwaveguide Automotive Imaging Radar Antenna with Launcher in Package Technology
Multilayer Dry Film Photoresist Fabrication of a Robust >100 GHz Gap Waveguide Slot Array Antenna
A Dual-Circularly Polarized Gap Waveguide-Based Linear Array Antenna for 60 GHz-Band
Applications of Contactless Characteristics of Gap Waveguides in Mechanical Reconfigurability
A Millimeter-Wave Six-Port Junction Based on Ridge Gap Waveguide
An E-band Reconfigurable Phase Shifter Based on Gap Waveguide
Using a Conical Horn as Compact Antenna Test Range Feed in Millimetre Bands
Micromachined Wideband Ridge Gap Waveguide Power Divider at 220-325 GHz
A 60 GHz-Band 4x4 Butler Matrix Based on Ridge Gap Waveguide
A Single Layer Dual-Polarization Array Antenna Based on Parallel Plate Gap Waveguide
Design and development of broadband gap waveguide-based 0-dB couplers for Ka-band applications
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees
A 60 GHz-Band 4×4 Butler Matrix Based on Ridge Gap Waveguide
High Gain and Fixed Broadside radiation at 140GHz Band by a Leaky Wave Slotted Waveguide
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide Transmission Line and Transition at 220-310 GHz
A Dual Circularly Polarized Array Antenna for Ka-Band Satellite Communications
3D Printed Periodic Structures for RF Packaging of Integrated Array Module at sub-6GHz Band
An unequal power divider based on ridge gap waveguide with an inserted conductor plate
Compact Low-Loss Chip-to-Waveguide and Chip-to-Chip Packaging Concept Using EBG Structures
Single Layer Dual Circularly Polarized Antenna Elements for Automotive Radar at 77 GHz
Ka band microstrip fed slot array antenna with PMC packaging
A Series-fed High-Gain Gap Waveguide Planar Array Antenna Fed by Quasi-TEM Wave
Oil, water, and ice detection on road surfaces with a millimeter-wave radiometer
D-band waveguide-to-microstrip transition implemented in eWLB packaging technology
A V-Band Low Sidelobe Cavity-Backed Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide
A Compact Double-Layer Groove Gap Waveguide Power Divider with High Isolation
Packaging Technique of Highly Integrated Circuits Based on EBG Structure for +100 GHz Applications
Road Surface Characterization Using a Radiometer at 100 GHz
Planar H-Plane Horn Antenna Based on Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
A wideband 3-dB directional coupler in GGW for use in V-Band communication systems
Groove Gap Waveguide Filter Based on Horizontally Polarized Resonators for V-Band Applications
Nongalvanic Generic Packaging Solution Demonstrated in a Fully Integrated D-Band Receiver
A Method of Reducing Mutual Coupling for a Finite Array
A Simple Asymmetric Orthomode Transducer Based on Groove Gap Waveguide
5G mmWave Beam Steering Antenna Development and Testing
Two Types of High Gain Slot Array Antennas based on Ridge Gap Waveguide in the D-Band
An Unequal Power Divider Based on Ridge Gap Waveguide
Polymer based 140 GHz Planar Gap Waveguide Array Antenna for Line of Sight (LOS) MIMO Backhaul Links
An E-band Compact Frequency Division Duplex Radio Front-end Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
Ultrawide Band Tightly-Coupled Aperture Magneto-Electric Dipole Array over 20 - 40 GHz
D-Band Slot Array Antenna Using Combined Ridge and Groove Gap Waveguide Feeding Network
A Method of Reducing Mutual Coupling Using an Extra Coupling Path
8 x 8 Ka-Band Dual-Polarized Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
Wideband Dual-polarized Array Antenna on Dielectric-based Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
Design of a 38 dBi Slot Array on Gap Waveguide at 140 GHz
A D-Band Center-Feed Linear Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide
A mmWave Wideband Slot Array Antenna Based on Ridge Gap Waveguide With 30% Bandwidth
A V-band branch guide 3-dB Coupler based on gap waveguide for use in antenna array
A Planar Single-Polarized Ultra-Wideband Antenna Element for Millimeter-Wave Phased Array
Gap waveguide technology for millimeter-wave antenna systems
Millimeter wave Microstrip Fed Slot Array Antenna with PMC Packaging for Future 5G Systems
Millimeter wave high gain antenna based on gap waveguide technology
A wideband high-gain and high-efficiency slot array antenna based on groove gap waveguide
PCB Based UWB mm-Wave Smart Capped Bowtie Array for 5G Communication Systems
Design of A Wideband Array Antenna Prototype with Gap Waveguide for W-Band Wireless Links
A compact phase shifter in groove gap waveguide for millimeter-wave applications
W-Band Low-Profile Monopulse Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide Corporate-Feed Network
140 GHz Planar Gap Waveguide Array Antenna for Line of Sight (LOS) MIMO Backhaul Links
Gap waveguide based 1-D steerable beam antenna concept for millimeter-wave 5G application
Bandwidth Investigation on Half-Height Pin in Ridge Gap Waveguide
Design of Wideband Slot Array Antenna by Groove Gap Waveguide in Millimeter Waves
Towards Integrated Active Antennas for 5G mm-wave Applications at Gapwaves
Capacitive-coupled groove gap waveguide filter
Pick and place assembly technique for fabrication of groove gapwaveguide resonator
E-band 3-D metal printed wideband planar horn array antenna
A dual-polarized slotted-waveguide antenna based on gap waveguide technology
An E-band Antenna-diplexer Compact Integrated Solution Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
Wideband cavity-backed slot subarray with gap waveguide feed-network for D-band applications
Diplexer integration into a Ka-band high-gain gap waveguide corporate-fed slot array antenna
Design of a double layer cavity backed slot array antenna in gap waveguide technology
Slot Antenna Array Unit Cell Directly Fed by Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
Ridge gap waveguide slot antenna array with 30% bandwidth for 60-GHz applications
A GapWaveguide-Fed Wideband Patch Antenna Array for 60-GHz Applications
Millimeter wave wideband high gain antenna based on gap waveguide technology
A Ridge Gap Waveguide fed apperture-coupled microstrip antenna array for 60 GHz applications
Design of 8 × 8 Slot Array Antenna based on Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
A Wideband Contactless and Bondwire-Free MMIC to Waveguide Transition
Micromachined Linear Slot Array Antenna for 100 GHz with 10 dB Gain Using GAP Waveguide Technology
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
Design of transition from WR-15 to inverted microstrip gap waveguide
Mm-Wave contactless connection for MMIC integration in gap waveguides
Different gap waveguide slot array configurations for mmwave fixed beam antenna application
Corporate distribution networks for slot array antenna based on groove gap waveguide technology
Optimizing the numerical port for inverted microstrip gap waveguide in full-wave simulators
A high gain ridge gap waveguide fed slot antenna array for 60 GHz applications
Design of a Cavity-backed Slot Array Unit Cell on Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
W-band spatial power combiner and splitter in gap waveguide technology
Spatial Power Combining and Splitting in Gap Waveguide Technology
A groove gap Waveguide Iris Filter for V-band Application
V-Band Groove Gap Waveguide Diplexer
Prospective new PMC based gap waveguide shielding for microwave modules
60GHz Slot-Array Antenna Design Based on Gap Waveguide Cavity and Gap Waveguide Feed
Micromachined gap waveguide devices for above 100 GHz
Study of Q-Factors of Ridge and Groove Gap Waveguide Resonators
Micromachined Groove Gap Waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Micromachined gap waveguides for 100 GHz applications
Ku band linear slot-array in ridge gapwaveguide technology
Ka-Band Gap Waveguide Coupled-Resonator Filter for Radio Link Diplexer Application
Linear slot array design in ridge gap waveguide technology
Gap waveguide components for millimeter-wave systems. Couplers, filters, antennas, MMIC packaging
Bed of Springs for Packaging of Microstrip Circuits in the Microwave Frequency Range
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for Millimeter-Wave Applications
Slot antenna in ridge gap waveguide technology
Investigation of a Microstrip-to-Ridge Gap Waveguide transition by electromagnetic coupling
Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguide and Resonator for 220-325 GHz
Metamatrial based packaging method for improved isolation of circuit elements in microwave modules
Improved Microstrip Filters Using PMC Packaging by Lid of Nails
Design of a coplanar waveguide-to-ridge gap waveguide transition via capacitive coupling
Micromachined ridge gap waveguide for sub millimeter and millimeter wave applications
Improving microstrip filters with gap waveguide packaging
New low loss inverted microstrip line using gap waveguide technology for slot antenna applications
Design of Band-Pass Filter Using Gap Waveguide Technology
Design of Micromachined Ridge Gap Waveguides for Millimeter-Wave Applications
Cryogenic integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed in wideband receiver for VLBI 2010
Q-factor comparisons between new gap waveguide technology and standard rectangular waveguide
Cryogenic 2-14GHz low noise receiver for radio astronomy using Eleven feed
Validation of ridge gap waveguide performance using in-house TRL calibration kit
Design of cryogenic 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas for future radio telescopes
Packaging of microstrip circuits using gap waveguide approach
Losses in ridge gap waveguide compared with rectangular waveguide and microstrip lines
Concept of gap waveguide and measured results for first demonstrator
Alternative ridge gap waveguide design using a mushroom-type EBG surface
Design of Transition from Coaxial Line to Ridge Gap Waveguide
Parallel plate cavity mode suppression in microstrip circuit packages using a lid of nails
Dual polarised microstrip patch antenna with high port isolation
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Showing 10 research projects
ENTOURAGE - Energy Efficient Point to Multipoint Fronthaul for 6G Wideband Distributed MIMO
Advanced Radar Sensor Front-end Modules and Solutions for Increased Road Safety
ESTEEM: Kostnadseffektiv hybridantenn för bredband över LEO satellit
Hardware For Next generation Millimeter Wave Automotive Radar Sensor
Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Gap Waveguide Antenna Module Design Based on Pick and Place Technique