Alastair Ross
Visar 66 publikationer
Differences between Arterial and Venous Umbilical Cord Plasma Metabolome and Association with Parity
Whole grain Content of Cereal Products
Brain foods - the role of diet in brain performance and health
Whole-Grain Processing and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Crossover Trial
Community-Based Study of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity Progression in Adults
One-carbon metabolism markers are associated with cardiometabolic risk factors
A low-gluten diet induces changes in the intestinal microbiome of healthy Danish adults
Analysis of avenanthramides in oat products and estimation of avenanthramide intake in humans
Quantification of benzoxazinoids and their metabolites in Nordic breads
Serum alkylresorcinols as biomarkers of dietary gluten exposure in coeliac disease
Serum Alkylresorcinols as Biomarkers of Dietary Gluten Exposure in Celiac disease
Perspective: A Definition for Whole-Grain Food Products-Recommendations from the Healthgrain Forum
Whole grain in manufactured foods: Current use, challenges and the way forward
Recommendations for reporting whole-grain intake in observational and intervention studies
Effect of wholegrain emmer wheat on serum folate and homocysteine - a pilot human intervention study
Dietary determinants of one carbon metabolism and methylation capacity
Whole grains beyond fibre: what can metabolomics tell us about mechanisms?
The role of one carbon metabolism and methylation capacity in metabolic syndrome
A new biomarker for quinoa intake
Effect of Whole Grain Wheat Versus Refined Wheat Diet on Metabolic Health in Zucker FA/FA Rats
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Kostbiomarkörer 2.0: från potential mot implementering
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