Leo Laine

Visar 87 publikationer
Motion resistance modelling and validation in winter conditions with varying air drag
Experimental Validation of Yaw Stability Control Strategies for Articulated Vehicle Combinations
An Improved Pure Pursuit Algorithm for the Automated Steering Control of Road Vehicles
Applying quantum approximate optimization to the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
Integrated Motion Control for Heavy Goods Vehicles Using Multiple Actuators
Yaw Stability Control of Vehicles Using a Slip Polytope Validated with Real Tests
Comparison of blast load results from SHIELD tests with independent numerical simulations
On the Control Allocation Performance of Longer Combination Vehicles
Improved Lateral Performance of a Long Combination Vehicle Based on Artificial Flow Guidance
Design of a Robust Load-dependent Steering Controller for Improved High Capacity Vehicle Safety
Real-time Predictive Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Heavy Vehicles by Sequential Programming
Predictive Energy and Motion Management for Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Tactical Decision-Making in Autonomous Driving by Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty Estimation
Methods for Reducing Highspeed Off-Tracking in Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Computationally Efficient Nonlinear One-and Two-Track Models for Multitrailer Road Vehicles
Gain-scheduled H Controller Synthesis for Actively-steered Longer and Heavier Commercial Vehicles
Trends in vehicle motion control for automated driving on public roads
Rethink EE Architecture in Automotive to facilitate Automation,
Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization
Automated Speed and Lane Change Decision Making using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Robust tracking controller design for active dolly steering
Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization
Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Energy Management in Plug-in Hybrid Heavy Vehicles
Improving directional stability control in a heavy truck by combining braking and steering action
Quantification of Excitation Required for Accurate Friction Estimation
Brake system design for future heavy goods vehicles
Optimization Based Design of Heterogeneous Truck Fleet and Electric Propulsion
Large Moving Base Simulators and Automation Design for Heavy Vehicles - Case Study for HCT
Driver Model Based Automated Driving of Long Vehicle Combinations in Emulated Highway Traffic
Combining Coordination of Motion Actuators with Driver Steering Interaction
Real-Time NMPC for Semi-Automated Highway Driving of Long Heavy Vehicle Combinations
The influence of steering wheel size when tuning power assistance
Driver response at tyre blow-out in heavy vehicles & the importance of scrub radius
Coordination of Actuators for an A-double Heavy Vehicle Combination
Evaluation of Dynamical Behaviour of Long Heavy Vehicles Using Performance Based Characterstics
Performance Improvement for A-double Combination by introducing a Smart Dolly
Driver Response to Automatic Braking under Split Friction Conditions
Predictive Driver Interpreter by using Inverse Model for Heavy Vehicles
Real-time performance of control allocation for actuator coordination in heavy vehicles
Traction and braking of hybrid electric vehicles using control allocation
Traction and Braking of Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Control Allocation
Brake Blending for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Control Allocation
Reconfigurable Motion Control Systems for Over-Actuated Road Vehicles
Control allocation based electronic stability control system for a conventional road vehicle
Coordination of Vehicle Motion and Energy Management Control Systems for Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles
On vehicle system control architecture for fuel cell- and hybrid electric vehicles
Evaluation of a generic vehicle motion control architecture
Wheel Force Distribution for Improved Handling in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Nonlinear Control
LS-DYNA3D Finite Element Analysis of a Chain Link at a Fairlead in a Mooring System.
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Nya förutsättningar för optimerade godstransportlösningar
Energy-efficient autopilot (EcoPilot)
Distribuerad Vagnsreglering av Multi-trailer Fordon
Komplett fordonskombinationsreglering med automatisk rekonfigurering när enheter ansluts
Intelligent, högprestanda färdbromsmodul för tunga fordon
Taktiskt beslutsfattande i dynamiska, osäkra trafiksituationer
Distribuerad framdrivning mellan enheter i en lång fordonskombination
Active Converter Dolly testing
Active Steering Force Feedback for Commercial Heavy Vehicles