Bernt Wennberg
Min forskning handlar till stor del om mångpartikelsystem. Det kan handla om gaser eller stora djurflockar, men det är de matematiska frågeställningarna som står i centrum. Jag samarbetar med biologer och medicinare vid Göteborgs universitet, och med matematiker huvudsakligen i Frankrike och USA

Visar 71 publikationer
The Two Dimensional Lorentz Gas in the Kinetic Limit: Theoretical and Numerical Results
The Lorentz Gas with a Nearly Periodic Distribution of Scatterers
The Impact of Elastic Deformations of the Extracellular Matrix on Cell Migration
The BGK Equation as the Limit of an N-Particle System
Impact of anticipation in dynamical systems
Chaotic distributions for relativistic particles
A Boltzmann model for rod alignment and schooling fish
Propagation of Chaos for the Thermostatted Kac Master Equation
Improved Estimation of Human Lipoprotein Kinetics with Mixed Effects Models
The N-Player War of Attrition in the Limit of Infinitely Many Players
A new approach to quantitative propagation of chaos for drift, diffusion and jump processes
Kinetic hierarchy and propagation of chaos in biological swarm models
Kinetic Limits for Pair-Interaction Driven Master Equations and Biological Swarm Models
Free Path Lengths in Quasi Crystals
Increased migration in host–pathogen metapopulations can cause host extinction
Random many-particle systems: applications from biology, and propagation of chaos in abstract models
A Model of Sympatric Speciation Through Reinforcement
On analytic and algebraic observability of nonlinear delay systems
The Kac master equation with unbounded collision rate
Adaptive and recursive time relaxed monte carlo methods for rarefied gas dynamics
Brownian Approximation and Monte Carlo Simulation of the Non-Cutoff Kac Equation
State elimination and identifiability of the delay parameter for nonlinear time-delay systems
Stationary states for the non-cutoff Kac equation with a Gaussian thermostat
Identifiability of the time-lag parameter in delay systems with applications in systems biology
Mass and energy balance laws derived from high field limits of thermostatted Boltzmann equations
Conservation laws and identifiability of rate expressions in biochemical models
The Boltzmann equation on a two-dimensional lattice; theoretical and numerical results.
The Kac equation with a thermostatted force field
Lattice points on circles and discrete velocity models for the Boltzmann equation
Overproduction of VLDL1 driven by hyperglycemia is a dominant feature of diabetic dyslipidemia
Stationary states for the Kac equation with a Gaussian thermostat
Smoothness of the solution of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without cutoff
On the derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation from a periodic lattice gas
On the derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation from a periodic lattice gas
Smoothness of the solutin of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without cutoff
Solutions with increasing energy for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
A recursive Monte Carlo method for the Boltzmann equation in the Maxwellian case
Entropy dissipation and long-range interactions
On the distribution of free path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas. II
An example of nonuniqueness for solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation
On the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
Solutions with increasing energy for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
On the distribution of free path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas
An example of non-uniqueness for solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation
Entropic convergence for solutions of the Boltzmann equation with general physical initial data
The geometry of binary collisions and generalized Radon transforms
A Maxwellian lower bound for solutions to the Boltzmann equation
Entropy dissipation and moment production for the Boltzmann equation
A compactness result for generalized Radon transforms
The Tanaka functional and exponential convergence for non-cut-off molecules
Lower bounds for the solutions to the Kac and the Boltzmann equation
The Povzner inequality and moments in the Boltzmann equation
Stability and exponential convergence for the Boltzmann equation
On moments and uniqueness for solutions to the space homogeneous Boltzmann equation
Regularity in the Boltzmann equation and the Radon transform
Stability and exponential convergence in L1 for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
Stability and Exponential Convergence for the Boltzmann Equation
On an entropy dissipation inequality for the Boltzmann equation
Stability and exponential convergence in L(p) for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation
The Boltzmann equation with weakly inhomogeneous data and a source term
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Hierarkiska mixed effects-modeller av dynamiska system
Stochastics for big data and big systems - bridging local and global
Mångpartikelsystem, kinetiska ekvationer och matematisk spelteori med många spelare
Partikelsystem, kinetiska ekvationer och tillämpningar