Giuseppe Durisi
Giuseppe Durisi är professor i kommunikationssystem och informationsteori. Dr. Durisis forskningsintressen ligger inom kommunikations- och informationsteori samt machine inlärning. Ett av målen med hans forskning är att utveckla nya kommunikationsstrategier som klarar kraven från framtida trådlösa kommunikationsnätverk. Dr. Durisi är Senior Member i IEEE.

Visar 150 publikationer
Generalization Bounds : Perspectives from Information Theory and PAC-Bayes
Wireless 6G Connectivity for Massive Number of Devices and Critical Services
EVM Analysis of Distributed Massive MIMO with 1-Bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul
Type-Based Unsourced Multiple Access
Pilot-Assisted URLLC Links: Impact of Synchronization Error
Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing in 6G D-MIMO Networks
Is Synchronization a Bottleneck for Pilot-Assisted URLLC Links?
Secure Aggregation Is Not Private Against Membership Inference Attacks
Deep-Learning-Based Channel Estimation for Distributed MIMO with 1-bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul
A TDD Distributed MIMO Testbed Using a 1-bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul Architecture
Unsourced Multiple Access With Common Alarm Messages: Network Slicing for Massive and Critical IoT
Performance of Quantized Massive MIMO with Fronthaul Rate Constraint over Quasi-Static Channels
Age of Information in Slotted ALOHA With Energy Harvesting
Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted URLLC with Massive MIMO
Unsourced Multiple Access With Random User Activity
Cell-Free Massive MIMO for URLLC: A Finite-Blocklength Analysis
The Dynamic Behavior of Frameless ALOHA: Drift Analysis, Throughput, and Age of Information
Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA Over the Binary Adder Channel
WiP: Verifiable, Secure and Energy-Efficient Private Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted finite-blocklength transmission
Editorial Issue on 'Information Theoretic Foundations of Future Communication Systems'
Unsourced Multiple Access for Heterogeneous Traffic Requirements
Transfer Meta-Learning: Information-Theoretic Bounds and Information Meta-Risk Minimization
New Family of Generalization Bounds Using Samplewise Evaluated CMI
Evaluated CMI Bounds for Meta Learning: Tightness and Expressiveness
On Joint Detection and Decoding in Short-Packet Communications
Age of Information in Prioritized Random Access
A Finite-Blocklength Analysis for URLLC with Massive MIMO
Low-Resolution Massive MIMO Under Hardware Power Consumption Constraints
Hybrid Jammer Mitigation for All-Digital mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Massive Uncoordinated Access with Random User Activity
Fast-Rate Loss Bounds via Conditional Information Measures with Applications to Neural Networks
Conditional Mutual Information-Based Generalization Bound for Meta Learning
Short-packet Transmission via Variable-Length Codes in the Presence of Noisy Stop Feedback
Cell-free Massive MIMO with Short Packets
URLLC with Massive MIMO: Analysis and Design at Finite Blocklength
An Age of Information Characterization of Frameless ALOHA
Resolution-Adaptive All-Digital Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Finite-alphabet MMSE equalization for all-digital massive MU-MIMO mmWave communications
Generalization Bounds via Information Density and Conditional Information Density
Hardware-friendly two-stage spatial equalization for all-digital mm-wave massive MU-MIMO
Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications
Soft-Output Finite Alphabet Equalization for mmWave Massive MIMO
Hardware-Friendly Two-Stage Spatial Equalization for All-Digital mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
On single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels at finite blocklength
High-Bandwidth Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO with Processing-in-Memory
Generalization Error Bounds via mth Central Moments of the Information Density
Distributed Massive MIMO via all-Digital Radio Over Fiber
Timing and Frequency Synchronization for 1-bit Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink
On the nonasymptotic performance of variable-length codes with noisy stop feedback
Peak-Age Violation Guarantees for the Transmission of Short Packets over Fading Channels
Saddlepoint Approximations for Noncoherent Single-Antenna Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels
Short Packets over Block-Memoryless Fading Channels: Pilot-Assisted or Noncoherent Transmission?
How to Increase the Achievable Information Rate by Per-Channel Dispersion Compensation
Efficient error-correcting codes in the short blocklength regime
Accuracy Assessment of Nondispersive Optical Perturbative Models through Capacity Analysis
List Decoding of Short Codes for Communication over Unknown Fading Channels
Low-Complexity Joint Channel Estimation and List Decoding of Short Codes
Low-latency Ultra-Reliable 5G Communications: Finite-blocklength bounds and coding schemes
Short-Packet Transmission over a Bidirectional Massive MIMO link
All-Digital Massive MIMO Uplink and Downlink Rates under a Fronthaul Constraint
Neural-Network Optimized 1-bit Precoding for Massive MU-MIMO
Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM uplink with direct RF-sampling and 1-Bit ADCs
Finite-Alphabet Wiener Filter Precoding for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO Systems
Linear Precoding With Low-Resolution DACs for Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink
Beta-beta bounds: Finite-blocklength analog of the golden formula
Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink with One-Bit DACs and Linear Precoding
5G wireless network slicing for eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC: A communication-theoretic view
Pilot-Assisted Short-Packet Transmission over Multiantenna Fading Channels: A 5G Case Study
MSE-Optimal 1-Bit Precoding for Multiuser MIMO Via Branch and Bound
5G physical layer: Principles, models and technology components
VLSI Design of a 3-bit Constant-Modulus Precoder for Massive MU-MIMO
Low-Latency Short-Packet Transmissions: Fixed Length or HARQ?
Massive multiuser MIMO downlink with low- resolution converters
Normal Approximations for Fading Channels
Age-Optimal Channel Coding Blocklength for an M/G/1 Queue with HARQ
Demodulation and Detection Schemes for a Memoryless Optical WDM Channel
Nonlinear Precoding for Phase-Quantized Constant-Envelope Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM
Pilot-Assisted Short Packet Transmission over Memoryless Block-Fading Channels
Common-message broadcast channels with feedback in the nonasymptotic regime: Full feedback
Common-message broadcast channels with feedback in the nonasymptotic regime: Stop feedback
Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Uplink with Hardware Impairments: Modeling and Analysis
All-digital massive MIMO with a fronthaul constraint
Delay and Peak-Age Violation Probability in Short-Packet Transmissions
Throughput Analysis of Massive MIMO Uplink With Low-Resolution ADCs
A Tighter Upper Bound on the Capacity of the Nondispersive Optical Fiber Channel
Feedback Halves the Dispersion for Some Two-User Broadcast Channels with Common Message
1-bit Massive MU-MIMO Precoding in VLSI
Short Codes with Mismatched Channel State Information: A Case Study
A High-SNR Normal Approximation for Single-Antenna Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels
Quantized Precoding for Massive MU-MIMO
On Out-of-Band Emissions of Quantized Precoding in Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM
The dispersion of nearest-neighbor decoding for additive non-Gaussian channels
Nonlinear 1-bit precoding for massive MU-MIMO with higher-order modulation
Short-Packet Communications over Multiple-Antenna Rayleigh-Fading Channels
Nonasymptotic coding-rate bounds for binary erasure channels with feedback
Towards Massive, Ultra-Reliable, and Low-Latency Wireless Communication with Short Packets
Toward Massive, Ultrareliable, and Low-Latency Wireless Communication With Short Packets
Quantized Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Uplink
Minimum Energy to Send k Bits Over Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels
Initial multi-node and antenna transmitter and receiver architectures and schemes; Deliverable D5.1
The Dispersion of Nearest-Neighbor Decoding for Additive Non-Gaussian Channels
A Beta-Beta Achievability Bound with Applications
Variable-Length Coding with Stop-Feedback for the Common-Message Broadcast Channel
Capacity of SIMO and MISO Phase-Noise Channels with Common/Separate Oscillators
Minimum Energy to Send k Bits over Rayleigh-Fading Channels
Broadcasting a Common Message with Variable-Length Stop-Feedback Codes
High-SNR Capacity of Multiple-Antenna Phase-Noise Channels with Common/Separate RF Oscillators
One-Bit Massive MIMO: Channel Estimation and High-Order Modulations
Optimum Power Control at Finite Blocklength
Information-theory-friendly models for fiber-optic channels: A primer
Analysis of Massive MIMO with hardware impairments and different channel models
On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on Massive MIMO
Capacity of a nonlinear optical channel with finite memory
Diversity versus multiplexing at finite blocklength
Quasi-Static Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
Degrees of Freedom of Generic Block-Fading MIMO Channels Without a Priori Channel State Information
Capacity bounds for MIMO microwave backhaul links affected by phase noise
Finite-Blocklength Channel Coding Rate Under a Long-Term Power Constraint
Oversampling increases the pre-log of noncoherent Rayleigh fading channels
Finite-blocklength analysis of the ARQ-protocol throughput over the Gaussian collision channel
Dispersion of Quasi-Static MIMO Fading Channels via Stokes’ Theorem
On the capacity of MIMO Wiener phase-noise channels
On the Capacity of Large-MIMO Block-Fading Channels
How costly is it to learn fading channels?
On the multiplexing gain of MIMO Microwave backhaul links affected by Phase Noise
Generic correlation increases noncoherent MIMO capacity
Capacity Pre-Log of Noncoherent SIMO Channels via Hironaka’s Theorem
Quasi-Static SIMO Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
Block-fading channels at finite blocklength
LTE MIMO multiplexing performance measured in reverberation chamber and accurate simple theory
Unitary isotropically distributed inputs are not capacity-achieving for large-MIMO fading channels
On the capacity of the block-memoryless phase-noise channel
A robust {RFPI}-based 1-bit compressive sensing reconstruction algorithm
Modeling system throughput of single and multi-port wireless LTE devices
Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length
Uncertainty Relations and Sparse Signal Recovery for Pairs of General Signal Sets
On the Sensitivity of Continuous-Time Noncoherent Fading Channel Capacity
Capacity Pre-Log of SIMO Correlated Block-Fading Channels
Information Theory of underspread WSSUS channels
Noncoherent SIMO Pre-Log via Resolution of Singularities
High-SNR Capacity of Wireless Communication Channels in the Noncoherent Setting: A Primer
Real-Time Principal Component Pursuit
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Visar 17 forskningsprojekt
Målinriktat kommunikation: när är semantisk återkoppling meningsfull?
Lagring och flexibilitet för förbättrad kapacitet i elnätet
Energieffektiv massiv random access för distribuerade autonoma system i realtid
Towards a greater understanding of deep neural networks (IT-DNN)
Distributed massive MIMO with low-precision components
Distribuerad massiv MIMO med lågprecisions-komponenter
INNER: information theory of deep neural networks
Låglatent slumpartad åtkomst för uppkoppling till IoT
SWIFT : short-packet wireless information theory
Massive MIMO med lågprecisionsomvandlare
Testmiljö för framtidens kommunikationssystem
Fiberoptisk interferens är inte brus
Massiv MIMO-system med olinjär, icke-ideal hårdvara
Grundläggande begränsningar av användarnas samordningen i trådlösa nätverk