Ola Carlson
Ola Carlson är biträdande professor i förnybar elkraftproduktion. Hans forskningsintresse omfattar förnybar elproduktion och hybridbilsteknik och då främst de elektriska delarna såsom generatorer och frekvensomriktare samt integration med elnätet. Ola är också senior rådgivare för Svenskt Vindkraftstekniskt Centrum och medlem i Energimyndighetens strategiska råd för vindkraft.

Visar 116 publikationer
Which wind turbine types are needed in a cost-optimal renewable energy system?
Electrostatic discharge impacts on the main shaft bearings of wind turbines
Optimal Maintenance Schedule for a Wind Power Turbine with Aging Components
Forecasting of Day-Ahead Wind Speed/electric Power by Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm
Effect of Short-term and High-resolution Load Forecasting Errors on Microgrid Operation Costs
Scenario-based Stochastic Optimization for Energy and Flexibility Dispatch of a Microgrid
Key Drivers and Future Scenarios of Local Energy and Flexibility Markets
A Review on Challenges and Solutions in Microgrid Protection
Market-based Energy Management Model of a Building Microgrid Considering Battery Degradation
Development of a DSO Support Tool for Congestion Forecast
Common mode voltage impact on wind turbine main shaft bearing
Är kärnkraften nödvändig för en fossilfri, svensk, elproduktion?
Analysis of wind turbines under harsh operation conditions
Field-test of wind turbine by voltage source converter
Energy Scheduling Strategies for Grid-connected Microgrids: A Case Study on Chalmers Campus
On-line Voltage Instability Prediction using an Artificial Neural Network
Grand challenges in the science of wind energy
A Congestion Forecast Framework for Distribution Systems with High Penetration of PV and PEVs
Integration Aspects of Full Converter Wind Turbines and the Impact on Long-term Voltage Stability
Chalmers Campus as a Testbed for Intelligent Grids and Local Energy Systems
A Survey of Voltage Stability Indicators Based on Local Synchronized Phasor Measurements
Grid Code Testing of Wind Turbine by VSC-based Test Equipment
Demonstration of Voltage Control in a Real Distribution System using Model Predictive Control
Predictive voltage control of batteries and tap changers in distribution system with photovoltaics
Inertia Support During Variable Wind Conditions
Frequency Characterization of Type-IV Wind Turbine Systems
Novel LVRT Testing Method for Wind Turbines Using Flexible VSC Technology
Teknologier för förnyelsebar elproduktion
Harnessing energy flows: technologies for renewable power production
Optimizing Wind Power Hosting Capacity of Distribution Systems Using Cost Benefit Analysis
Droop Based Steady State Control Algorithm for a Meshed HVDC Grid
Challenges Towards the Deployment of Offshore Grids: the OffshoreDC Project
Development and Demonstration of New Technology for the use of Wind Turbines on Ships
Evaluating the Customers’ Benefits of Hourly Pricing Based on Day-Ahead Spot Market
Marin energi kan bli en stor svensk exportvara
The Effect of Wind Power Integration on the Frequency of Tap Changes of a Substation Transformer
Dually Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Condition Monitoring Using Generator Current
Modal Field-Oriented Control of a Split-Phase PM Motor with Dual Inverters
Steady State Controll Strategy for a Meshed HVDC Grid with Wind Power Plants
Evaluating the Customers’ Benefits of Hourly Pricing Based on Day-Ahead Spot Market
Frequency Support by Wind Farms in Islanded Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetration
An overview of proactive wind turbine control
An Integrated 20-kW Motor Drive and Isolated Battery Charger for Plug-In Vehicles
Potentialen finnas i vind-och biokraft
Control of wind turbines: A tutorial on proactive perspectives
Grid-Connected Integrated Battery Chargers in Vehicle Applications: Review and New Solution
Control of a wind farm with an internal direct current collection grid
Embedding of ESD in engineering education: Experiences from Chalmers University of Technology
Fault handling for a wind farm with an internal DC collection grid
Det räcker inte att forska om energi
Field-Oriented Control of a PMSM Drive System Using the dSPACE Controller
Assessment of Electric Vehicle Charging Scenarios Based on Demographical Data
A trigonometric velocity estimator using a resolver sensor in drive system applications
Scheduling Charging of Electric Vehicles for Optimal Distribution Systems Planning and Operation
DC grids for integration of large scale wind power
Transient modeling of an integrated charger for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
A Combined Motor/Drive/Battery Charger Based on a Split-Windings PMSM
Optimering av energieffektivitet för elektriska drivsystem i hybridfordon
Maximizing Wind Power Integration in Distribution System
An Isolated High-Power Integrated Charger in Electrified Vehicle Applications
Integration of plug in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles - Experience from Sweden
Integrated chargers for EV's and PHEV's: examples and new solutions
Effects of Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems: The Real Case of Gothenburg
Embedding of ESD in engineering education - experiences from Chalmers University of Technology
Performance of a direct torque controlled IPM drive system in the low speed region
Effects of PHEVs in power distribution systems: reviews and analyses
Factors Influencing Design of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation for an Offshore Wind Farm
Drift, utveckling och dokumentation vid Chalmers provstation för vindenergiforskning
Control and loss calculations for an internal DC grid in a wind farm
Control algorithms for a fault-tolerant PMSM drive
Wind Power in Power Markets: Opportunities and Challenges
Validation of fixed speed wind turbine dynamic models with measured data
Comparison of Control Schemes of Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Induction Generator
Teknisk slutrapport i projektet Drift av Hönö provstation - HÖNÖ
Power System Voltage Stability Related to Wind Power Generation
Validation of an Aggregated Model of a Wind Farm with Fixed-speed Wind Turbines against Measurement
Produktionsrelaterade systemstudier
Post-fault operation of fault-tolerant inverters for PMSM drives
Integration of Wind Power by DC-Power Systems
An improved speed and position estimator for salient permanent-magnet synchronous motors
Control algorithms for a fault-tolerant PMSM drive
Sensorless control of PMSM drives for hybrid electric vehicles
Loss Minimization of a PMSM Drive for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Design and test of a 40 kW directly driven permanent-magnet generator with a frequency converter
Comparison between electrical systems for variable speed operation of wind turbines
Förstudie av elsystem till vindkraftverk med variabelt varvtal
Wind-diesel system with a variable speed turbine
Electrical system with frequency convertors for variable speed operation of wind turbines
Analys av synkrongenerator med frekvensomriktare för elgenerering vid variabelt varvtal
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Visar 21 forskningsprojekt
Maskininlärningsbaserad realtidsstyrning avförnyelsebara och säkra elkraftsystem
Frekvenstjänster från vindkraft i det svenska elkraftsystemet
Analysmetodik för utmattningslaster i vindkraftverk
Detektera och motverka lagerström för längre livslängd av huvudaxellager
Demonstration and evaluation of new turbine blade and online performance monitoring
Trä möter vindkraft: Utveckling av väderskydd
Avancerad visualisering av spänningsstabilitetsgränser och systemskydd baserat på realtidsmätningar
Fossil Free Energy Districts (FED)
Vindkraftteknik - kunskapsuppbyggnad och utveckling
Tidal Demonstration for Energy Scheme (TIDES)
Karakterisering och modellering av lagerströmaktivitet
DC Grids for Integration of Large Scale Wind Power - OffshoreDC
Svenska forskningssamarbetet med Universitetet i Dar es Salaam - programmet för förnybar energi