Mats Viberg
Professor Mats Viberg received the PhD degree in Automatic Control from Linköping University, Sweden in 1989. He has held academic positions at Linköping University and visiting Scholarships at Stanford University and Brigham Young University, USA. Since 1993, Dr. Viberg is a Professor of Signal Processing at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. During 1999-2004 he served as the Chair of the Department of Signals and Systems. From 2011 to 2017, he served as First Vice President at Chalmers University of Technology and during 2017 to August 31, 2018, he was chairing the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the same university. September 1, 2018, he was appointed Vice Chancellor at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden, a position which held until August 31, 2024. Since September 1, 2024, Viberg is a Professor of Signal Processing at Blekinge Institute of Technology and at Chalmers University of Technology. Dr. Viberg's research interests are in Statistical Signal Processing and its various applications, including Antenna Array Signal Processing, System Identification, Wireless Communications, Radar Systems and Automotive Signal Processing. Dr. Viberg has served in various capacities in the IEEE Signal Processing Society, including Chair of the Technical Committee (TC) on Signal Processing Theory and Methods (2001-2003) Chair of the TC on Sensor Array and Multichannel (2011-2012), Associate Editor of the Transactions on Signal Processing (2004-2005), member of the Awards Board (2005-2007), and member at large of the Board of Governors (2010-2012). Dr. Viberg has received 2 Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society (1993 and 1999 respectively), and the Excellent Research Award from the Swedish Research Council (VR) in 2002. Dr Viberg is a Fellow of the IEEE since 2003, and his research group received the 2007 EURASIP European Group Technical Achievement Award. In 2008, Dr. Viberg was elected into the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA). He is the co-recipient of the 2019 Sustained Impact Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Visar 176 publikationer
Reconstruction of clipped signals
Quantized Uplink Massive MIMO Systems With Linear Receivers
Reconstruction of Clipped Signals in Quantized Uplink Massive MIMO Systems
Compressed Sensing Applied to Non-Ideal Microwave Measurements in Metal Enclosures
Remote Estimation of Correlated Sources under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Improved DOA estimators using partial relaxation approach
Hybrid beamforming in uplink massive MIMO systems in the presence of blockers
Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor
Performance Analysis of Sparsity-Based Parameter Estimation
Downlink Performance of Regularized ZF in Massive MIMO Systems Subject to IQ Imbalance
Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets
Massive MIMO Systems with IQ Imbalance: Channel Estimation and Sum Rate Limits
Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer under a Non-Linear RF Energy Harvesting Model
Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer with Transmitters with Hardware Impairments
Array response interpolation and DOA estimation with array response decomposition
Performance Bounds for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor
Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Maximum Aperture Power Transmission in Lossy Homogeneous Matters
A numerical implementation of gridless compressed sensing
Wireless Information and Power Transfer in MIMO Channels under Rician fading
Wideband Waveform and Receiver Filter Bank Design for Clutter Suppression
MIMO Linear Precoder Design with Non-Ideal Transmitters
Wideband waveform design for robust target detection
Minimal continuous state-space parametrizations
Array Calibration using Array Response Interpolation and Parametric Modeling
Optimal Aperture Distribution for Maximum Power Transfer in Planar Lossy Multilayered Matters
DOA Estimation Methods and Algorithms
Introduction to Array Processing
Optimal aperture distribution for near-field detection of foreign objects in lossy media
Array Processing in the Face of Nonidealities
Wideband waveform design for clutter suppression
Basis pursuit over continuum applied to range-Doppler estimation problem
A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
A novel method of DOA tracking by penalized least squares
Sequential Bayesian Sparse Signal Reconstruction Using Array Data
Robust transceiver design for wideband MIMO radar utilizing a subarray antenna structure
Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels
Bayesian Approach to Channel Estimation for AF MIMO Relaying Systems
Inverse scattering for a closed cavity equipped with microwave antenna sensors
Impact of base station antenna tilt on the performance of network MIMO systems
Fast Candidate Points Selection in the LASSO Path
Efficient Channel Estimation Techniques for Amplify and Forward Relaying Systems
A robust ℓ1 penalized DOA estimator
Throughput Optimization for MISO Interference Channels via Coordinated User-Specific Tilting
Channel Tracking for AF MIMO Relaying Systems
Multimode Transmission in Network MIMO Downlink with Incomplete CSI
Interpolation based on stationary and adaptive AR(1) modeling
A new method to compute optimal periodic sampling patterns
Bayesian Channel Estimation Techniques for AF MIMO Relaying Systems
Maximum a Posteriori Based Regularization Parameter Selection
Coordinated user scheduling in the multi-cell MIMO downlink
Low PAPR waveform synthesis with application to wideband MIMO radar
Peak-to-Average-Power-Ratio (PAPR) reduction in WiMAX and OFDM/A systems
A Wideband Spectrum Sensing Method For Cognitive Radio Using Sub-Nyquist Sampling
Transmit and receive filter optimization for wideband MIMO radar
Eigenbeam transmission over line-of-sight MIMO channels for fixed microwave links
Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing
A NLLS based sub-Nyquist rate Spectrum Sensing for Wideband Cognitive Radio
On the resolution of the LASSO-based DOA estimation method
Reconstruction of metal protrusion on flat ground plane
Determination of model order for inverse scattering applications
Broadband ML estimation under model order uncertainty
Coordinated Single-Cell vs Multi-Cell Transmission with Limited-Capacity Backhaul
Self-Interference Suppression in Full-Duplex MIMO Relays
Parametrization of acoustic images for the detection of human presence by mobile platforms
An Efficient Signaling for Multi-mode Transmission in Multi-user MIMO
Broadband ML estimation under model order uncertainty
CLEAN technique in strip-map SAR for high-quality imaging
Performance Analysis of Relay Channel Estimation
Calibration in Array Processing
Long Range Channel Prediction Based on Non-Stationary Parametric Modeling
RELAX-based autofocus algorithm for high-resolution strip-map SAR
A unified instrumental variable approach to direction finding in colored noise fields
On the resolution probability of MUSIC in presence of modelling errors
Channel estimation performance for MIMO relays
Least-squares based channel estimation for MIMO relays
A New Method Based on Dynamic Programming for Boundary Detection in Ultrasound Image Sequences
Boundary Detection in Ultrasound Image Sequences
Simulation of MIMO antenna systems in simulink and embedded Matlab
Error modeling and calibration for high resolution DOA estimation
Modeling error sensitivity of the MUSIC algorithm conditioned on resolved sources
Analysis of 3-D shape estimation using bistatic multi-channel radar systems
Adaptive Channel Prediction Based on Polynomial Phase Signals
Simulation of a wideband reconfigurable multi-antenna system with space-time coding
Tracking moving objects in video using enhanced mean shift and region-based motion field
Two-step ESPRIT with compensation for modelling errors using a sparse calibration grid
New Approaches for Channel Prediction Based on Sinusoidal Modeling
Optimized beamforming calibration in the presence of array imperfections
Models and Predictions of Scattered Radio Waves on Rough Surfaces
Array calibration using local models
Region-based Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Object Segmentation
Method and Arrangement for Channel Prediction
3D Face Recognition Using Affine Integral Invariants
Calibrating an array antenna for scan dependent errors using a sparse grid
Data-adaptive array interpolation for DOA estimation in correlated signal environments
Subspace Based Approaches for Wiener System Identification
Performance analysis of beam forming using an approximate mutual coupling model
Direction of Arrival Estimation
Two New Approaches For Channel Prediction Based On Sinusoidal
Optimal Subspace Techniques for DOA Estimation
LMMSE Channel Predictor Based On Sinusoidal ModelingOn Sinusoidal
Multiple-Antenna Channel Estimation Using Detected Symbol Information
Non-linear Weighted Least Squares Estimation of Sinusoids in Array Signal Processing
Estimation of Resonance Frequencies and Quality Factors for Driven Electromagnetic Systems
A First-Order Statistical Method for Blind Channel Estimation
Estimation of Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors from Time Domain Computations
Analysis of spectral-based localization of spatially distributed sources
High-Resolution Space-Time Signal Processing for Radar
3 G Transmit Diversity and Inter-Cell Interference Suppression using Multiple Antenna Terminals
Subspace-Based State-Space System Identification
Superimposed Periodic Pilots for Blind Channel Estimation
A Radio Channel Model for Multielement Antenna Systems
A Robust Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithm for Multi-Component Harmonic Retrieval
Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation in Mobile Communications Enviroments
Adaptive Data Reduction for Signals Observed in Spatially Colored Noise
Can High-Performance and Robust Direction Finding be Achieved at a Reasonable Cost?"
Data Reduction in Spatially Colored Noise using a Virtual Uniform Linear Array
Exploiting channel code structure in an adaptive antenna array receiver algorithm
Resolution-Enhanced Active Wideband Sonar Imaging Employing Beamspace Focussing and Subspace Methods
Adaptive Antennas and Channel Modeling: The First Wild Years
Using the Bootstrap for Robust Detection in Array Signal Processing
Element Position Considerations for Robust Direction Finding Using Sparse Arrays
Non-Linear Instantaneous Least-Squares Method and Its High SNR Analysis
A Unified Instrumental Variable Approach to Direction Finding in Colored Noise Fields
Mutual Coupling in Antenna Arrays: Effects and Cures
Adaptive neural nets filter using a recursive Levenberg-Marquardt search direction
Joint Estimation for Frequencies, Bearings and Array Model Errors by Simulated Annealing
Multiple Transient Estimation Using Bootstrap and Subspace Methods
Separable Non-linear Least-Squares Minimization -- Possible Improvements for Neural Net Fitting
On the Direction Finding Accuracy of a Calibrated Array in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
Maximum Likelihood Array Processing in Spatially Correlated Noise Fields Using Parameterized Signals
Blind Signal Separation and Direction Finding of Finite Alphabet Signals
Two Decades of Array Signal Processing
Performance of Decoupled Direction Finding Based on Blind Signal Separation
Bayesian Approaches for Robust Array Signal Processing
Minimal Continuous State Space Parameterizations
Two Decades of Array Signal Processing Research: The Parametric Approach
On Cramér-Rao Bounds and Optimal Beamspace Transformation in Radar Array Processing
Maximum Likelihood Parameter and Rank Estimation in Reduced-Rank Linear Regression
Decoupled Separation of Digitally Modulated Signals Arriving at an Antenna Array
Maximum Likelihood Array Processing for Stochastic Coherent Sources
Reduced-Rank Linear Regression
Optimal Array Signal Processing in the Presence of Coherent Wavefronts
On Subspace-Based Methods for the Identification of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
Computationally Efficient Angle Estimation for Signals with known Waveforms
On Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Difference Equation Parameters
Array Processing in Correlated Noise Fields Based on Instrumental Variables and Subspace Fitting
Computationally Efficient Angle Estimation for Signals with known Waveforms
Performance Analysis of Direction Finding with Large Arrays and Finite Data
Weighted LS and TLS Approaches Yield Asymptotically Equivalent Results
Optimal IV-SSF Approach to Array Signal Processing in Colored Noise Fields
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Parameterestimering med glesa modeller
Vågformsdiversitet i bredbandig MIMO radar
Modellbaserad rekonstruktion och klassificering baserat på mikrovågsmätningar i närfält