Josip Vukusic
Josip Vukusic received his diploma and Ph.D. degree in photonics from Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, in 1997 and 2003 respectively.
From 2004 he is with the Physical Electronics Laboratory working on THz-technology. His is currently involved in modeling, fabrication and characterization of frequency multipliers and photomixers for THz generation. Dr. Vukusic has over 40 publications in journals and conferences. He has experience in areas such as device modeling, high frequency characterization and submicron device fabrication. The research fields/technology he has been involved with are vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, diffractive optics, quantum dots, heterostructure barrier varactors, metal-semiconductor-metal photoconductors, uni-traveling-carrier photodetectors, schottky diodes, frequency multipliers and fiber-optics.
He is a co-founder of the company Wasa Millimeter Wave AB and co-applicant of a US patent on semiconductor laser technology. Has developed and commercialized a software package for the comprehensive modelling of semiconductor lasers. Has been engaged as consultant for several start-ups as well as large, established companies.

Showing 113 publications
On-wafer characterisation of resonant-tunnelling diodes up to 1.1 THz
Reliability study of THz Schottky mixers and HBV frequency multipliers for space applications
Microstrip Waveguide Loaded with Metamaterial Structure for Sensitive Resonant Detection
Reliability assessment of GaAs and InP THz mixers and frequency multipliers fabricated on 3" wafers
Status and Prospects of High-Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers
Heterogeneous Integration of Terahertz Diode Circuits
A Tunable 240–290 GHz Waveguide Enclosed 2-D Grid HBV Frequency Tripler
Label-free millimeter-wave sensor for investigations of biological model membrane systems
A 474 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler Integrated on a 20 µm Thick Silicon Substrate
Heterogeneous integration of terahertz electronics
Millimetre-wave dielectric spectroscopy for cell analysis
Applying THz Technology in Life Science
Graphene in Millimeter Wave Devices
Heterostructure integrated HBV-based frequency quintupler for 500 GHz
A Waveguide Embedded 250 GHz Frequency-Tripler 2D Array
A waveguide embedded 250 GHz quasi-optical frequency-tripler array
Silicon Integrated HBV Frequency Multipliers
Open-volume microfluidic device for manipulation and monitoring of single-cells and tissues
Wafer bondig for integrated III-V frequency multipliers on silicon
Graphene-Si Schottky IR Detector
Thermal Analysis of III-V HBV Diode Structures on InP, GaAs, Silicon and Diamond Substrates
Integrated diode technology for THz applications
Silicon Integrated InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs HBV Frequency Tripler
The rise of graphene in microwave and THz applications
A 30-GHz Integrated Subharmonic Mixer based on a Multichannel Graphene FET
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
High Efficiency and Broad-Band Operation of Monolithically Integrated W-Band HBV Frequency Tripler
Monolithic HBV-Based 282-GHz Tripler With 31-mW Output Power
Resistive Graphene FET Subharmonic Mixers: Noise and Linearity Assessment
A 175 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler With 60 mW Output Power
Towards Practical Graphene Field Effect Transistors for Microwaves
Noise Figure Characterization of a Subharmonic Graphene FET Mixer
A Large Signal Graphene FET Model
Integrated III-V Heterostructure Barrier Varactor frequency tripler on a silicon substrate
10 dB small-signal graphene FET amplifier
Integrated terahertz electronics for imaging and sensing
A subharmonic graphene FET mixer
InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Silicon Substrate
Graphene Millimeter Wave Electronics
HBV MMIC frequency tripler and quintupler for high power THz applications
Development of a waveguide integrated sub-millimetre wave spatially power combined HBV multiplier
Development of a 0.6 THz HBV frequency tripler
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
Development of integrated submillimeter wave diodes for sources and detectors
Characterization of uni-traveling carrier photodiodes for high-linearity and high-SNR applications
Investigation of harmonic generation in a suspended graphene
Development of a HBV tripler for 0.6 THz
A broadband heterostructure barrier varactor tripler source
Transfer of InP-based HBV epitaxy onto borosilicate glass substrate by anodic bonding
Assessment of Various Epitaxial Lift-off Methods for Heterostructure Barrier Varactor
A monolithic 280 GHz HBV frequency tripler
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
An experimental 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
Investigation of passivation methods for HBV diodes
High power W-band monolithically integrated tripler
Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-Ends
Modeling of GaAs Schottky diodes for terahertz application
Characterisation of Exfoliated Graphene
High power compact multiplier sources and imaging applications
Development of a Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-End
Microwave S-parameter Characterization of an Antenna-Coupled Catadioptric Lens
Compact frequency sources using high-order multipliers
Schottky receivers and graphene for future THz electronics
Millimeter Wave Characterization of a Catadioptric Lens for Imaging Applications
High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintupler Sources for G-Band Operation
Catadioptric Dielectric Lens for Imaging Applications
Design of Antenna Integrated Photomixers and Catadioptric Lenses for Emerging THz Applications
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintuplers for Terahertz Applications
A novel catadioptric dielectric lens for microwave and terahertz applications
Optimization of the UTC-PD Epitaxy for Photomixing at 340 GHz
High Power Photonic MW/THz Generation Using UTC-PD
UTC-PD Integration for Submillimetre-wave Generation
Terahertz technology and applications
High power heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler sources for G-band operation
Mode and polarization control in VCSELs using shallow surface structures
A 0.2-W Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler at 113 GHz
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiodes
Development and Design of a 340 GHz Photomixer Source
Development of high power HBV multipliers for millimeter wave applications
Terahertz generation by multiplication
0.24 W F-Band Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler
Optimum barrier thickness study for the InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs heterostructure barrier varactor diodes
High efficiency W-band HBV Tripler and Device Reliability Studies
A High-Power Frequency Tripler for 100 GHz
High Efficiency HBV Multipliers
HBV tripler with 21% efficiency at 102 GHz
Development of Uni-Travelling-Carrier Photodiodes
Fabrication and Characterization of InGaAlAs/InP based Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes
Design of High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor based Multipliers for the W-band
Optimum Barrier Thickness Study for the Heterostructure Barrier Varactror Diode
The design and realisation of a high-power HBV multiplier source for THz-applications
Design, Fabrication and characterisation of High Power HBV Diodes
High-power single-mode and polarization stabilized VCSELs using a sub-wavelength surface grating
11% efficiency 100 GHz InP-based heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler
Thermal constraints for heterostructure barrier varactors
Single fundamental mode output power exceeding 6 mW from VCSELs with a shallow surface relief
High power HBV multipliers for F- and G- band applications
Controlling the Optical Properties of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
On the behavior and control of transverse modes in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
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Showing 3 research projects
Effektkombinering av THz oscillatorer
HBV components for space initial definition