Yiannis Karayiannidis
Showing 54 publications
Autonomous navigation with convergence guarantees in complex dynamic environments
Offline Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects
Planar Friction Modelling with LuGre Dynamics and Limit Surfaces
Offline Reinforcement Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects from Limited Real Data
Creating Star Worlds: Reshaping the Robot Workspace for Online Motion Planning
A survey of robot manipulation in contact
Planning and Control for Cable-routing with Dual-arm Robot
Trajectory Scaling for Reactive Motion Planning
Asymmetric Dual-Arm Task Execution Using an Extended Relative Jacobian
Temporal Coupling of Dynamical Movement Primitives for Constrained Velocities and Accelerations
Interpretability in Contact-Rich Manipulation via Kinodynamic Images
Task-based role adaptation for human-robot cooperative object handling
Modelling and Learning Dynamics for Robotic Food-Cutting
ReForm: A Robot Learning Sandbox for Deformable Linear Object Manipulation
Learning Shape Control of Elastoplastic Deformable Linear Objects
Monte Carlo Filtering Objectives
Motion Prediction Based on Multiple Futures for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots
Shape Control of Elastoplastic Deformable Linear Objects through Reinforcement Learning
Comparison of CNN and LSTM for modeling virtual sensors in an engine
Adaptive Trajectory Generation under Velocity Constraints using Dynamical Movement Primitives
Robotic Assembly of Rounded Parts With and Without Threads
Discrete Bimanual Manipulation for Wrench Balancing
Amortized Variational Inference for Road Friction Estimation
Human grasp position estimation for human–robot cooperative object manipulation
A Lyapunov-Based Approach to Exploit Asymmetries in Robotic Dual-Arm Task Resolution
Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for the Contact-Rich Task of Food Cutting
Human Motion Prediction in Human-Robot Handovers based on Dynamic Movement Primitives
Cooperative Manipulation and Identification of a 2-DOF Articulated Object by a Dual-Arm Robot
Universal, Open Source, Myoelectric Interface for Assistive Devices
Physical Human-Robot Interaction through a Jointly-held Object based on Kinesthetic Perception
Dexterous manipulation with compliant grasps and external contacts
Reducing the human effort for human-robot cooperative object manipulation via control design
Multi-Agent Second Order Average Consensus With Prescribed Transient Behavior
Dexterous manipulation by means of compliant grasps and external contacts
Folding Assembly by Means of Dual-Arm Robotic Manipulation
Whole Body Control of a Dual-Arm Mobile Robot Using a Virtual Kinematic Chain
Bimanual folding assembly: Switched control and contact point estimation
An Adaptive Control Approach for Opening Doors and Drawers Under Uncertainties
Adaptive control for pivoting with visual and tactile feedback
A Hybrid Control Approach to Task Priority Based Mobile Manipulation
In-Hand Manipulation Using Gravity and Controlled Slip
Robot Control for Task Performance and Enhanced Safety under Impact
Posture regulation for unicycle-like robots with prescribed performance guarantees
Force/Position/Rolling Control For Spherical Tip Robotic Fingers
Predicting Slippage and Learning Manipulation Affordances through Gaussian Process Regression
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Showing 3 research projects
Learning & Understanding Human-Centered Robotic Manipulation Strategies
Vision and machine learning for collaborative robotics